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    Date of Birth
    April 20, 1993 (31)
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    Albury, New South Wales, Australia, Australia
    CoD MW2, laughing so hard no noise comes out; so you just sit there clapping like a retarded seal :)
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    a lucid dreaming thread on another forum


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    28/4/11 - first lucid dream

    by Dexx on 04-28-2011 at 05:34 AM
    >I'm standing in blackness, like what you see when you close your eyes, there is no ground or anything to see.
    >only just having read up on lucid dreaming for the first time yesterday i pinch my nose, and i can breathe through it
    >i can feel the dream trying to get away and my body wanting to wake up, so i go to eat the ground, but as i kneel down i wake up.

    27/4/11 - kidnapped

    by Dexx on 04-28-2011 at 05:31 AM
    notes before reading:
    girlfriend's car is shit.
    Our car is good and expensive, called an SV6.
    Aiden is a good friend.
    Michael a friend. but mostly a dick.
    Ryan is my friend, but more Michael's.
    I know this dream happened between when i woke up at 3am, and woke again at 7:30am.

    >Driving with girlfriend in her car in the area inbetween her and other friend's house
    >we pass 3 guys, who look like dickheads, (they resemble the 3 guys from my class)
    >the 3 guys tactifully stop the car, (i forget how, but it was fucking creative)
    >one guy opens girlfriend's door and yells at us to get out, he has a whip with 3 tails and is whipping me with it, i pull up a couple of blankets (which were the ones i was sleeping under that night) and try to block the whip, but he keeps hitting my fingers, it fucking hurts.
    >girlfriend's car is now our SV6, and i actually care if it gets stolen.
    >we are now somehow back at these 3 guys' house, which is 2 story, me and girlfriend go in and dont know what to think when we see michael and Ryan on the couch,
    >Ryan has a look that says, "oh hey man whats up."
    >Michael has a look that says, "the fuck do you want"
    >the 3 dickheads tell Michael that they stole my SV6
    >girlfriend is now Aiden
    >Michael wants to fight us, Ryan follows him
    >we are now at school on the oval where i saw my other 2 friend's fight one time
    >the fight doesn't happen.
    >we are now back at the dickhead's house, i see their car keys on the table and take them, and take their car. I drive up a couple blocks before i realise, why am i taking this piece of shit, they have my SV6, so i leave the car where i drove it to.
    >i get back to the house as everyone wakes up, i grab the SV6 keys. we all go for a walk, towards where i left their car, and get all panicy as they slowly walk towards it, i call the police
    >they get to the car and think nothing of it.
    >someone yells to me, "hey Blair, the cops are on the way, why did you want them?"
    >everyone looks at me like they're about to stab me.
    >i reply back "no i didn't, cancel the call"
    >Michael looks at me with a disgusted/disappointed face and says "ofcourse Blair would do something like that," Ryan follows

    >Dream over
    non-lucid , memorable

    10/4/11. - aliens invade

    by Dexx on 04-28-2011 at 05:13 AM
    >It's 2012, everyone now knows the exact minute the world is going to end, which is just about to happen
    >it's daytime, me, my brother and a couple friends are waiting for the world to end in my backyard.
    >the rift in the sky tears open and the rest of the sky goes black, like night time. the rift glows a purple/black colour and UFOs fly through
    >the aliens land as i run off into an underground tunnel system or something, they have killed or taken all humans.
    >i find underground a couple of people who have also escaped, they kind of remind me of the rebel's from half life 2
    >we make our way through the tunnels to the white house, (even though i live in australia) and we hide in the president's bunker.
    >there's not much to the bunker, it looks kind of like the overseer's office from fallout: 3 and new vegas, the middle desk opens and reveals a secret stairway down underground, there are hundreds of computers and scientists down here.
    >aliens break through

    forget the rest
    non-lucid , memorable