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    Garland, texas
    Adobe Photoshop, Fiverr, Flickr, Diablo III, Being Outside, Relaxing at Home, The sims Social, CityV
    Photoshop Artist, Fix photos on a budget and make them better
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    by digitaldreamer on 01-26-2014 at 05:32 PM
    I haven't really been able to remember my dreams lately even though I've been having them a lot.

    I seem to be dreaming a lot of photography alot. I had a dream we we were at Galveston. I looked out to the ocean, and saw 3 water spout twisters. Well instead of going to take shelter, I grabbed my camera and attachment's and went out to find a great spot to capture this event.

    Only 2 my disappointment when I tried to take the photo my power wasn't coming on or taking a shot the funnels eventually faded.

    There was some weird man sitting down around the place I was I think he came up and talked to me at one point. I finally got my camera working and looked to my left to notice the whole ocean was suddenly covered in waterspouts. I defiantly took a shot and felt excited of this event I just captured. Yet frightened of the weather going on. (surprisingly it was like blue clouds, normal looking skies, calm looking water with no waves).

    I then noticed they turned into a pod of dolphins, lot's of dolphins that were rushing up to the shore and making the fish rush to the shore so they can feast on it.

    When I looked back down to get a possible picture of this to, I saw a pile of dead bodies. I have no idea where that came from but spooked me enough to wake up.


    by digitaldreamer on 12-15-2013 at 07:12 PM
    I don't remember a whole lot, just had a few super power bad guys trying to come after me and I became lucid enough for just a point of a second to remember that it's just a dream and they can't hurt me. I said go ahead see what happens. He did and shocked him it didn't hurt me and I laughed about it. I got his gun, it was some kinda vaporizer and there was this guy next to me I shot I don't know why but it was accidental. He turned into dust.

    I don't remember the rest of it, just asking to be turned into a giant and help save the town from the other super bad guys

    Another time I woke up this morning and went to sleep I dremt I was at work wearing a pink shirt. I didn't realize then I noticed other's were wearing pink shirts.

    Moon spiirit

    by digitaldreamer on 12-13-2013 at 05:55 PM
    The moon spirit fell from the moon to earth. There was a few tornado's in my dreams and no other weather was happening. I found the moon spirit. He looked pretty distraught I can't remember why and he told me his name and I can't remember that either. I kept him with me till he could get back to the moon. I don't remember much of anything else but the earth was drying out, a bunch of us got together to help him I don't know how but he got his energy back he put me and my friends in this location like a box. He said it's gonna rain hard and shot back up to the sky and down poured the rain. The rain hit pretty hard but came for only a few seconds.

    Another dream I had this morning, I went up to Arkansas to get my cat but my ex gave him to an animal shelter. I tried to contact. They said they had him so I went up and it wasn't my cat. Almost similar. I put up an add on a news cast for a re-ward to give back lol. I really miss my kitty cats.

    Another dream I had, something about this guy was bad he was forcing us all to go scuba diving. I couldn't do it because of my fear being under water. I kept having to ask for help to put it on. I don't remember a whole lot of this dream I just remember him doing something bad and felt like a hostage situation.

    Building exploded

    by digitaldreamer on 12-04-2013 at 05:02 PM
    The dream started out I was in a room, but for some reason this room was like an out door type scene. I was looking for some photo opportunities and saw this spider, she was big one. I normally have my other camera but this time I had my iPhone. I didn't have my macro attachment so I let the spider be. I started to hear a lot of commotion going on. I went up some stairs to look and some people were injured and hurt, I asked what was going on and the guy said the building across exploded.

    I couldn't believe I noticed any shaking or noise I was oblivious about it. I started my way back down and started helping people get out of here. For some reason the building across affected ours too, when I was going down got trapped in the stairwell there was a lot of rubble, and I had to squeeze threw this one rock area. I remember seeing people crawl threw this hole to get out. My brother was there I said hold on I gotta get my shit it's just right in that room He tried to tell me it's not important, the building could collapse but I was thinking of how much all that stuff cost me so I went and got my camera and a few other things. I woke up I think after.

    I'm normally not an attachment kind of girl. I would be sad but material things can be replaced lol. I think this dream spiraled from something that I herd on the news. There was a building that exploded and flattened from propane leak. They couldn't find anyone inside and later learned that the wife was in the basement and the husband was on a business trip. Poor guy to have to endure his wife being blown to smithereens, it was so sad to hear.

    Looking for a new home

    by digitaldreamer on 12-04-2013 at 04:36 AM
    Me and my mom watch a lot of property shows so that probably had something to do with this dream this morning lol. I also hope to get my own place some day soon and be on my own again.

    We were looking for a new house. The first house I remember we didn't like to much was a fixer upper. The second house had a train by it so. The house was nice, but we already live by a train station and the house #2 would of been even closer to it and I remember saying "Great, the train is even closer" and saw it coming in. It was pretty cool, and I do love the looks of trains but at 3am when you are trying to sleep and the train guy decides to let you know he's here lol let's just say it ruins your blissful slumber into a roaring wake. Anywho, the 3rd house we looked at was another fixer upper but small and then I noticed we were right next to my ex husbands house. (I just recently seperated it's almost been 9 months now and haven't gotten used to it still) I saw him in the window and waved at him. I didn't really want to go up and talk to him but I did anyways. I went in the house and for some reason it changed atmosphere. It felt so small and like a box. There were 8 other guys in the house I'm like um how do you have all these people here. I don't remember what all we talked about. I noticed he put a doggie door in for the cats. He told me my cat sweaty girl and ricky roo didn't make it but socks was around somewhere. I miss him so much and went looking for him. I found socks, and he cuddled up to me. I remember feeling sad and woke up.
    I miss my little kitty babies. Divorce sucks and so does a 500$ pet fee in the new apartment JERKS.