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    RWBY sentry guards and clubs.

    by DreamingDork on 09-23-2014 at 11:32 AM
    Dream 1
    Sun and another person were working as Sentry guards, I think. I don't remember too much, but somehow three people get on a mountain. Two of them are dying due to cold. Sun wears one of their jackets and hugs them close to his body, trying to get home. I think he had a worm companion, but someone ate it. There was also a part where the sentry tower collapsed, but that was earlier, and we trapped someone in it.

    Dream 2.
    One of my friends got us into the club by saying she was 19, even though irl she's 17. She didn't she them her ID, either. We came two times. The second time, ther person who got us into the club sat at a different table who just began eating. There was an 8 year old with us too. Something happened, the club was getting destroyed, then i woke up.

    The Man.

    by DreamingDork on 09-21-2014 at 02:37 PM
    This is really only one huge dream. I start off in my neighbor's house, looking at their collection. I comment on his Spiderman movies, and his Power Ranger videos. I get in a truck, and begin driving. I am given a mission from the Man. I go to his house. He says if I don't take it, I will die. Only two people have ever died on the mission, and that's because they didn't take it. Thinking back on it, those might've been the only people he asked. he may or may not have killed them in front of me. I immediately get hesitant, and he kills me too, because he said it was too late and he had to go home, so I couldn't take it. I remember he looked vaguely like Onision. I tried to fight him off, by thinking "This is only a dream!" Or something. It wasn't lucid, though.

    I failed, and somehow he gathers people at a supermarket. Some of the scenes are pretty clear, here. I remember he killeds omeone for acting up, and began controlling them. Everyone else saw her as human, I saw her as a cardboard cut out. Someone close to me receives the same fate, and I have to explain what they had to do. We walked outside, and some other people joined us, both the "cardboard cut out people" and later, actual people. I didn't see the am cut-outs anymore, though, they only had green eyes. I tried to get them to help explain it, but the other people interrupted us.

    I somehow transition to a Pokemon Stadium Battle. Right next to the supermarket. They sold Pokemon, and you could fight using them. The Faux Onision handed all of us a Pokemon Badge, thing, which transformed us into Pokemon, I think. Cuz I remember being a white creature. Two people try to escape him, which didn't work out very well. We were forced to hide in a bush, only I was pure white and he killed me instantly. I remember thinking, "Well, that sucks."

    He kills off the other two, and I think I wake up.

    Kisses, Comic books...

    by DreamingDork on 09-20-2014 at 02:09 PM
    Dream 1
    So, in one part of the dream, a truck is by my neighbor's house. It's dark outside. Just before this scene, I'm in a car. I dodge the trucks, and I see someone in a motorcycle getting hurt. The truck, only one now, was really big. It sold comic books. I went to my neighbor's house to look at them, and tried to convince dad to buy them.

    Dream 2
    I was in someone's house. At first I thought it was Canada and it featured some people from there, but they started morphing over time. One of 'em kissed me on the lips. My head went blank, and it was good. It was actually good. She said she was just teasing me, though. I did kiss her some more, though. It was just really, really weird. The first/second time was on the couch. I remember that the second one she kind of leaned in, and I had to lean the rest of the way if I wanted to.

    AU Resort Time

    by DreamingDork on 03-13-2014 at 11:27 AM
    Exactlly what it sounds like. So this has a few major areas. I'll just list them off one by one. The first is a stairwell connecting to another area and a public pool. Joey's chilling on the stairwell playing a DS. I move around for the entirety of the dream, sometimes sitting with Joey, and sometimes not. I also visit the pool, but never go in it. In the first part, N was in the pool. In the second part, they weren't. This place also had small and big rectangular holes in the stairwell for people to put their stuff. Peter was sleeping in one of those. The pool also played music, as it created waves. At one point, it played 'What Does The Fox Say?' and everyone in the pool wore fox ears. I think we had to leave or something, because everyone filed out, with the song still playing.

    Before that, I was in the room next to the pool, that changed every few times I went in their. Thinking back, the stairwell reminded me of my old babysitter's basement stairwell, and the last 'form' of the common room was the Temple. I was hanging out here, and these guys were singing acapella songs. Duncan was in this group, and his mouth and face stretched a little, so he looked like a donkey, every time he tried to sing. He was trying to harmonize, but another member told him he wasn't doing it right, they were no where near each other's vocal range. Two of the members stood up, and said something about fellatio. I entered the pool at this point, when it's playing the Fox song.

    I also think I saw my Dad helping KF Teacher picking people, for some reason. They were in their uniforms, as well.

    They group is singing great, and it's singing 'A Thousand Years' as people are leaving. I wave goodbye to Joey before I leave.

    The other setting, with N and L and their Grandmother, but I'm not sure if this came before or after. I'm pretty sure this came before. I'm going to name it N/L's Room. It had a pool, and I think a computer on either side of it. It also had a bed, and I spent most of my time there. It had white everything. The only thing I clearly remember is talking to N about the quality of chicken. She also said she was having a chicken party, and handed me a piece. She said it was too mild, and I agreed.

    I don't know what happened, but then my cousin was pouring sauce on it after I had a convo with her about the chicken usually being in restaurants and having sauce, we just had take out. She poured stuff on it, and I think she was making a card or something. It spanned the bed, and it had snow covered houses, and yeah. I think I remember a game, too...

    The last scene is a mall, after I left the pool. It was connected to the stairwell, I guess. A bell rang, and I guess I had to go to 6th period. I got lost, started panicking, but calmed down, and saw Jack. I walked after him, and somehow my Teach bolted past. Jack began running after him, I think he was lsot too, and I ran after them. Teach stopped running, but when he got to the escalators. he ran down. Jack tried to follow his pace, but just couldn't match. They did this a few times, before I just vaulted, off of the escalators.

    Then I woke up.

    Yet Another Chase, This Time By a Cannibalistic Dad

    by DreamingDork on 03-11-2014 at 11:26 AM
    TL;DR in title. I was defo being chased by my Dad in most of the dream. The most vivid memory is when we were in a store, and he was buying me bread. Smelled like it, too. There are scenes in between, and he's trying to kill us, he said something along those lines. Somehow we got into a car, and I suggest to go to grandma's. Mom says no, and tries to find somewhere to hide. We past a ditch of sorts, and we see him catching up. He posts on reddit in a cop subredit, and people are immediately on him.

    The text in that subreddit are green, blue, red, and black. I remembered thinking it was highlighting certain words, but that it was annoying and stupid to read. I think I woke up around this time, and fell back asleep.

    Next, we were at my cousin's room at her house. She had a laptop, don't remember the color, and was showing me a new game, with IHasCupQuake playing. I remember sifting through her book collection, and remembering in my dream about the past where I had seen this book, "Wonder Girl." She had volume 1 (Two of Volume One, maybe three, just different lengths) and volume 8. The main character was a superhero, and rode a hoverboard, pink, I think. I don't remember what the other characters looked like, but I'm pretty sure main had black hair. It had a GunnerKreigg Court style to it.

    That's about all I can remember.