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    About drmsweep

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    Date of Birth
    July 19, 1984 (39)
    About drmsweep
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    I have joined this site because my lucid dreams are becoming more frequent. At this point and time I have one every few months. However, I never wrote them down until last week, April 12th, 2014, because I had them two nights in a row for the first time and one of them was the strongest and most intense I've ever had. Frankly, it freaked me out a bit and my focus has changed in that it is more intense...something happened in my head and I'm not entirely sure what. I am now listening to Isochronic pulses daily and looking for anything that will trigger my lucid dreams more often. Anyway, other than that I don't believe that lucid dreams are some mystical, spiritual event. I look at it from a cognitive psychology prospective. The components or systems of our brain can be reversed enginered just like any computer or engine. It's just a matter of finding the right trigger or mechanism to cause the event or get the desired result. That's what I'm trying to do to myself right now.
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    I play piano, I'm a tenor singer, and I'm an online bible college student.
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    1. MisakaMikoto
      MisakaMikoto liked post by drmsweep On thread : Neural Integration
      Thank you for the advice. For religious reasons I can't make a tulpa...it goes against my beliefs. I haven't really been trying to lucid dream as much as I was before. My nightmares have ceased and...
      Liked On: 05-11-2014, 08:10 AM
    2. SonatArctica
      SonatArctica liked post by drmsweep On thread : Neural Integration
      Follow-up on neural integration. Progress and observations. 4/22/14, fresh notes, just wrote these observations. My first attempt involved doing math with my left hand and drawing with my...
      Liked On: 04-24-2014, 08:44 PM
    3. SonatArctica
      SonatArctica liked post by drmsweep On thread : Neural Integration
      Okay, so I got this idea from a book I borrowed at the library, it's fiction. But please, hear me out, I am going somewhere with this, it wont be fictional at all, and it will tie into lucid...
      Liked On: 04-24-2014, 08:44 PM
    4. AnotherDreamer
      AnotherDreamer liked post by drmsweep On thread : Neural Integration
      Okay, so I got this idea from a book I borrowed at the library, it's fiction. But please, hear me out, I am going somewhere with this, it wont be fictional at all, and it will tie into lucid...
      Liked On: 04-22-2014, 10:33 PM
    View drmsweep's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Telekinetic defense

    by drmsweep on 05-13-2014 at 01:12 PM
    I had this dream a little while ago. It's almost 5:30am. I've been playing Pokemon Y for the last hour and posted on Pokecommunity.com before that about trading Pokemon on the Global Trading System. Anyway, about the dream.

    Dreamt I was being followed and cursed at by angry man. I turned to face him, focused on him, and proceeded to lift him off the ground and launch him into space without raising a finger. First time I've ever defended myself with telekinesis in a dream. It felt semi-lucid...like a reflex.

    I'm going back to bed...still tired...
    lucid , memorable

    Repetitive, Vivid, and Odd

    by drmsweep on 04-30-2014 at 03:59 PM
    I don't know what was lucid in these dreams and what wasn't. It's hard to tell anymore because I'm always exerting some control over my dreams now but it varies. Sometimes it seems I'm doing it a lot, sometimes I can't tell because its become so routine. My mind just runs in the backround like some unobtrusive computer program. Anyway, I recorded these dreams because of the intensity of my emotions and because one of them repeated itself 5 times in a row without me waking up. It's unusual due to the fact I I normally wake up before a dream repeats itself. It's like I was examining it, looking for clues like a detective. Anyway, without further delay here are my dreams.

    My first dream came with a strong feeling. I don't remember exactly what happened. I just remember being asked if my Commanding Officer ordered me to take a life or if I had to kill someone if I would do it. I was running away and down a street because I was afraid of what my mind was capable of, what I was capable of.

    The next dream kept repeating itself over and over, particularly two specific segments. A father is going on a long trip. He has a daughter who is beautiful. She has her long hair in a ponytail, she's a burnette, long, toned legs. The dad reasures her that friends will be coming by to check on her. She will be fine. They have a strong bond and love each other very much. This part also kept repeating; the dad tries cooking for his daughter but the the food gets messed up every time in some unique way. Once or twice I was also the father and the one cooking.
    lucid , memorable

    Fish Tank, Lucid dream with physical movement.

    by drmsweep on 04-20-2014 at 11:01 PM
    April 20th, 2014

    Layed down in bed around 12:30 pm, began listening to Isochronic pulses. Fell asleep and dreamt I was looking at an extremely fogged fish tank. I couldn't see past the glass but knew there were creatures in it. I wrapped my arms around the fish tank and lifted it, felt warm water running down my chest then something wet and moving under my shirt, around my neck, and that it was stinging me. I touched it then woke up. I fell back asleep and dream continued. However, I was somewhat aware that it was a dream. The wet thing was still squirming and moving under my shirt. I grabbed it and thrashed my head back and forth. I woke up realizing I was physically thrashing my own head and starting to physically move my hand and arm. I got out of bed with a continuing and lingering feeling of disorientation. Feeling very calm, almost carefree but I've never experienced anything like this before. Lucid dreaming with phsyical movement is a whole new ball game.