• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between dutchraptor and lucidmats

    10 Visitor Messages

    1. Yesssssss sir
    2. Haha, sure why not
    3. How about another round of truth or dare tonight?
    4. Thanks and good Idea! I cant really recall if I go through doors a lot in dreams tho. I'll start paying attention to it! Maybe that's another routine I could try
    5. Aww, that's awesome man. Really glad to hear it worked.
      Saying a mantra and meaning it really can make the world of a difference. I've noticed it lately once I started my door triggered RC lately. I decided to really start RCing properly and have a mantra along the lines of RCing when I walk through a door.
      It's been so successful I manage to do an RC for every door I go through, and if I forget at the time I will remember a few minutes later.
      It's made me get one lucid straight away, and a bunch of semi lucid in the past week.
    6. It worked! Not the spinning but a mantra. Before going to sleep I told myself that there is no reason to wake up after getting lucid and voilà I got lucid and stayed it!
    7. Definitely do man, Let's hope for the best
    8. Thank you for the tip! Maybe Ill try preparing myself to spin instantly when getting lucid to either get a FA or create a new dream scene
      Ill let you know how it went then!
    9. It's a tricky situation because basically to get lucid you usually need to say mantras, and you have no time when you do get lucid to stabilize. So basically the only two options you have is to supplement your mantras, so before bed say "I will become lucid and be entirely prepared to stabilize the dream" and/or wait it out, eventually your lucid will lengthen. They are just ending because of excitement or low level lucidity. Just keep it
    10. Hey Dutch, since your´re the stabilization teacher I have a question for you. Your inbox is full so I thought Ill post here.
      When I realize I am dreaming, I wake up immidiately without even getting the chance to stabilize :/ any advice?
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10