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    About Emmett

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    Date of Birth
    December 9, 1993 (30)
    About Emmett
    I love to write. I express myself through vivid poems and i enjoy creating storys where i can bring out a life i wish i had and bring the best i see in people into one great charcter. Im currently working on a story called Dreamcatcher that is involved around dreams and how the main charcter can control them. I love to talk...i like to listen to people. im not afraid to ask questions and im not afraid to answer them either. My names Erin, I used the name Emmett because its the name of one of my main charcters and the name reminds me of someone i love dearly =]
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    writing, fish
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    researching dreams


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    This thing loves me and i love it?

    by Emmett on 03-10-2013 at 02:15 PM
    This bat looking creature, he only looks this way though if hes been touche by light, he looks human otherwise as long as he dousent get into the light. This creature man is on our side, till my brother betrays him, because my brother dousent want me with him, it almost kills my brother. Then the bat creature goes evil. We then begin to hunt this bat man down, i have these mind powers that are very wide, so i can do a lot of things. we then find a lead, where he is hiding under a tent similar to one you would see at someones wedding reception and we go in. Its dark under the tent but its daylight, so if anything goes bad the bat man cant hunt us. Suddenly the tent goes down, my brother and everyone's gets out but i get trapped. I begin to scream and cry as i can hear this thing coming towards me, hes not in his human form but the bat form. I begin to scream to him " i love you" and he begins to sniff around my head like a dog does when you playing with it, i cry horribly loud and cry deeply. He recognizes me and takes me to where he is hiding, while i continue to cry and realize im crying because i do love him but i cant handle this other form of him. Then my brother goes and hangs him from a tree but somehow he gets free and does it to my brother and now i have to go and save him.
    nightmare , memorable

    Brothers smoking did it.

    by Emmett on 12-10-2012 at 01:29 AM
    I was in the kitchen, a bunch of friends, I was standing next to my brother. All the girls started into a convo, all off a sudden i ended up sitting on the counter with my brother besides me smoking. All of a sudden i look over and see this HUGE spider..im talking bigger then my foot. I started freaking out but no one around me was. The spider was across the room on the floor, staring at me with theses huge anime eyes, just staring. It was like it was trying to read my mind, the eyes seemed to have gotten bigger. my brother finished his cigarettes and then went to light a new one and it sparked like a sparkler and the spider just seemed to jump to life and run for the smoke ( im sitting next to him). The spiders eyes are getting bigger, my brother dousent seem to notice, its at the bottom of the cabinet trying to climb up i start screaming, i hate spiders and im trying to get away but i cant. I suddenly dont see the spider but i know its climbing across the wall to the back to get me and i just keep screaming. After that i only have a bunch of images of it crawling and im screaming, then i wake up.
    nightmare , memorable

    When a parent turns.

    by Emmett on 12-09-2012 at 01:56 PM
    My dream startes off at home, im in my bedroom when i hear something crash and what it hears like people running around in the hall way. I go out and i see people, a group of them just removing things, furniture anything they could really get their hands on. My mom was no where to be found, the glass from the living room window was gone and they where tossing the furniture out and it just disappeared, it was all my fathers stuff. I kept trying to fight them off, i couldn't get a hold of my brother. they started going through my room. My window disappeared and i was screaming at them and one of them broke my fish tank ( I love my fish) . So i got really upset and pulled out my blade and stabbed one of them, then i began slashing and slicing at people making them bleed. I was screaming for my dad, calling him names and stuff and he appeared out of no where, behind him was a classic 1950s family...wide smiling faces, too perky for their own good and he kept telling me to go with him, to come be happy with them. I gave a real wolf like face, growling and got into a fighting stance with both of my favorite knifes in both hands and i told him, i am who i am and he can never change me, that happy family isent who i am and never will be. I could tell i was dreaming because of how the windows and furniture disappeared and no matter how many people i stabbed, they kept coming back. So i knew i was dreaming..but i cudnt control it.
    nightmare , memorable

    Hes always with me

    by Emmett on 11-15-2012 at 03:52 PM
    Hes always there, his smiling face, his eyes and his laugh. I cant ever really remember where we are or what where doing but i remember this person is always there. Almost every night i dream of him, we do the things we normally do while awake but yet im asleep. I now find out he often has a hard time sleeping or staying asleep. I heard a legend once that when your awake at night it means you are awake in someone elses dream, am i bringing this person into my dreams?