• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between Erii and Soulnote

    32 Visitor Messages

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    1. i was just wondering what happened to you , last night, seriously O_O hopefully you're back for gooood~
    2. I'll say I'm back, I'll blame my dad for breaking his computer and taking mine, I'll say I hope to be here for a while this time, but don't count on anything, my dad's an idiot...
    3. DD finally!
    4. And now, I have a good computer...and permanent connection...please Eri, high five
    5. Yup, through bad connections and broken computers, I still live on
    6. DDD you're alive !!!!!!
    7. Yay! I'm back! And my dad needs to get me a computer that doesn't break in 1 freakin' month!!!
    8. go to the IRC and we can IM on it
    9. I know D:
    10. Yay Eri!!!

      It's been...like a week
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 32
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