• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between Evolventity and NoDaniel

    40 Visitor Messages

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    1. I added the text lol
    2. Lol. If you think that clears you out, try prune juice or Chinese mallow.
    3. It was an arizona green tea
      i've heard they like, clean out your system
      and i'm cleaned out :T
    4. I've never heard of green tea doing that? o-o Are you sure it wasn't chinese mallow?
    5. drank a green tea D:
    6. So why did you have a massive poop attack?
    7. <@NoDaniel> sweet bby jesus you guys D:
      I was gonna say i had a bad stomach
      and had a massive poop attack
      but no one asked what was wrong ;-:
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 40
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