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      lol thanks
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      Yeah, I was talking about just probably using text anyways . my username is tdf645
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      Hey there buddy =). You have anything like skype that we could chat on?
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    I'm an old fashioned guy and I don't care how old I get, I will be forever 17 in my mind. I absolutely <3 Hot rods and muscle cars. I've worked in a hot rod shop, I've built the old fashion t-buckets. Most fun I ever had. I also enjoy a wide range of sports activities including: Biking, badminton, golf (definitely golf, that's a biggie) and sometimes soccer with my m8's
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    Inn I slottet fra drømmen

    by Firebat11 on 08-27-2011 at 06:35 PM
    "So ends the ride that lasted a lifetime..."

    One dream only, but it was long, and captivating. (this is the closest I've ever been to being lucid[might as well call it a lucid dream 'cause it doesn't get any more vivid than this], but that wasn't important to me, I felt like I've been here before, There's burning questions that I need to have answered; this dream feels incomplete)

    I had just reached the shores on what felt like a long journey across the sea, but alas, I was a foot on land and ready to begin my next journey searching for "it"; the black gate. The ground was nothing more that dried sand and gravel as I hear & feel the ocean shore brush up slowly against my feet. I began trekking forward slowly wandering into the deep forest that lay ahead awaiting to see what existed on the other side. I didn't know how long or how big this forest was, but I didn't come this far just to turn back. It was already night time, and the sky it self was pitch black; so dense, the stars themselves did not shine. It was days before I started to feel like I was going nowhere, time however had not changed at all, still the black sky, dead trees all around me, fog and cold air biting my skin with each step forward I take. But a dim light of hope shed itself on me when I noticed a small clearing a few miles ahead. This was enough motivation for me to keep pushing and find my way out of this barren wasteland.

    A few hours of slow painstaking navigation later, and I'm there. Finally, I've found it: What look like mortar & stone stretching over 100 ft tall and extending infinite miles in each direction, I had reached the black gate. I began noticing a low rumbling sound of thunder, but there were no clouds around for miles. Suddenly, I heard a very loud crackling sound followed by more deep rumbles (enough to shake the earth around me) "more lightning?" I thought, but no. It wasn't lightning at all, it was the gates themselves. They were opening....

    What stood beyond the other side of this monstrosity of a wall was just jaw dropping. What I saw simply can not be explained through the English language. More importantly now, my true quest began: the search for the castle. (I can't remember why, but there was something I wanted, something I needed from that place and It held all the answers). I knew this was going to be a long journey from the start, but I was almost there and the finish line was in sight. A few thousand miles felt like nothing to me now knowing where I was going to be. I took my first step forward through the gates while taking in another deep breathe of the musky air and watching up at the sky, Strangely enough I saw one star....the North star. It was like looking at a glimmer of hope that what I would find in this place would be what I am looking for. It was just like the rest of my dream, endless trudging through the land that never ended, but with every step I was THAT much closer....

    It had been weeks, almost months of traveling and then, it was there, I could see it through the mist. My skin began crawling with goosebumps, and my blood turning cold. I was there. It was only 500 miles away, but that was nothing to me. I was there. Finally, I had reached my destination; Standing before me was this glorious stone tower that stood ominously, peaking over the clouds with a bright force emanating through its walls. I took a deep breathe and stepped forward pushing both doors open only to be filled with the brightest most illuminating white light I could only imagine in my dreams. It was everything I had hoped it would be, and more. But things took a turn for the worst. Everything around me began fading, the light withered away along with the world, my time was up....

    "Between misty vales
    Between gloomy mountains
    Under gray clouds
    In the black night
    In black clothes
    An eternity of cold
    Over stone and wood
    In the shadows...
    Out from the mist
    Out from darkness
    Out from the big shadows of the mountain
    The castle of the dream...
    So ends the ride
    That lasted a lifetime
    For the master goes (in the castle of the dream)"
    memorable , lucid

    Multiverse traveling.

    by Firebat11 on 08-07-2011 at 09:38 PM
    "It may not have been a lucid dream. But damn it was fun."

    My dream more less started out with me hanging around in the bottom end of some local mall and I was in a waiting room with a group of people (don't know what, but who cares). I was at the But End Of Space bored out of my mind, So I flip out my iPod and start surfin' through songs, when I notice a yellow sticky note on the ground. It has a phone number on it. So without even thinking I begin entering this phone number in my iPod (sure why not, I knew something was wrong but I went along with it :/) and as soon as press enter, wham, everything starts going all weird as hell warped & distorted, and then next thing I know I'm in a grocery store! Not even a moment goes by before I realize that I have just traveled to a different universe/ moment in time. So what do I do while I'm here? Only one thought went through my mind at that moment in time: "LET THE TROLLING BEGIN!" *queue Trololo* Apparently I was invisible in the universe but I didn't care I was about to cause massive havoc to the store. To name a few, I was throwing food at people, stealing peoples carts and making crazy announcements with the store speakerphone (I believe I even started singing trololo at one point.) (to further get an idea of what I did, check out this guide of 50 fun things to do in a store here). While in the midst of my trolling I noticed in the produce section right between some radishes another sticky note. This one had another phone number on it (the first four digits I remember being 4189). I quickly whip out the iPod, enter the numbers, and press the enter button. Next thing I know, I'm back in my own house & it's night time. I grab myself a drink & relax a little before i decide to go back for one more round of trolling. I do just that, have some fun and then I call it a night. I head home and go to sleep...only to wake up. It may not have been a lucid dream, but damn it was fun. It still felt pretty vivid and at moments I found myself questioning certain things in the dream aspect.