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    View flinch67uk's Dream Journal

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    by flinch67uk on 09-17-2010 at 12:53 AM
    Sept 16th

    I dreamed of Hobbits, Orcs, Elfs and a ring of power.

    I realise now I was Tolkien in my sleep.

    Dream Journal for Saturday 4th September (two entries).

    by flinch67uk on 09-05-2010 at 11:17 PM
    4th Sept 2010

    This was my first instance of being lucid since I started keeping a dream journal and also since getting interested in lucid dreaming.

    I can remember instances in the past where I was aware that I was asleep whilst dreaming, but this went on even after waking and getting up for half an hour or so.

    Entry 1 (dictated):


    'k, there was quite a long sequence with "Jasmine" (ex girlfriend). I remember I walked with her - I can't remember where from - but to a bus stop. She was being very flirtatious. She was also flirting with a couple of other guys. Um, I don't know who they were. Yes I do. I definitely got the impression she knew them from college. So, I would imagine her students, I guess.

    For some reason she kept covering us over with something; and there was a cat and I think it was mine. Wait, wait, back up, back up. There was a big aquarium. Neil had a really big fish and I discovered this new piece of information that a tank that a tank with a partially frosted front or a partially opaque front was called a SAT as in standardised aptitude testing. Now, don't ask me the link, except for there was a head teacher involved and he was something to do with this aquarium thing; and I had to go through the glass or through the opaque bit, which was a doorway as well, or an entry way. This fish... I mean there were fish in this thing already, but there was also a fish in the bag this opaque white bag. No, I don't think it was opaque... just an ordinary see-through bag. I dunno; one of the two.

    I was in the tank and Neil was in the tank and he was waiting for this fish to stir, so he could see what was going on before he took them out and then went home.

    So I went off and that was when I met Jenny, after I got out of this aquarium. And we were talking about... She had this thing that actually... You sat on it and it made the movement as if you were on the back of a camel. And I said: "Why the hell have you got that?" And she was reading Lawrence of Arabia or something and she read me a sentence. And I said: "That's just like Wilbur Smith." The way he says "for" a lot, like: "Blah-di-blah-di-blah, for he was sweating." That sort of thing.

    Anyway, that's when we were at the bus stop and she was being flirtatious and there were these other people, some she knew because she was obviously waiting for the same bus as them. I'd actually walked her to the bus stop. I get that now, um, because I was going to my flat.

    And there was this cat and we were discussing whether it had a broken back or not. Obviously not, because it wasn't sagging in the middle and was moving around.

    Um, I think it was after that I woke up. The aquarium is the oldest thing I can remember. It's amazing how much comes back when you do this, because all I could remember when I started this was the cat and "Jasmine." (the closest thing to waking). There is definitely a pay-off to this, because the more I think (keeping still) and talk about it, the more that comes back.

    End of journal.

    Entry 2 (dictated):

    This is continued journal for Saturday 4th Sept... After I recorded the earlier journal I went back to sleep and was thinking about the previous dream, and I think I was kind of expanding on it. The interesting thing is that I was aware, because I went into sleep conscious. I think I maintained consciousness.

    I've just woken up and I was dreaming the strangest dream. It was interesting and intriguing. It was quite spiritual. There was quite a lot of emotion in it. There was this... I can't remember if it was above the earth or something. It was another... It wasn't a planet. People called it a satellite, but not like a man-made one; And there was another presence and...

    There was this woman who I was starting a relationship with and I was really into her. She was quite outgoing and liked gliding. I know where that came from. I'd watched the news when I woke up and there was an item about gliders in the Cotswolds or somewhere. After I recorded the previous entry, I got up and watched the TV.

    Anyway, one of the things she said to me was, she wanted me to... as an... It wasn't an act of love but she had this dream of doing a loop in this particular place. And she wanted me to do it... above her or something like that. And I said... At first I said yes and I must have been concious because I thought What the hell am I talking about? I can't do that. And then I went and talked to her and said: "Look. I love you but we're very different." (I'm sure I'm expanding on this and not necessarily being accurate). "We're completely different people. What you love, I don't necessarily love and what I love you don't love. But I love you and I think you love me. Therefore we should be... interested in what each other love, but that doesn't matter whether we love it or to do it even." I think I was having a bit of a rant, not to her but previous girl friends not being interested in what I do; the things I create like the writing. I was just going to try to justify myself then, but I'm not going to. And was going through girlfriend after girlfriend; one after the other, even "Rose" because she was never interested in reading my work really, certainly not unprompted.

    Anyway. So... This satellite thing sends out a pulse that hits the moon and all these people are like... Oh, this satellite can speak and hear. So these people are out there having a go at it and making fun of it. And I said to whoever this woman was that I was going to talk to this thing on my own and I was also aware... I'd bumped into entity or whatever it was. Something had happened and it was bad and it had survived and it said: "Thank something" that it... and it had a child with it or an animal. I think the satellite was related to it or something. I don't know. I turned round to it and said: "I'd rather thank God." Then I went into this forest to get away from the people because I'd been heading that way when I'd bumped into whatever this thing was. Then I was getting interrupted by the woman and I was asking her to be quiet because she wasn't helping.

    That's kind of where I woke up, I think. Oh, no. Before that I was having a conversation with this entity about God; because I was trying to find out where it fits. It wasn't God. So therefore it had to have been created, so I was trying to find out where it fits. I was talking about the Trinity and Jesus being the Word, made flesh etc. I don't think I got an answer before I woke up. Because I was basically wanting to hear him say... God.. That Jesus was God, because no fallen spirit would admit that or something like that.

    But it's interesting that one thing I'm finding with keeping a DJ is not so much that I'm seeing patterns in my dreams yet. The thing I'm seeing is that if I stop and think about my dream, I remember far more than I think I'm going to. And as I start talking about it more things come back. It's amazing.

    Updated 09-05-2010 at 11:30 PM by flinch67uk (typos)
