• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between fOrceez and Hyu

    32 Visitor Messages

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    1. Mate, I miss you.

      Any chance we could reconnect over Facebook?

      Yours truly, and forever in your debt for indirectly pushing me into lucid dreaming,
    2. Hey fOrceez!
      It has indeed be quite a long time. My last post is nearly a year old? Feels like just a few months ago, time passes too fast.
      How have you been?
    3. Hey mate,
      It have been a long time. You know, I just realised I never read your last entry. And I think I like it that way.

      Hope you're doing well, mate
      Your friend,
    4. Are you Asian yet?
    5. Yeah, I'm not getting the notifications either. :/
      I've been following some of the dota tournaments, although not so much lately.
      I usually watch streams / tournaments when I'm coding.
    6. Oops, I never got the notification you replied. Glad to hear it, man. and DotA?! You been watching the tournaments?
    7. Nice!
      And yes, still going on adventures of course. I'm not really intending to ever stop with that.
    8. Chilling is good. Merlin and I are also well. We finished high school at the end of last year, so we're also just chilling until university starts in about a month or so.. and I finally turned 18 a few days ago ^_^
      Still going on adventures?
    9. Doing alright. I finished my masters thesis some time ago, so I'm just chilling until they call me in to defend it.
      What have you and Merlin been up to lately?
    10. Heheh. How are you, mate?
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 32
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