• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between frenchblablabla and xRealityCheck

    8 Visitor Messages

    1. Yeah, Leflablabla haha. Add me
    2. Hey , got a Skype?
    3. Pas de probleme, I suck at the writing parts anyway haha.
      Thanks! I'm going to make more soon.
    4. Je parl francais un petit peu. Excusez moi for the no French letters (lolololol) , I haven't installed French yet. J'aime....How do I say I love your videos on YouTube? Your accent is awesome xD
    5. Haha that would be awesome.
      I don't get to speak French to many people anymore.
    6. Thanks , sir blabla! i'm learning French in my school , so I might be able to speak frenchbalalba with you
    7. welcome to dreamviews!
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8