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    1. Scionox
      Scionox liked post by FrozonNinja On thread : Competition Thread #15
      The Dream I had on the 21st is just now on here, haven't had a chance to put it up. 2 pts for interacting with DC, 5 for becoming lucid, and 1 for remembering. Im finally up on the board! ...
      Liked On: 10-26-2013, 03:45 PM
    2. Chimpertainment
      Chimpertainment liked post by FrozonNinja On thread : Intro Class Daily Dream Snippets
      I walk out of the restaurant that I was eating in. I know that my girlfriend’s family was eating in there. I look to the left and see a huge tornado start forming. I it suddenly turns into a full...
      Liked On: 10-07-2013, 07:05 AM
    3. OpheliaBlue
      OpheliaBlue liked post by FrozonNinja On thread : Sign Up Thread for Intro Class
      Hey OpheliaBlue, I'm just letting you know that I am very interest in this intro class and will start immediately. I've been trying and trying to become lucid and I have only managed one true lucid...
      Liked On: 10-03-2013, 06:30 AM
    4. CanisLucidus
      CanisLucidus liked post by FrozonNinja On thread : Intro Class Daily Dream Snippets
      I walk out of the restaurant that I was eating in. I know that my girlfriend’s family was eating in there. I look to the left and see a huge tornado start forming. I it suddenly turns into a full...
      Liked On: 10-02-2013, 12:51 PM
    5. CanisLucidus
      CanisLucidus liked post by FrozonNinja On thread : FrozonNinja's WorkBook
      As I fall asleep I am trying to dive back into the dreams of the day before, but the next thing I know, I am awake. I am starting to only remember fragments of my dreams. This is probably due to my...
      Liked On: 10-01-2013, 05:18 PM
    6. Kactus
      Kactus liked post by FrozonNinja On thread : Intro Class Daily Dream Snippets
      After pressing snooze and falling back to sleep, I fell into a dream. My dad and I were on a floating dock on the water in a large dim building. We are throwing firecrackers up and they are...
      Liked On: 09-27-2013, 09:27 PM
    7. CanisLucidus
      CanisLucidus liked post by FrozonNinja On thread : Intro Class Daily Dream Snippets
      After pressing snooze and falling back to sleep, I fell into a dream. My dad and I were on a floating dock on the water in a large dim building. We are throwing firecrackers up and they are...
      Liked On: 09-23-2013, 03:59 PM
    8. CanisLucidus
      CanisLucidus liked post by FrozonNinja On thread : Intro Class Daily Dream Snippets
      I'm laying in my bed and my dad is in the room. He says "we have some", then he starts to cry,"apple pie".
      Liked On: 09-23-2013, 03:59 PM
    9. CanisLucidus
      CanisLucidus liked post by FrozonNinja On thread : FrozonNinja's WorkBook
      Hey all! I've been on here as a guest for quite a while and am looking forward to improving in this great environment with all the pros on my side. I'm 18 and am a freshman in college. I've had one...
      Liked On: 09-23-2013, 03:08 PM
    10. CanisLucidus
      CanisLucidus liked post by FrozonNinja On thread : FrozonNinja's WorkBook
      I am working on dream incubation. Last night, I formed my dream as I was falling asleep and repeating mantras. In one of my dreams, that had nothing to do with the incubated dream, my dad says, "what...
      Liked On: 09-23-2013, 03:08 PM
    View FrozonNinja's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    competition #15 oct 30th

    by FrozonNinja on 10-31-2013 at 03:54 AM
    10302013AM Flying Friends
    I am sitting on my roof , I see a winged human figure who is very upset. I walk up to him and tell him something encouraging. He picks me up and we take flight. I point him to the woods and we fly there…I see a large yellow, feathered jet. He describes it as “a pokemon”. He says it’s a much better flier than him… I am back at my house. I run to the edge of my roof…a very pretty, winged girl , picks me up and we fly off the roof. We are too close to the ground and I have to push up off of the ground and I am scared that she can’t hold me. We are soon flying, I see several boys sitting by a campfire, in my yard, and I know that this girl isn’t supposed to be seen. I tell her to fly up so they don’t see her. We soar straight into the sky and clouds soon cover up the boys. We level out and she soon drops lower. It is snowing where we are. The ground is covered in a pure white layer of snow. She grabs a snowball and asks for a cup. I look around and happen to find a bag full of plastic cups. She throws the snowball into the cup and it turns into ice. We once again take flight… We are in my neighbors yard and he tells me that some kids are trying to find me, to join my club or something. The girl who was flying me around was still with me, but much smaller, and fairy like… I take a chainsaw and carve the edge of a chair that my neighbor is sitting in...

    10302013AM New Language>?
    I crawl down into a sewer with a friend, I am barefoot and don’t want to touch the water. My friend says I won’t have to get in the water. I say “I am gonna speak a new language”. He looks at me weird and I say something that sounds weird. A decrepit old, dark, lady starts creeping up on us from the entrance of the tunnel. I begin to shout at her in a language that I have never heard. She tries to get closer and shouts back. I get louder and say something else. She is only feet away, but slowly backs away…
    10302013AM Bomb Squad
    We are in a large field, being pushed around by some military force. Their trucks are coming toward us… We have escaped and are in a large field. There are red dots, everywhere. We know these dots are mines and are very scared. I accidentally trip and think it is all over, but all the dots scatter. I figure out that each mine is made to explode when a certain person steps on it and they will not blow up on us.
    non-lucid , memorable

    10252013PM Get Outta The Way!

    by FrozonNinja on 10-27-2013 at 04:18 AM
    I am driving through an intersection and out of nowhere, a kid on a skateboard flies through the street on a skateboard. I slam on my brakes and curse… I am in a store, but it is still “where I was before”, however the scene had changed quite a bit. I see the kid fall off of the skateboard. I notice that it is the autistic kid from my work and I walk up to him and say “you can’t be doing stuff like that”. He agrees and the dream ends.

    10262013AM Interrupting it All

    by FrozonNinja on 10-27-2013 at 04:11 AM
    I am walking down a road during the day, there are open fields on either side of me. As I am walking, I see a fat lady in a black dress, sitting in a black chair, under a black umbrella. I see that it is raining only on her. I walk closer and eventually pass very close to her. I realize my white umbrella is stuck on hers and I try to untangle them. I look left and see a man with a small camera, he looks upset. I see that I am interrupting a movie in progress. I am embarrassed and get away. I am under a canopy of trees and see a few tv screens and realize it is a big movie that I got in the way of. I turn back and see that the rain is coming out of the woods near the fat woman and landing only on her. I walk back and get in the way again. A girl tells me to walk around next time. I wake up.

    10262013AM You Don’t Know Frat

    by FrozonNinja on 10-27-2013 at 03:59 AM
    I am in a dorm room at my college, arguing with some strangers, while being recorded for a tv show…We are now outside, its dark but there are lights on in the quad, and two others begin to sing their argument toward each other. I look to my left and see a group of frat guys in red jackets walk toward us. They turn away from us and their jackets spell something. One of the guys jumps in front of the group, rap music begins to play, and he rips his jacket off and reveals a red morph suit beneath it. He begins to breakdance, and his group follows suit…We are all dancing now.

    (Competition#15) 10-21-2013 SubMarine

    by FrozonNinja on 10-26-2013 at 02:05 PM
    I didn't have time to put this up here, so I am doing it now

    I am trying to bust a marijuana dealer and I am following him out onto a dock. I end up going to a crab trap, in the ocean, of his. He tackles me into the water and we begin to fight. I take a big breath and realize I am dreaming. I stop struggling with him and say “this is a dream, I don’t have to fight with you anymore”. He looks at me, but I swim further down. It is night and I say, “I want it to be brighter”. I see the sun come out, up above the water, and the ocean I am in gets much brighter. I see a fish and begin to talk to “her”. I cannot remember the conversation, and I wake up.
    lucid , non-lucid