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    Two interesting dreams(Golum and H.)

    by Galuruthaz on 10-09-2013 at 04:33 PM
    I had two dream entries. First dream I had yesterday and the second one is from today.

    08. 10. 2013. -> Golum

    In this dream, I am at home with my mother and my friends. In this dream, one of my friends is Golum from the LOTR and at the beginning of the dream I see him killing one other friend of mine with his claws. Others are unaware of this and I fear that he will kill us while we are asleep. I try to warn my mother, but it turns out that while I was talking to her he was in the bathroom(its near) hearing everything I said. I was unaware of that until he walked out of the bathroom, pretending that everything is fine. Now I am terrified and Im sure that he'll try to kill us while we're sleeping. Next scene, Im lying in a bed, trying to stay awake. I feel him getting more near, but I am afraid to look back and Im hoping that its just my imagination. It wasnt. He catches my leg(this part was super-intense) with his hands and I wake up in panic.

    Meaning: I put Thurisaz rune under my pillow in order to dream about that Rune. Considering that Thurisaz can represent demonic forces - I got exactly what I wanted.

    09. 10. 2013. -> I leave the bed.

    I dreamed of H. last night. We were lying in bed and making out, but it was kind of uncomfortable. Like she wanted to be with me only if I specifically conform with her vision of me. I was being judged for every move I make and as the making out got more intense and more passionate, I suddenly decided to leave. I simply walked out of bed and left, leaving her confused. In the later part of the dream, I text'd her using mobile phone, saying that we need to talk. She didnt answer and that didnt suprise me. In the dream, I was very disappointed with her behavior and thinking.

    Meaning: Met her the other day. This dream is a perfect representation about how I feel about us. It would be great if she'd just stop overanallyzing things..
    non-lucid , nightmare

    Dragons in the night sky!

    by Galuruthaz on 09-23-2013 at 08:59 AM
    I had a lucid dream last night. It was short, but interesting and it made me question how i percieve ordinary reality. No need for long introduction so I'll just start writting.

    First dream(non-lucid part):

    It was something about me going to a party in a club.(Ricks). I met a friend from high school whom I didnt see for atleast 4 years. I didnt think of her at all in a past year or two, so I dont really know why I was dreaming of her but nvm. We were walking to the club and chatting in the mean time, I put my arm around her neck and she didnt seem to mind. I felt confident and planned on seducing her.

    First dream(lucid part)

    Next scene, I am in a park and while I dont remember how I got here, I look at the sky and see that the stars are really bright. It was cold(autumns here) but it was still a beautiful night. I start seeing shapes and movement in the sky and it looks like constelations have become dragons(chinese, long body type) and they are moving. I look at the statue in the center of the park and its frozen and completely covered in ice. Kind a like this, just with less details and with a statue inside, and not a demon lol.

    So later, when I wake up I figured that this was a dream reference to me watching Fairy Tail anime in waking life recently. But lets get back to the dream.

    While looking at the statue and flying dragons(there were two or three of them) I started to think that this is not normal and I figured that I am dreaming. Remembering my last lucid dream in which I kind of astral projected but couldnt wake up(even though I tryed to kill myself several times), I wanted to see if I can wake up on command now. I "ordered" myself to wake up.

    Second dream

    I am still lucid, but in my bed. I open my eyes and look around trying to see if I am in a dream again or I am in reality now. I remeber ordering myself to wake up and now I am in bed, seemingly awake. I question reality by questioning vividity. It seems vivid, things are pretty detailed and all. I go to the living room to make myself a breakfast. At that point I am convinced that I am awake, and I lose my lucidity waking up, for real this time.

    Kind a made me wondering at how lucid I realy am in RL, if I cant distingwish between a dream and reality while sleeping.

    EDITED ONCE, for categorizing and additional info..

    Updated 09-23-2013 at 09:16 AM by Galuruthaz

    lucid , false awakening

    The Weather Disaster

    by Galuruthaz on 09-12-2013 at 01:51 PM
    Dream was about summer storm that went wrong.

    I was at my house with 2 more friends(I dont know them in real life, they are DC) and it started to rain with wind being progressively more intense. At one point, I looked outside the window and saw a big tornado coming. Judging the intensity it was probably F4, or F5. It missed the house and then the sky cleared but only for short. Sky was all blue but sun was so hot, it was burning everything. Then the clouds came up again and lighting started. It was very very intense and at one moment I realized I cant stay outside so I run into the house leaving the friend in my backyard. He wanted to watch the storm but it was way too dangerous. He was hit by the lighting and later we tryied to reanimate him. He had burns and he was shaking. A little after that, the dream ended.

    I think that last part is a reference to the movie I watched yesterday on TV, called "The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill But Came Down a Mountain". There was a storm scene in it which is similar to the storm in this dream, though still different enough for me to suspect that this dream is significant in some other way. I dont usually dream of destructive storms and the last time I did, it was 4,5 years ago and that dream was in a way a prophecy of the personality purge that I went through. This dream wasnnt that intense, however it was meaningful in some other way I have yet to discover.