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    Snippets 1 - I would have remembered it all, but I needed sleep!

    by geogzm on 02-27-2011 at 06:32 PM
    Snippets 1 - I would have remembered it all, but I needed sleep! (Non-lucid)


    I didn't recall any full dreams today. I would have recalled every last part of each of these dreams if I stayed awake but I was so tired that I kept falling asleep after each one without being awake enough if you get what I mean. I did try to tell myself to do a reality check when I was falling asleep after one of the dreams, but it must have failed.

    Snippet A: Korean
    I've been playing Crysis 1 a lot recently. I think that's why a Korean soldier appeared in this dream. Two videogames merged, actually. The base in STALKER where the guy tells you to get out of here was the location, and the Korean from Crysis was walking on the platform. He got taken out by somebody and brutally murdered. I don't want to know if it was me or not.

    Snippet B: I'm not your buddy, guy
    I'm not sure what this snippet meant, if anything. I remember seeing the warehouse area from the previous snippet being here, except now we (I'm fairly sure I was in a group) were on an iceberg. There were several civillians on a peninsula-esque area and we blew up the ice to send them adrift. There was blood in the warehouse.

    Snippet C: Super Bus Escape
    I was in a very familiar dream location that I often forget. There's this ASDA in Bournemouth that I always got dragged to as a kid, and thus it entered my dreams when I was that age. I completely forgot about it. It's like a giant hole in the ground that connects to what I think are docks, and there's a huge-ass parking lot nearby it too. It's amazing how it works and I always used to have the same dream about it when I was little; my mum would park there, we would go up in a huge lift (elevator) and we would do some shopping. But this time, I was my current self, and I was very lost in the lower levels, where I've never been before. I made my way up to the top using my phone's GPS and I remember going through a garage and picking up a mop at some point

    Snippet D: Kidstuck
    In this snippet, some little kids walked past me at a bus stop and I called them something which upset them (not sure what I said). Then they all cloned themselves and pinned me down arm by arm, leg by leg and then ran off with my bag. I grabbed one of them and started scanning the nearby shops (it was downtown) for my bag back.

    So those are the strange but exciting snippets from yesterday. I don't consider this to count towards my amount of dreams recalled as they were all tiny snippets, but they were possibly the most vivid dreams to date that I've had. 100mg b6, 15mg zinc and a co-operative B-complex were taken about half an hour before sleep.

    Dream 6 - Play nice

    by geogzm on 02-26-2011 at 12:17 PM
    Dream 6 - Play nice (Non-lucid)


    I was walking home from school and I turned around and my friend was surprisingly angry. I'm not sure what he was angry at but he was swinging his bag around like a flail or some shit. I ignored it and kept walking through the trees and ended up in a heath which exists in real life. What I didn't notice about this heath is that there were a hell of a lot more trees all around it. The nerdy kids were all walking in a group and then one of them dropped the other to the ground. I turned around and my friend's step-brother ran at me and jumped like 3 meters in to the sky and the dream ended before he tackled/belly flopped me.

    I used 100mg b6 about an hour and 20 minutes before sleep (I couldn't sleep. I was supposed to sleep within 40 minutes.).

    (Also, this is the first dream published using the dream journal programs actual publish button.)


    by geogzm on 02-25-2011 at 01:22 PM
    Dream Lucid Sleep Paralysis Non-Dream/Side notes

    This dream was scary and yet fun. I don't remember what took place when. I dreamt that I was joining a different school, Oakmead (this school does exist in real life, however I have no idea what it looks like). I was being shown around by some old guy and I remember two buildings kind of like the ones in the level of THPS2 called school II, and I remember at some point being in a classroom/office on a second, higher floor with huge crowds of people protesting against something.

    The place that reminded me of school II from THPS2

    The road to the school and the second floor.

    The road to the school I also remember. The crowd stopped halfway down it. I remember being in a crowd of students entering the school too but it felt like I had been there for ages.

    I was reminded of this dream by stumbling across the name of the school on facebook.

    It really irritated me that I didn't reality check during this dream because what happened in it definitely isn't normal.

    Update, 2016: I went in to their sixth form. It was nothing like the dream. Hilarious though, reading back on what my 13-year-old self dreamed about.

    Updated 03-09-2016 at 03:45 PM by geogzm

    side notes , non-lucid , dream fragment

    Dream 4 - Food Exile

    by geogzm on 02-23-2011 at 12:05 PM
    Dream Lucid Sleep Paralysis Non-Dream/Side notes

    This dream was odd because even when I was awake I didn't realize that I remembered it as a dream. But then I did that thing where you think how you got there and realized it was all a dream.

    I was sat with a group of friends in the school canteen (for any americans that read this, 'cafeteria'), with a row of chairs dividing us. My friend was on a table with a girl she hates (she has reason to) looking all stranded, and my other friend (her boyfriend) was sat on the table with her. On the other side of the wall of chairs was me, my friend's welsh half-brother (or some shit like that) and another friend of mine. There were various other people scattered around as well. I remember having a conversation with my friend's brother (I'm not typing half-brother all the time) about something or other and then I encouraged my friends to move to our side of the chair, away from the people that they hated. Skip forward a few minutes.

    I dropped my food all over the floor and I think I burst out laughing and then some angry lunchlady came over and told me to get out of the canteen (cafeteria).

    I stayed though, and got a second chance. Some more conversation went on (I forgot what was being said) between everybody, and then I dropped my iPod on the floor. I burst out laughing again (I think) and the lunchlady grew muscles or something (I vaguely recall) and dragged me out.

    The sky turned dark, to nighttime. I walked in to a house which seemed to just pop up in the middle of the school and began suiting up or something and then walked back in to the canteen and sat down (it went to day again at this point).

    I remember another dreamlet as well, which was bought on by my non-stop Scrubs marathon over the past few days. JD and elliot were in a banana farm with some rows of neatly cut bushes, and they walked down the banana farm with baskets full of bananas. I was watching it on my PC like I've been watching scrubs recently, which leads me to believe that if I keep trying, reality checks will flood through much like Scrubs has and I'll finally have a second lucid dream.

    I've also added a dream goal in my dream journal to recreate the lunchlady and brutally murder her the next time I become lucid.

    Dream 3 - I heard you like B6, so I put a B6 in your dream so you can anticipate dreaming in your dr

    by geogzm on 02-20-2011 at 05:05 PM
    Dream Non-Dream

    Pardon the title. I only remember one dream from yesterday. I was looking for B6 supplements in the dream and I was at my dad's flat (apartment for you americans). At my mum's house, there's a pantry full of food, and this pantry seemed to be in my dad's kitchen somehow. I went in there, and in the dream I was informed that B6 pills and apple juice killed you, so I was raiding the pantry for watermelons, berries and such. I found some strawberries and ate them as if they were prey, but nothing else was in there. I found a piece of melon and the dream ends there. It wasn't lucid. It was also suprisingly clear for one of my dreams and I remember it as if it were a memory.

    1x B-complex pill (2mg B6, 200ug B12, 8mg B1)
    non-lucid , dream fragment