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    I found Dreamviews while trying to research dream control


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    1. gl431
      gl431 liked post by dakotahnok On thread : What should I do to improve(this is what I've got so far)?
      Wow lucids in your first night is a good sign. The reason that the dreams got longer and more lucid throughout the night was what is called REM sleep. This is were we have the most of our dreams....
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    2. gl431
      gl431 liked post by Cacophony On thread : What should I do to improve(this is what I've got so far)?
      Hello and welcome to DV! Congratulations on your lucidity! That's totally awesome :)
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    View gl431's Dream Journal

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    Night One

    by gl431 on 01-09-2011 at 01:03 AM
    I started keeping a dream journal a few days ago in a spiral, but figured I should go digital in case I loose my paper journal. These are my dreams for my first night after discovering this site. I decided to start by working on dream recall (I had been having trouble with that for the past few months). In my journal I am using bullet points just to get the general idea of my dreams, but I'll try to convert them to plot lines here.

    Night of January 4th

    Dream 1: My first dream that night was very brief and went something like this. I was at a complex of outdoor sports arenas running with some of the other people I have athletics with. We were having normal conversations, when suddenly we noticed that there was a giant t-rex chasing after everyone on the team (I know, strange, but I used to love dinosaurs so I guess it makes sense). Being one of the faster people on the team I wasn't worried about being caught, but just to be safe I decided to pick up my pace (after all I didn't have to outrun the t-rex, just the slowest people on the team). To my dismay the faster I tried to run the slower I ended up going, it felt as though something was pulling harder back on me the faster I went. Eventually the t-rex caught up with me, so I closed my eyes and started thinking "it won't eat me, it won't eat me." To my surprise it didn't. When I opened my eyes we actually began to have a pleasant conversation. I asked him why he didn't eat me and the t-rex's answer was because I was dreaming. I realized he was right and got really excited, unfortunately too excited and I ended up waking up.

    Dream 2: My next dream happened once I fell back to sleep and though I can't remember most of the details of the beginning I remember the latter half. For some reason I had been looking for a job (even though I'm not legally allowed to work in most places). One of my friends had found me a job at a restaurant so I took it. I was working busily for a while, but one of the other employs kept making snide remarks to their friend who also worked there. After a while I got sick of it, and pushed the tray of cupecakes they were holding into their face, and it stuck there from all the icing. There friend was gawking, so I took the cupcake in my hand (that I guess I took off the try before shoving the tray into the other kid's face) and threw it at them. My aim was spot on. After that I remembered what the t-rex had said in my last dream and realized that this was a dream too! Everyone in the restaurant then proceeded to have a huge food fight for the rest of the dream.

    Dream 3: This was my last dream of the night. I was sitting at a table in a library (looked like the one from my elementary school), and some evil magic creature had been freed. Me and some of my friends from school were looking up ways to beat it when it flew into the library. For some reason it only went after me and eventually had me stuck in a small room. I knew the only way to escape was to lift up the roof and fly out (I guess there were no available doors or windows), so I started to try that. I realized that the creature could stop me easily, but I thought to myself "stay where you are" and it obeyed. After flying out of the room I landed near a lake in a nearby neighborhood (near to where I live in real life). Walking on the side walk around the lake I ran into a group of people from my school who were coming back from a party they were at. I said hi and kept walking when suddenly I realized that one of the people in the group was a somewhat antisocial kid from another grade and that he would never hang out with those kids (of course thats the not normal thing that clued my in to my dream, not the flying part..). I then decided to bring some other people from my school in to hang out with the other kids and we did for a minute, but then we decided to mess with some of the kids. I was able to turn us invisible so we poked and prodded different people for a while and then some of them ran away scared. After that I lost lucidity and went back to enjoying my dream as a reality. Some people in camo told me it was time to go, so we went up on the roof of a nearby house and the house started to fly. When it took off I thought "wouldn't it be funny if a bird flew by and ran into us." Right then a bird flew by us and ran into my head. I then woke up to my alarm.