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    Confusing dreams

    by GoatGirl on 12-26-2014 at 06:18 PM
    I had several dreams last night . . .

    *Important Background Information*

    I've been reading book 1 in a series called Ninja Meerkats to my seven-year-old brother. In it there are four meerkat main characters: Jet, Donnie, Chuck and Bruce. Their enemies are two men who tried to take over the world and failed because of the meerkats. Don't ask why this is important in my dream. Just read the dream and you'll see.

    *Actual Dream*

    I was in a public restroom, and I was, surprise surprise, a meerkat! I was at the sinks with my fellow meerkats. In this dream I have a feeling I was Jet, a super fast and impatient meerkat in the book. There were also two enemies there with us at the public restroom sinks. I don't know what they were, but I'm guessing men with armor on. Except it didn't look like armor. It was metal but they looked like they were dressed like ninjas. In the dream the meerkats' goal was to steal a pearl from the men. It had significant importance for them taking over the world I guess. Chuck is the leader meerkat in the book, and he was in the dream too. I don't know what our plan was but I know Chuck had it planned out. The pearl was in a soap dish and looked a lot like soap, but we knew it wasn't. While Chuck was talking to the men, I (Jet) leaped onto the counter and grabbed the pearl. We left the public restroom and Bruce and Donnie were mad at me; that was against the orders. Chuck, however, just said "It's okay. I felt the same way, like I could just leap up there and grab it."

    Suddenly I wasn't a meerkat anymore, except it wasn't really sudden because it was just a different dream. Or maybe it wasn't; I don't know. But anyway, I was myself again, at home. My dad said we could either play games or do schoolwork. I meekly said I guess I should do schoolwork (even though I wasn't Jet anymore I'd still done something wrong I guess.) My dad said, "No, it's okay. You can play games."

    And then, again it wasn't the same setting. I was in my room with my grandma, and my room was really messy (it isn't in real life because I recently cleaned it.) She told me the social workers were coming again (don't ask, it's complicated, but they did come a couple weeks ago.) and I had to clean my room again but I shouldn't make it spotless because we don't want it to look like we just cleaned. Also, around the same time I think my grandma was looking through old videos of my brothers and I when we were little.

    That's just about the end of the dreams, but whew! That was one crazy night.
    non-lucid , memorable

    Very small fragment

    by GoatGirl on 12-25-2014 at 05:06 PM
    All I remember in this dream is a tiny fragment that had Justin, Alex and Max Russo from Wizards of Waverly Place. I might have been one of them in the dream.

    Edit: I just remembered another part of the dream. I was at the mall I usually go to, and we went to Starbucks. Also, some time after or before that part I was at home and my mom wouldn't let me go to a sleepover because she was too stressed. I got sad and mad and told her she wouldn't let me go to the last one either, and just because there's so much going on it doesn't mean that I shouldn't have fun with my friends. (I'm home schooled so I don't see my friends every day.)

    Updated 12-25-2014 at 08:27 PM by GoatGirl

    non-lucid , dream fragment

    Bucks got loose

    by GoatGirl on 12-24-2014 at 07:32 PM
    *Important Background Information*

    I have lots of goats. Does are girl goats and bucks are boy goats. Only two of the does are supposed to be pregnant right now. The bucks are separated from the does. Three goats especially are not supposed to get pregnant: Luna, because her health is too frail; Lily, because she's too small; and Bella, because she's too young (and too small.) It wouldn't be a disaster if the other does got pregnant, but it would if these three did.

    *Actual Dream*

    We let the bucks into the does' yard to breed Foo-Fee, one of the does who's supposed to get pregnant. I guess we really weren't thinking, because Luna was in heat (capable of being bred at that time) and we hadn't locked her up! Or Annabeth, either -- Annabeth can be bred without problems but we don't want to breed her this year. I guess we really weren't thinking, and then we realized we weren't thinking and tried to catch Luna but it was too late, so we just hoped all of our does didn't get pregnant. It was really weird because, why would we let the bucks in with the does if we didn't want them all pregnant?

    Updated 12-24-2014 at 07:50 PM by GoatGirl


    Luna was very sick :(

    by GoatGirl on 12-24-2014 at 06:40 AM
    (Copied from dream interpretation forum)

    This actually happened two nights ago, but I only got around to posting it now. I don't remember what I dreamed last night, so . . .

    *Important Background Information*
    I am a teenager. I live with my parents, younger brothers, two cousins, aunt, uncle and grandparents. The only people in this dream, however, were Aunt Beth and my cousin Isabel who is 4 years older than me. I live on a farm, and I have 12 goats and a sheep in the front of the house. On the side there are horses, chickens, 2 guinea hens, 2 geese, and some rabbits, but the only relevant animals are the goats and horses in this dream. At the moment there are some court issues over my brother and I feel like the adults aren't telling me enough, which could be part of the meaning of this dream. Luna is my favorite goat and she gets Polio sometimes due to a weak immune system; I know how to tell when she in in the very early stages of it so she hasn't been close to death for at least a year.

    *Actual Dream*
    I was at home, and my house actually looked like my house which is unusual in my dreams. I was inside and I don't know what I was doing when Isabel came up to me. She told me Luna was dead! I felt very stressed and grief-stricken, and I asked her why I hadn't been told she had Polio. Isabel just shrugged, like it didn't matter! I think she was a bit embarrassed too though. I asked her, "Seriously, why wasn't I told?" and she shrugged again! So I ran outside to the goats, except the goats were right by the horses which is not where they are in real life. Also, I didn't recognize any of the goats except Luna. She wasn't dead, but very near death. Aunt Beth said she was going to euthanize Luna (put her to sleep.) I told her, "NO. I believe it is wrong to euthanize animals, ever." It's true, I do believe that. I should add we do NOT have the needle or anything; we would have to go to the vet to euthanize an animal. When Aunt Beth tried to do it anyway, I pushed her hand away and told her we couldn't do it. Luna might be very sick but there was no way we would end any chance she might have of surviving. After that I don't remember much of my dream; only that she was getting a little bit better. I don't even remember whether she died or not. I do remember that this morning when I woke up and went to let the goats out of their stalls, I was VERY relieved that Luna was okay; the dream was very vivid and I thought it might be real.
    non-lucid , nightmare , memorable