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    About Grant1222
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    I have had quite a few Lucid Dreams in the past, but starting now I will just put one because I had a really good one today. I hope to get really good at Lucid Dreaming, and hope to have them more often.
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    Cross Country, Lifting, Eating, Sleeping
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    View Grant1222's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    WILD Thing

    by Grant1222 on 11-09-2011 at 08:54 PM

    The not so Hot Air Balloon

    by Grant1222 on 11-06-2011 at 04:56 PM

    This dream wasn't Lucid, but it sure was weird!

    The dream began, and I was right next to my Grandpa's pond. My grandpa wasn't there, and their house was replaced with a giant mansion/base/helicopter landing behemoth of a house. I went into the house, and there was a giant pool, and Pal (Pal was based off one of my friends this dream) was standing there with his dream sister I guess. We were just chillin and standing around the pool when Pal gets this crazy idea to make a homemade hot air balloon. I told him that there is no way we can do that, because we don't know how to get the fire to create air. Pal came up with this brilliant idea to make it fly using cold air (Not possible in real life but in dreams duh). I agreed, and the scenery outside the house changed slightly. The trees were replaced with an open field.

    The scene changes, and me, Pal, and his sister are standing outside with the balloon ready. It looked like a huge piece of shit, but it really looked promising to us in the dream. We stood there and Pal told us to get in. We got in, and it took off. We didn't rise, we took off. It slowly started to rise as it flew pretty low to the ground. We saw trees coming up into the horizon, so Pal told the air to pump faster, and we rose up very high. I wasn't afraid (I hate heights) surprisingly because I had this slight feeling of if I fell off, I knew I wouldn't get hurt, but I thought this was real life. Yes, confusing I know. Eventually after a while we started going down slowly and then quickly. We landed in a small pond that was by a bathroom house that was in the middle of nowhere. We walk in and take a leak, and we see a man in the corner who was just sitting on a bench playing a Harmonica. We went up to him and asked if he could help, and he said yes, and gave us an oar, new balloon top, and a container for the cold air. No , I don't know why some homeless guy had all that stuff. Dreams can be so stupid...

    So finally we got to the balloon, and rowed it back to shore. We got it all situated, and attempted to take off, but then the man who gave us the stuff started opening fire on our balloon. We took flight right when he started firing. He kept hitting the balloon, but it took a long time to go down. We eventually landed in a field. I then woke up soon after. Verrrryyy weird dream.

    The Snow Bunker

    by Grant1222 on 11-06-2011 at 03:32 AM

    Yes! Finally got the picture thing down! Okay I had another dream last night, and it was another Lucid dream! No I will not only be posting my Lucid dreams, but all the other dreams I had this week I forgot as soon as I woke up, or they were so unclear or stupid I didn't want to write about them. This dream, just like the last one, had a very bad beginning, and didn't get good until about halfway through. I will also bold the part when it becomes Lucid, so if anyone is only interested in that part, go ahead and only read that if you want.

    It started off as a full screen view of a Call of Duty MW3 Montage. You know those sick videos of gameplays on YouTube? Yeah something like that. It was like actually being the person, but I wasn't controlling him. He was destroying the team, and he was somehow doing these awesome tricks to avoid shots and just absolutely molested the enemies. Then, it changed, and I joined the game, but I was actually in control. The original guy who was the one killing was next to me. He handed me a gun (don't remember what kind, I think some assault rifle), and told me to kill anything that comes in sight. I looked around, and I instantly realized I was in the exact bunker used for training at the beginning of Call of Duty 4, except it was in a Tundra area. I went around corners with my partner, (probably Pal) and shot people as soon as I saw someone. We eventually made it outside where we met up with the rest of the soldiers. They told us that we needed better firepower for the creatures, and handed us a rocket launcher. Pal was next to me and was telling me to stay close, and not to underestimate their power. At this point, I'm like WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? Pal points to the right, and there are about 2-4, 10 feet tall Ice creatures (looks similar to the picture above). I asked what the hell were they, and he said an Ice Golem, and we needed to take them down.

    I was scared shitless, but Pal being a bawss, charged at a lone Golem and started shooting at the Golem with his Rocket Launcher. I manned up and started doing the same. Then Pal turned away and started taking out another one, leaving me alone with this behemoth Golem. I shot every bullet I had at it, but it just made it more angry. It charged at me. Now I must tell you I have a pretty cool ability, when I am in peril in my dream, I have like a 65% chance of having instant lucidity, which is very useful to prevent nightmares. At that moment it charged at me, I realized I'm dreaming, but being a man I wanted to still kill it. I knew this thing was made of Ice, so I decided to shoot fire at it. I cupped my hand in like a ball shaped and waited for fire to appear. It didn't. I could tell my lucidity wasn't very strong, so I had to take matters in my own hands, literally. Time was going slowly because I didn't want it to kill me while I was dealing with this fire shit. Yeah, I could control time, but not fire. So I looked at my hand, concentrated really hard, and said, GIVE ME FIRE! Then finally it appeared. Time sped back to normal and at the last second I threw the ball of fire at him. As soon as it hit him, he exploded, and the explosion was so strong that it caused the dream to change, and I knew I was about to wake up. I panicked, and instead of rubbing my hands together, I rubbed my finger with my hand......Wait what? Yeah I know I had a major brain shit. Then I woke up. I think my mind was punishing me for being such a dumbass. It was another fun lucid dream nevertheless.

    Updated 11-06-2011 at 05:02 PM by Grant1222


    Taking Flight

    by Grant1222 on 11-06-2011 at 01:03 AM
    Before I go any further, let me tell this dream was long, EXTREMELY long. Thankfully, most of it was just a cluster fuck of random crap that no one cares about, or it makes no since in any way. So I'm just going to get to the part that actually makes since and is the lucid part! By the way, like most people I think, my dreams are usually beyond weird. No, not weird, COMPLETELY FUCKED UP! Pardon the all caps language, but its true. So some of my entries will probably make no since, so just deal with it!

    It started off as me sleeping outside my, "Dream House", which I guess is a rural rundown barn establishment. I don't know why I didn't sleep inside the barn. Maybe I thought it would collapse on me. Anyways, it was really nice outside. It just became morning, and the temperature was perfect, and it was sunny. When I woke up, I started talking to my Pal who I guess was sleeping near me. My parents were there with his parents too talking as well. As I was talking to him, I suddenly experienced the almighty Lucidity, and I was like, AHHHHH HELL Yeah.... I'm dreaming! Instantly my Pal, being his normal ignorant dream self, was like you Dumbass why would you be dreaming? I ignored him and started thinking about what to do first. The dream was so clear, I knew I had complete Lucidity, and could do anything. I said, I'm gonna fly! And took off. I was flying probably like 40MPH give or take just around the perimeter of the property, then shot up really fast, and then back down. When I landed, Pal was gone, and my gay Honda CRV (which I really hate having) was lying out in the open. I came up with this crazy idea to make the car fly while I was in it. I was about to get in it, then I realized, I'm dreaming, why don't I make this my dream car? So I said begone! And there was a sexy 2011 Dodge Challenger. I get in, start it up, and take off. My parents are in the back seat for some reason, silent, but I didn't really notice. So then I looked at my radio and told it to play a song that went along with flying. It instantly played, Surfin with the Alien by Joe Satrioni (one of my favorite guitarists). Then I say, "Fuck you Physics!" And lift the car off the ground. The pure excitement and epicness of this situation is probably the reason I woke up. I'm amazed, because most people don't get flying down easily in a dream, and I did it like a champ!

    Hell yea

    Updated 11-06-2011 at 05:03 PM by Grant1222
