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      i miss you.... i wish u would meet me at the damn cafe i love you butitss so hard to jus b friends i dont wna be your friend i realized....but i kno i cant be ur bf so i dont no where that reallyleaves us. u prolly wont eva read this message but if u do i sstillll am in lovooe with u
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      hey mutha fucka, if u want to get good at LDS i suggest as ur first step you get really good at recall and can do so by keeping your labtop close to you when you sleep. That way wen ya wake up, you can immediatley write down your dreams in your dream jorurnal on your new dreamviews account. I am so pumped you are entering this new level conciousness!! This shits hella cool and better than any drug ive ever done. Happy dreams
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    Lucid mutha fucka!

    by haylaycat on 10-11-2012 at 03:46 PM
    Fuck yea I finally went lucid!! I saw Matt in a cafe and he was talking to some evil dude who looked like mick jagger and was like corrupting his mind or something. I wanted to save Matt really bad. Then I realized, wait, I'm dreaming and Matt doesn't have to be corrupted like this! I can convince him to stop, I.e. control him. So I set about trying to talk him into leaving with me. Surprise surprise, he didn't do what I wanted, because even in my dreams I can't control people and make them do what I want. Its interesting how that was the first thing that came to my mind to do once I realized I could do whatever I wanted. Wow, there are no accidents.
    Matt was definitely inhabited by some demon and was not acting like himself at this point. At first I thought, well fuck him, I'm just gonna give up on trying to save him. As I learned yesterday, my defense mechanism is giving up on a relationship so I can feel in control of the outcome rather than risking it and have a chance at failing. And then I thought, why can't I control him if I'm lucid dreaming? I even thought, well maybe I'm not really lucid. I was gonna go test it out and go fly or something, but then I knew I wouldn't even enjoy it because I would know I had left Matt behind and given up on him.
    Then I remembered the real Matt having told me that in his lucid dreams he would run away from the monsters cuz he got scared, even though he could technically fight them and win. And he also recently stood up to one of them. So I thought, well I can do that too! When I looked at the dream Matt, all mean and corrupted, I just wanted to love and nurture him and tell him that everything's gonna be okay. So I climbed on his lap and did just that. I really wanted to make out with him, so I did! And it felt really good. The more I made out with him, the more I could feel the evil spirit leaving his body. And once it was gone, we just held each other and then I woke up.
    Wow, so interesting with a lot of commentary on things I learned in my fifth step yesterday. Ultimately, I can't control and make people do what I want, but I CAN always help them.

    Ski Castle

    by haylaycat on 09-17-2012 at 04:29 PM
    My family and I were on a vacation, and we were camping at some ski resort. We stayed in this really creepy ass cabin that had nothing in it except hay on the floor. Actually, there was this weird horse in the corner with really creepy eyes, and Jake and I kept fucking with it with glow sticks. We'd wave them in front of his face and get him all worked up. Then, I went off on my own skiing around and I found this long trail to an old, medieval castle. You had to take a gondola across an icy river to get there. It was a big attraction, and a lot of people came to see it. But I think I didn't go back to my family and just spent the night there. I went back to the cabin the next morning, and a cat was following me.
    Then I told Jake and Garrett that they NEED to see this castle cuz it was awesome. So they took the trail, but had to rush back because we were leaving soon. I don't remember much after that, besides trying to get everything packed up to go. I also don't remember seeing my parents ever, just having the feeling that they were there.


    by haylaycat on 09-16-2012 at 09:29 PM
    So weird. Really vivid dream last night. This girl who's really cool who I just met, Amy, and I were hanging out and walking around Tacoma at night. I really like her as a person (in real life,) and in my dream we were holding hands and putting our arms around each other's shoulders and stuff. I was worried that maybe she would think I'm lesbian or something, but I just really liked her as a friend. We were talking about how we had been talking about other people earlier (which actually did happen with her earlier in the night in real life). We both really wanted to stop doing that so we made a pact not to gossip again. It was a really powerful feeling that came over me of wanting to change because gossiping does not make me feel good, and in a way it's an addiction because even though I don't want to gossip, I'll do it anyway because I'm so curious as to what's happening in other's lives, even though it's none of my business.
    Then, I woke up in another dream world. I was picking up Matthew from the airport when he's coming to visit, and I just remember running and jumping into his arms and making out really passionately for a long time in the middle of the airport. Everyone was staring at us but I didn't give a fuck, cuz it felt really good and I missed him so much! Guess I'm just getting excited to see him

    I don't know what to think....

    by haylaycat on 09-14-2012 at 03:51 PM
    This guy Ryan at school, he was REALLY fucking rich in my dream. I was going over to his house, which was in Utah but it was on the beach at the same time. I was using GPS on my phone to get over there, and I almost got in a car crash because of it. When I got there, his house was HUGE and he had his own private section of beach. His entire big ass extended family was there though, and I felt really overwhelmed by all of them, and for some reason I felt ashamed. I don't know why, I just remember that feeling. His dad gave me a new birth certificate, because I told him I disowned my family so I needed a new one. Ryan's whole family was really excited for me for doing that. Ryan also told me some really nice things, like that I'm compassionate and strong and in tune to the world around me. That was nice.
    I can't remember if this happened before or after. I was in a diner with Connor, Gaby, Jordan, who are all high school friends. We were having a good time, but the waitress was a total bitch. So I gave her feedback, SRA style. She actually understood, and was willing to take my advice. I think that came from doing resentments yesterday that centered around someone not taking my advice, but idk.
    There was another part where I was in a dorm at college, but it didn't look like the one I actually live in. I had started drinking again, and I had a HUGE stash of liquor in my closet. I wouldn't tell anyone about it, and I especially wouldn't share. I just remember being pissed in this part of my dream.


    by haylaycat on 09-12-2012 at 04:29 PM
    He visited me in my dorm room and we were having fun, and it was going to lead to sex. Audrey was my roommate and I felt bad because I forgot she was in there, and halfway through us giggling and being noisy she left. However, I talked to her about it later and she said she honestly didn't care. Then Ryan's girlfriend broke up with him, and he was super sad so I went to support him. It was selfish support though, because I just want to get with him. I left Todd, and i was really embarrassed he was in my room. I didn't want anyone to know, because I didn't want to be labeled as a slut and I didn't want to kill my chances with Ryan. Then I went back to the room, and he was on fb chat. He was crying and looking at his old gf's page. Weird sauce.