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    View HazAttack's Dream Journal

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    The First

    by HazAttack on 09-14-2011 at 06:13 PM
    It seems when I dream, the different dreams just come and go, so I'll skip to the one that contained lucidity.
    I was in a hotel in a large, busy looking city (or at least that's what I saw from the window) along with my girlfriend, and a women who appeared to be a nurse, from maybe a 1940's era.No one was injured, so I still don't quite understand her presence in this. I had come to the conclusion that we had traveled back in time, and I was trying to figure out a way for me and my girlfriend to get back to our time. When i opened the door that was in the hotel room, it led to an identical room, and for some reason, I came to the conclusion that it would be possible to get back to "our time" if we back into this door. We did this, through many hotel doors, all of them taking us to identical rooms, but not taking us home. Eventually we stopped and took a break. We sat down, and I told the nurse that maybe if we went to sleep, me and my girlfriend would wake up in our own time. She then brought us milk and chocolate chip cookies and we began to slowly eat them at a small table in the hotel room. The setting of the hotel room was of a gorgeous Victorian era, that completely contradicting the setting of the polluted city outside the window. I had finished my cookies, stood up, and started walking to the window, and then I though to myself "How could we have traveled through so many hotel rooms, and seemingly end up where we were in the first place? How did we even time travel in the first place? Time travel isn't possible, I must be dreaming!" It was then that the floor beneath me began shaking, almost crumbling (Inception-like?). I remembered the things I had read online of how to stop myself from waking up from a dream, and I had rubbed my hands together and focused on the feeling of it. After everything re-stabilized, I ran to my girlfriend and told her of my realization. I guided her to the window with me, and as we walked past the bed, I noticed a crimson red comforter sprawled about on the bed. I thought to myself "That comforter is green" and then watched in amazement as, from the center of it to the edges, turned a dark green. We arrived at the window and I looked about at all the buildings that were a little tall, but not quite as tall as the one we were in, as we could easily see over them. We then noticed a car heading towards us, or rather the building we were in, with a speed that clearly said the driver had no intentions of stopping. They planned on crashing into the building. With a wave of my right hand, I had easily picked the car up and sent it flying into a distant part of the city, diagonally to the right. A man had then some how jumped from the ground level up the window seal and stood there starring into the room. He was wearing a leather jacket, with a black matching hat, and ripped up denim jeans. His face had cuts, all that was in his eyes were whites, and as he smiled grimly, it was easy to see he was missing teeth. He was easily comparable to a zombie. When he attempted to climb into the window, I waved my right hand and sent him flying in the same direction as the car was sent. My girlfriend had went back to the table to sit down, the nurse was straightening the bed up, and I had moved a few feet to the right of the window and was leaning against the wall. Some how a hog and climbed onto our window seal and had sneezed violently. I watched, in slow motion, as the snot traveled through the air, and hit the nurse in her back. I waved my hand, but nothing happened. I tried maybe two more times, but it wouldn't go away. I then closed my eyes and thought to myself "This is a dream. That isn't a hog, it's a small bunny." I opened my eyes to see that the hog had transformed into a small kitten, with a slightly large head, white fur with patches of black, and big green cat eyes. I picked it up, took it to my girlfriend and she said "it's so cute" in the voice she does whenever she see's something adorable. From there, I believe* I woke up, quite eagerly at the fact that I had had a lucid dream.

    * I say I "believe" I woke up, because I don't remember how the dream ended, or even exiting the dream.
    lucid , nightmare , memorable