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      Like Dustndawind, I want you pretty bad as well.
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      I want you... I want you sooo baaAAAaaAAd its driving me mad! Its driving me....
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    About HeritageDreamer

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    About HeritageDreamer
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    I am new to dream discussion. It is something that I learned about during my time in drug rehab. There I met a wonderful counselor who showed me that I have quite the spiritual side. I began to keep a dream journal a few weeks before the start of 2011. I have found it extremely beneficial. I have noticed a direct correlation between my emotions and my dreams. Often after a very vivid dream I am awakened to my feelings about real life situations. It has been especially beneficial to my recovery by allowing to analyze my emotions in a fun way without feeling to need to suppress them with chemical substances.
    Now that I am newly out of treatment I have been looking for dream discussion groups in my area. I have been unsuccessful. I have found that this website is well made and am excited to start participating in discussions.
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    View HeritageDreamer's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    March 8, 2011 - Cats and Dogs

    by HeritageDreamer on 03-08-2011 at 10:04 PM
    I am in a room that looks like a library. There are bookshelves lining the walls and some in the middle of the room. I see a door leading to another room the looks very similar. As I enter the new room I see a door to another room which looks similar. This goes on; each new room has a door leading into another room that looks very similar but only slightly different. In one of the rooms I stop and look around. A small dog comes running to me. I do not remember the breed. I give it some attention before I go into the next room. Another dog comes running to me. I remember that this one was a miniature pug. I move along to the next room. The same thing happens again and I do not know the name of the dog breed. I know that I am alone but I hear someone say “Wow you really seem to like pure bred”. I become lucid.

    I go into the next room and this one has blue walls and a dark blue ceiling. On the ground are blue pebbles that look like something that would be at the bottom of an aquarium. This time a cat comes running to me. I give it some attention then I move on to the next room. This time I am thinking of my cat Caramel who passed away a year ago. I want her to come out of the doorway. A cat comes out and it is not her. I remember that this one was grey with long hair. I remain in the same room and I try again, this time a tabby comes around the corner. I remain in the same room and try one more time. She comes around the corner. She looks frail and sick like she did in her last days of life. I kneel down and get her to approach me by putting my hand out towards her. She meows and it sounds just like she did in her last days. I begin to cry as she comes to me and I hug and pet her. The dream ends.

    March 6, 2011 - The Island

    by HeritageDreamer on 03-06-2011 at 08:30 PM
    I am in a house with wood paneling walls. It had the look of a cabin. The entrance was more elevated that the living room. The living room was flooded and it looked like a lake. The water was brown and murky and I could not see the bottom. It looked like there was seaweed and algae growing. There is a little floating dock leading out into the water. On the left there is a ladder leading up to a room that looks out over the living room. I climb up the ladder because I plan on crossing the living room by going a level higher. I get up there and there is a giant web and a spider that is as tall as the room as well as several DCs that I do not recognize. They all begin to walk closer towards me and I back away from them. I fall into the disgusting water and I can feel the seaweed brushing my legs.

    I remember being told that I would not be able to ‘handle it’ in this place. I contested saying that I believed I was strong enough. I remember that I was wearing nothing but a long t-shirt and a pair of underwear but I didn’t care that I was underdressed in front of strangers.

    I feel like a week has passed and now I am getting ready to leave. I am looking around frantically to find a ‘fleece’ sweater of mine (in reality this sweater is made of wool and I’m almost positive that I’ve donated it). My friend Joshua is there. I am angry with him. I ask him where my sweater is. He has it in his hands however we are on opposite ends of the water filled living room. He tries to throw the sweater across the water but fails miserably. It lands very close to him in the water. This makes me very upset. He jumps into the water to retrieve it. He crosses the living room and hands it to me. Somehow the water has shrunk my sweater so much that it could now fit a Barbie doll. Somebody says that it might be time to clean up the house. Joshua says that he will think about it and find a good method to clean it up (In reality Joshua often throws large house parties and is amazing at cleaning up his house afterwards). It now feels as though this entire week has been a party for these people and I feel that it was a horrible experience for me.

    The dream seems to change suddenly. It looks like a scene of a movie and I am looking at it from a third person point of view. There are people swimming up to shore. They are dressed as if they are from the 40’s. They are survivors of a plane crash that are now stranded on this island.

    Now the dream returns to the original scene except it looks like Joshua has ‘cleaned up’. There is no longer water in the living room, just hard wood floor. I am back at the cabin and I now know that the DCs are descendants of the survivors of the crash and we are on an island.

    Although I do not remember my boyfriend being in other parts of this dream I suddenly being searching for him. I feel as if he has left without me. There is luggage piled up at the entrance and I see that his is missing. I begin searching for him outside with a flashlight. As I do so I see many people that I have not seen in a long time yet I honestly have no interest in speaking with them because I feel like I need to find my boyfriend. I felt abandoned.

    I wake up.

    I did not enjoy this dream. I felt stressed the entire time.

    March 3, 2011 - Winter Nightmare

    by HeritageDreamer on 03-05-2011 at 02:30 AM
    I wake up in ‘my bedroom’ (it does not look like my bedroom). I step out into the hall. There is a railing looking out over a large two story window. I see something falling out of the sky in the distance. It is shining like a meteorite falling into the atmosphere from space. It crashes down. I can’t see exactly where it land because it lands in the distance behind a hill. I see blue and green flashes coming from behind the hill.

    The dream gets fuzzy. I think I saw people walking away from the crash site. They look like army soldiers; they are in uniform and are carrying weapons.

    Suddenly there is a flying ‘drone’ (from the game bioshock) zooming around in my room. It shines a blue light at me. I scream ‘you’re not real, this is just a dream”. I look at my hands and start rubbing them together.

    I wake up from the dream in my bedroom beside my boyfriend. It is my bedroom (it looks like my bedroom) but I know that it is in a house (not an apartment). My boyfriend is sleeping beside me but he is holding a boning knife that is pointing down on my sternum.

    Now we are sitting in the living room (my boyfriend and I). We can see outside the window that there are many soldiers going from house to house. My boyfriend tells me to make an excuse when they get to us. I’m not sure what that means but I can tell that something is wrong. A soldier comes to our doos and asks if we’ve seen anything out of the ordinary. I stutter my boyfriend cuts in and makes up some sort of story to convince him that everything is alright. I’m thinking of the knife that morning, thinking that that was definitely out of the ordinary and it was terrifying.

    Next thing I remember I was on top of a snowy hill with many people.
    Now I am in a house with my dad’s side of the family. One of my cousins is screaming and swearing as she tries to get through a door in the house we’re in. It is unlike her to scream and swear. I feel like there is something wrong so I try to flee.

    I am on a snowmobile outside of a house that I used to live in with my parents. I am trying to get my boyfriend. There is a young boy in a snow suit attacking him. I’m yelling and trying to get him on the snowmobile so that we can get away.

    The End

    Throughout the entire dream I felt that the meteorite crash, flashing light, and soldiers had everything to do with why everybody was acting weird.
    lucid , non-lucid

    March 2, 2011 - The Facility

    by HeritageDreamer on 03-03-2011 at 07:20 PM
    I am in some sort of facility. It is colorful and futuristic. I am living in this facility.

    There is a man who works there. He is cutting my toe nails. I feel really awkward. I like this guy.

    I am in a large dark room. The walls are electric blue. There is a very large screen, it looks like a television screen and it is glowing. There is no bed and no furniture. I know that this is ‘my bedroom’.

    I am going up a stair well. I am not supposed to be in the stair well. I think I am going to see the guy from before. I am outside the facility. I am not supposed to leave the property. I cross a little creek. It is fall weather and all the plants are yellow. I am running away from the place and I feel like someone is chasing me. I begin to run like a horse. My run continues to evolve. I start to leap. I begin to be able to leap longer distances at a time. I reach a barn.
    non-lucid , dream fragment

    Feb 27, 2011 - Attempt at Dream Control

    by HeritageDreamer on 03-03-2011 at 07:15 PM
    I am standing in front of a man. He is important looking. He is sitting at a desk, he has grey hair. I want him to leave my dream. All the while I am continuing to rub my hands and look at them. I feel rushed, I’m afraid that I will lose my lucidity. I try to will him away. His image becomes a little bit wavy. It doesn’t seem to work so I decide to reach into my back pocket (I realize that I am wearing jeans). I know I don’t have money but I try to make it appear so that I can bribe this man to leave my dream.

    This is all I remember.