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    September 22, 1989 (34)
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    Video Games, Anime, Manga, Lucid Dreaming
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    1. r2d2651
      r2d2651 liked post by Hiro On thread : Dreams creating romantic feelings?
      *shrug* If you like her, you like her. Don't see how that happening because of a dream is any different. Follow Mario's advice if you think you've got a shot.
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    View Hiro's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Triple Feature

    by Hiro on 09-12-2010 at 07:49 PM
    I was in a movie theater with my family, and we were watching three movies in a row. Sometimes I felt like I was in the audience watching the movie, other times I felt like I was in the movie, acting out what was happening.

    The first movie was a kids show - I don't remember what it was about.

    The second movie took place on a flying airship. There were pirates attacking, and we had to fend them off. I've also forgotten a lot about this one.

    The final movie was a horror film. I felt like I was actually inside this movie. I had a handgun, and I needed to fend off some guy (who also had a gun) and was trying to attack me. I unloaded all of my bullets into him. I tried to find another clip, but there were none to be found.

    I spent the next little while running away from the guy, until I eventually made my way into a bathroom and locked the door behind me. I knew this wouldn't be much help because eventually the guy could just shoot the lock off the door and then I'd be trapped.

    For some reason, I decided to do a reality check at this point and
    immediately realized I was dreaming. However, I still had the problem that there was a guy with a gun on the other side of the door. Since I was lucid, I decided to open the door and see what happened. On the other side was one of my cousins, except he had turned into a zombie. I was startled, but I quickly pushed past him. At this point, I thought about how my eyes were actually closed in real life, yet I could see in the dream world.

    This turned out to be a dumb idea, because it woke me up.
    lucid , non-lucid

    Dream Detective-ing

    by Hiro on 09-09-2010 at 05:46 PM
    This one is going to be hard to explain. It's one of those dreams that made sense to me while I was dreaming it, but not so much when I try to write it down.

    I was in some sort of school-like place, alone in a classroom. I wasn't there for very long when I realized that there was some invisible guy hiding in the corner. He was really huge - like 7 feet tall, 500 lbs, and gigantic arms. I asked him what he was doing there, and he told me some story about a professor in the basement who was planning a conspiracy.

    I believed him
    (I guess?) so I went down to the basement and started confronting the professor that the giant guy had talked about. We had a long conversation, but I don't remember what we talked about. Eventually I became convinced that this professor guy wasn't bad at all. It was then that I discovered the invisible giant hiding in this room as well. He ran out into the hallway and I chased him.

    When I caught him, I threatened to "turn him in." He lifted me into the air with one hand and started punching me. Struggling to break free, I told him that I might not turn him in if he told me what he was trying to accomplish by hiding in all these rooms.

    That's when I woke up. Really strange dream!

    Updated 09-09-2010 at 06:11 PM by Hiro


    Late for Work

    by Hiro on 09-07-2010 at 04:12 PM
    I was starting a new job, and trying to get to work. Unfortunately, weird things kept delaying me so that I couldn't get there. First I left too late, giving me not enough time to get there even if everything went right. Then I couldn't start my car properly - it kept going into neutral for some reason.

    Then I took a wrong turn (my car had turned into an electric scooter at some point) and got caught up in some weird crime where a guy's house and cars had been vandalized by someone scratching up all his stuff with a small needle. He accused a little girl next door, but the girl said something about Beethoven, which confused the guy long enough to let her get away.

    The girl and I drove away in another car - a huge monster-truck which I found nearly impossible to drive. The truck was soundproof, and some strange song was playing. The girl was singing along and claimed that it was Beethoven, even though it was not.

    When I finally got to work, I tried to use the excuse that since it was my first day, I had merely forgotten what time I was supposed to be there. My boss assured me that I would only be late if I had missed a time when they were busy and needed more people.

    Then a girl (who I actually did work for at some point) gave me an SD card which had the names and numbers of all my co-workers. Strangely, we started decorating the SD card with hot glue to make it look like an alien.

    This process of having things repeatedly go wrong in frustratingly random ways is a really common dream for me (and maybe other people?). I should remember to do a reality check whenever I get frustrated.

    Updated 09-07-2010 at 04:49 PM by Hiro



    by Hiro on 09-02-2010 at 05:21 PM
    I remember this being a really long dream, but I can only recall parts of it.

    There was a huge labyrinth which I was going through with a group of people I didn't know. Inside there was a bunch of creep things, like a swamp area, and an old cackling witch. Everywhere I walked in the labyrinth, my shoes made an annoying sticking sound because there was gum stuck to the bottom of them.

    At one point, our group got attacked by zombies, and a girl in the group wouldn't let me use first aid on her even though she had been bitten by a zombie.

    After that, I remember discussing a few books I've read with a friend, and the dream kind of fades out from there.
    non-lucid , dream fragment

    Umineko 101

    by Hiro on 08-29-2010 at 01:26 PM
    I was in a highschool (though not one I ever went to), and junior high English teacher was teaching a class where we were studying the visual novel, "Umineko no Naku Koro ni". This is a pretty awesome idea, so naturally I wanted to talk with her about it, but every time I had a chance, I wasn't paying attention and missed my shot.

    I waited until after class, but as soon as the bell rang, nearly everyone in class got up to talk to her, so there was this gigantic line. I wanted to have a sort of in-depth conversation, so I got in the back of the line, but I had another class to get to, so I was worried I wouldn't make it to the front.

    I woke up before I could get much further in the line.
    non-lucid , memorable