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    1. Hyu
      Hyu liked blog comment by Horne On : Deep Dreaming - Barfight - Earth from Space - Exploring Childhood Dreams - Yuya
      Question: Do you always have to do stability checks, And to keep checking if you're dreaming in time dilation? Or do you only do it once at the start, And just say "Anchor Dream stability and...
      Liked On: 05-24-2012, 07:12 PM
    2. Hyu
      Hyu liked blog comment by Horne On : Deep Dreaming - Barfight - Earth from Space - Exploring Childhood Dreams - Yuya
      Amazing, Hukif taught me Time dilation. Also, I had a Lucid today! Second Lucid! >:D Only lasted a few seconds and I wasn't even trying to Lucid, I was on a break. It only lasted a short while...
      Liked On: 05-23-2012, 02:58 PM
    3. Solarflare
      Solarflare liked post by Horne On thread : Happy Birthday Horne!
      Yes, I am Lord Horne :shadewink:
      Liked On: 02-18-2012, 09:03 PM
    4. Hyu
      Hyu liked blog comment by Horne On : Totm attempts October 2011 - January 2012
      AWESOME! :D I really do love that you're posting again.
      Liked On: 02-16-2012, 01:26 AM
    5. Hyu
      Hyu liked blog comment by Horne On : Worlds Collide
      My favourite DJer has returned! Also, You know how Yuya exists on the dream realm, I've been asking her to come and help me become Lucid. I'll tell you of my success,Or failure. Thanks for posting, I...
      Liked On: 02-15-2012, 12:09 PM
    6. Solarflare
      Solarflare liked post by Horne On thread : Happy Birthday Horne!
      Bump! I'm Horne, And I lol'd at this thread. Thanks, I guess, OP. :)
      Liked On: 02-13-2012, 01:37 AM
    7. Kaomea
      Kaomea liked blog comment by Horne On : Absence
      I have been waiting! For like ever! I am looking forward to your next adventures you may have :D
      Liked On: 11-18-2011, 06:37 PM
    8. fOrceez
      fOrceez liked post by Horne On thread : Hello! My first lucid dream!
      Sorry if I could not get back to you. I've been ill. The usual, Fingers in hand, Looking at my hands during the day, Holding nose. Reading up a lot on Lucid dreaming and other peoples lucid...
      Liked On: 10-05-2011, 08:41 AM
    9. zoth00
      zoth00 liked post by Horne On thread : Hello! My first lucid dream!
      Thanks :D I guess I am truly blessed to have such a long Lucid dream, But to be fair I was reading peoples dream journals all day.. Haha. I found it weird that I lasted so long for my first...
      Liked On: 10-02-2011, 05:10 PM
    View Horne's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Dream Saturday 18th February 2012

    by Horne on 02-18-2012 at 07:37 PM
    I had a dream were I was in New York city, At time square and I was flying, The world was ending and building were collapsing, And I remember wanting Time Square to be destroyed. Rocks or chickens were falling from the sky and I think a song in the back ground said "It's raining men" I wish I wrote down the dream when I woke up, But I didn't Because I didn't have enough battery life on my iPod, And I was being lazy.

    Well I only had enough battery life for listening to music for a half hour.

    I will be more committed next time ^_^

    Dream Friday 17th February 2012

    by Horne on 02-18-2012 at 12:56 AM
    I dreamt of helping a charity, And helping Orphans.. There was a flash flood and this man put a child in this green plastic bag that covered his body, Much like a wrapper covers a sausage. It was green, But the flash flood came and the guy was holding onto the rope connected to the bag the child was in, Then a woman took over, Since he nearly let go, And she saved the child and put him on the side, Away from the water.

    Then the woman started screaming,Where is my child see screamed. I went looking for her child and he died in the sewer flash flood and drowned.. He was blonde and had blue eyes. He told me, That he would reincarnate in July 2011. Strange since it's 2012.

    Then I had a part of a dream when I had a wire type of Spider web and I was stringing it to all school classroom members and pulling them out of the tall towers window so they were hanging, I was scaring them. I kept doing this and laughing until I woke up.

    Dream Wednesday 15th February 2012

    by Horne on 02-15-2012 at 05:31 PM
    Two Long dreams today!

    The first dream, Was a stilt walk across Europe, But the stilts where bamboo sticks, And when you walked or ran, They would bend, And then you could jump really high.

    I was in this cross European walk with a gay couple, And one of the gay men's ex wife, Who looked like a man with no hair, She had a Shrek type nose. With piercings and tattoos.

    We looked at the European map, But where Italy should of been was no India, And where South Eastern Europe was. I.E Greece. Was now the area around Vietnam. So the map was part Asian, And part European.

    We were in the Vietnamese part of the European map. Terrorists, And guerrillas warfare was going on. And it was all rainforest. We were going to go up, Towards the Indian part of the map, Through the peaceful France and eventually the Peaceful Britain. I could tell they were peaceful because the map was colour coded. Vietnamese area was Red, Indian part was Blue, Part of France was blue, And the rest was Green. Somehow I just knew. We were on our baboo jumping stilts and we were running since Terrorists were chasing us. That's all I remember.

    The next dream was a close Lucid one.

    I obviously did the reality check, Finger going through hand, But it didn't go through. And that's how the dream started, I than began to think of what things could come to life, I would put my two fingers in my palm, Count to three and they would activate. And become alive... But every time I activated them, They would never be nice, They would be evil and cause havoc. Some of them were toys, And they would grow in size. But I remember I was in a American style house, And it looked like America, It was dark at night, With only light lamps outside to see. I went outside and people were screaming.. These beats of toys and junk were causing havoc. I remember 3 sets of monsters whom were massive, Trying to get me, So I put my hand into my palm, Waited 3 seconds And they turned back into toys again, Or broke into Pieces.

    This kept happening, Then I woke up.

    I think I will lucid tonight! I have a strong feeling about it!

    Dream Monday 13th February 2012

    by Horne on 02-14-2012 at 03:23 AM
    Dream fragment memory. I remember having a dream of where I was in a tower, And this tower was like the Dubai Kalifa, The tallest building in the world, Except, This surrounding city was old, And grey. Much like a cold war version of paris. And this new tower was in the middle, But it's height was about 1 mile high. Anyway, I got a Flat there. It was meant to be close to the ground, Except instead they gave me the one three floors from the top of the building. And in the wind, The building swayed. I remember looking down at the old cold war style city. This building I was stranding in was the only tall building there. Everything else in the city maximum height of the buildings were 3 stories high. Maybe four. Back to the dream at hand, The building had a antenna that two guys were climbing, It was windy and cold. The dream faded. This dream didn't happen today, I just remembered it from seeing something today. Or I may be wrong and it did happen today

    I remember having a dream, Cate Blanchett was Queen Elizabeth, And I was in the court of France, And It was hot and I was standing next to the King Of France or Spain. I think it was going between the two Kings of each nation.

    Anyway, It was dark purple or blue. With the French monarch emblem. Queen Elizabeth 1st of England came to the French court and asked them for assistance, Or Asylum? I think the English removed the Monarchy.

    This was what she looked like, Only standing, Begging for mercy.

    Because Queen Elizabeth 1st was Protestant. They wanted to arrest her and behead her. The King who she pleaded too, Said something to his guards, And herself and her guards/protectors rushed her out of the door and into a carriage. I was running, Or on another Carriage chasing the Queen Of England.

    We were driving over hills and stuff, I did a assassins creed move and jumped onto the back of the Queens carriage. It started swerving left to right, Trying to get me off. I climbed up on the top and entered through the roof, Much like a car. I then see the Queen and said "I won't hurt you, I'll save you"

    The Queen then took me to this building with lots of gold blocks inside. The French whom where chasing us, Where far behind. Me and the Queen ran up the steps to this building, It was bricks with detail design on the outside, And gold bricks blocks inside covering the walls. Anyway, We got inside and it was dark, With a few fires on the wall. We climbed up the flights of stairs. We got half way, And the French were at the bottom of the stairs running up, Shouting. We got to the top, And it was a dead end. I think something happened, Then I woke up!

    The End, Until I dream next.

    Dream Saturday 11th February 2012

    by Horne on 02-11-2012 at 10:53 PM
    Although it's a short dream, It's a dream regardless, And it will help me with recall, Which in tern, In the long run will help me with remembering all my vivid lucid dreams.

    I dreamt of a red gun, But the gun shot out many bullets, When I looked at the bullets closer, At the end of the guns barrel hanging out, they were matchsticks with dark red/Purple on the top, basically, Burgundy colour.

    It was strange, I didn't have good sleep. So that's all I have.