• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between Hyu and fOrceez

    32 Visitor Messages

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    1. Thanks!
    2. Really sorry to hear that :/ Only briefly saw the new entry of your dream journal after I sent that message. If you get the chance to, maybe you should try some dream healing if you haven't already.
      All the best, man. Hope you get over this illness soon.
    3. Not well.
      I've finished my research, but I have a lot of trouble writing down my findings in a presentable fashion.

      In case you're curious, this is what I'm working on:

      There is no 3d model for the planet, it is generated entirely using mathematical formulas.
      Otherwise it would be about 500 terabytes, considering the current detail.
      Now it is 4 bytes, just a single number.
      Every number generates a completely different planet.
    4. Hey mate, how's your thesis going?
    5. I think you win.
    6. potato
    7. Me.. in a potato?
    8. Hey, if you have the time drop by the IRC chat, there's a link at the top of the page
    Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 32
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