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    About icepaw99

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    About icepaw99
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    My life basically revolves around music (the rock band Marillion mostly), cats, singing and dreaming. I have had at least 1 dream every single night for the past year and a half, nearly 2 years now. My first of these dreams was on January 7th 2009, about a snow leopard. I have recently been teaching myself to lucid dream. I have 2 cats, Bramble and Bracken, and Bramble was hit by a car a couple of weeks ago and has 3 legs. My life is quite depressing, involving 2 family split-ups (and now I'm going through another one). I am a strong believer in pretty much anything spiritual. I mostly have taken my dad's personality, and a lot of personality is my own. I love just simple things- a moonlit forest, a beautiful cloud pattern- and hate R'n'B and rap music.
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    Horse riding, reading, singing, poem writing, story writing, web designing


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    Wild Horses and Dreams

    by icepaw99 on 10-30-2010 at 06:39 PM
    I hadn't dreamed last night, so after waking up, I took a nap, and fell straight from closing my eyes into a LD, which surprised me seeing as I've only ever had 1 LD before this.

    Anyway, I opened my eyes and was standing on a cobbled street. It looked like the main road through my village, except in olden times, and someone rode through on a horse and cart. Standing there, I suddenly thought, I'm dreaming. I remember really vividly the beating of my heart as I got excited. I decided to try out some of the things people often do in lucid dreams. I crossed the street and walked through a wall. On the other side there was just blackness, so I imagined a sweet shop, and it appeared. Still not used to walking through walls, I left through the door and flew through the street. My first time flying. I decided I wanted some adventure. I landed in a snowy area off the road. A car and a van drove towards me on either side of me. A huge crowd had gathered, and they were screaming at me to run. I saw a locked door and tried to walk through it, but I was too excited and scared. I ran away, and a man got out of the lorry and jumped on a beautiful wild horse to chase me. People were cheering me on. I remember feling so glad to have come to this world, for somer reason. I kicked the man in a rush of adrenaline, and he fell off his horse. The horse was panicked. I wanted to calm it and ride it, so I chased it. It ran down a valley of snow. I had almost got it, when everything went black. I realised aftr a minute that I had woken up.
    lucid , memorable