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    Hockey Dream (First one I ever remembered)

    by iDreamJ on 06-05-2011 at 09:51 AM
    Tonight I dreamt about hockey.
    It all started off on the hockey field, mostly on our part of the field. So my team was defending.
    I was the only one there, the other members in the team weren't close enough to help me defend.
    So, I was defending by myself, and I was already in a crappy situation, but when I looked down to my hands, I was holding a pencil!
    And I actually managed to defend with the pencil! So I took over the ball, and went to offence solo style.
    Still using the pencil, I was running, but running was incredibly hard, I felt sort of disabled. Yet eventually I convinced my mind to make me run,
    I ran faster and faster, flying past everyone (Even members of my team, I didn't pass the ball at all, and I scored!
    Then I was tired and I just walked off the field, and strangely enough I noticed half of my team followed me...
    It was kinda cool, they saw me as a leader
    After like 10 minutes of relaxing, I felt like it was time to get back into the game and score again.
    I ran onto the field (Struggling to run yet again) but I took control over the ball again, running was a lot easier this time!
    I noticed I didn't have a pencil anymore, but a playing card!
    I kinda bent it, shoved it half under the ball, and sort of shot it, but like in a curving motion, going up and falling down again.
    And it was a horrible shot, but I scored yet again!
    I felt awesome, and from there I don't remember anything from the hockey part.

    The next thing I remember is me being in my backyard, at the pond.
    I remember thinking about the hockey match, and being like, how could that have possibly been real? Am I dreaming? I was really hoping I was, because I have been trying to lucid dream for a while. And it's not been working out so far.
    I did a reality check, but it failed. I pressed the fingers of my right hand into the palm of my left hand, not really expecting it to work I guess.
    And it failed. So I was very disapointed. From there my dream also ends.

    Updated 06-05-2011 at 09:55 AM by iDreamJ
