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    Hunting Monsters and Drawing

    by Jarame on 12-25-2012 at 05:38 AM

    I was with a group of people who wanted to go out and hunt monsters and other creatures for experience. So I agreed to accompany them. Our group consisted of two young women, maybe about 19-21 years old, and another guy whom I never got a good look at. Only one of the girls had brownish-blonde hair, quite similar to my own. When we exited whatever building I was just in the three people I met began chatting about which class of hunter they wanted to be. Puzzled, I just listened to them for a few seconds. All of a sudden I saw four figures in front of me with words above and below them...one of them looks like me. Then I realize...IT IS ME!!! I'm allowed to choose whether or not I want to carry a sword or shoot arrows with a bow, or if I'd rather hold a staff and cast magic. Weird that this is occurring. So I chose to be an archer, which for some reason upset the girls with the sandy brown hair. She began cursing at me and telling me to give her my bow, but all of a sudden we appeared on a dirt path, and everyone except myself, began attacking these odd figures that I couldn't really make out. So, I tried shooting an arrow, but nothing would work right! I put my left hand on the bow, loaded an arrow, and pulled the string..but then my hand would move through the bow like it wasn't even there. I tried again, and same thing, but upon releasing the string the arrow would shoot, and the bow would return to my left hand!? My arrow didn't go far, but I got the chance to shoot 3 arrows.

    Not sure why I even had that dream :/ I don't play many games, and when I do I get bored of them relatively fast. But it kind of seemed like I was in the middle of a thought that wasn't finished. Maybe there's something my sub-conscience is trying to tell me? Or maybe It's about a story I'm writing, and if I don't finish it won't look right and things will act up. I have no idea. I'm open to any thoughts, though.

    Dream two:

    I was sitting at a table inside a building that kind of resembled a coffee shop, but at the same time looked like a library. Could have a bookstore with a coffee shop in it. I was leaning back in the chair with my knees bent and pressed against the table to keep the chair leaning back. I was on a clean page in my sketchbook and I began the usual drawing process when it comes to how I draw people. I began with a circle, drew a line down the middle, and then drew a couple lines to form the jaw/chin. This time, I noticed that the lines were cleaner than normal, and I liked the feeling I was getting. I heard something in the background like someone was talking to me, maybe a woman or a guy talking to a woman, but I'm not certain. I look up for a split second and then look down at my paper. I've no got the neck and the shoulders drawn for my character, but the head is tilted to the left. I can see faint cylinders on the page for the sections of the arms, but I can't make out the post too well. All I can think about is how much I don't like it, and begin erasing, but the face is untouched by my eraser. I like it too much to erase the basic shapes of this unknown character.

    Again, I don't know why I had this dream either. I draw a lot, of course, but I think this is the first time I've had a dream about drawing. Even though this made up piece of artwork was in the very beginning stage of planning I can only remember the face and the basic shapes. Maybe I'll try to redraw it, and see what happens.
    non-lucid , dream fragment

    A Random Girl

    by Jarame on 11-15-2012 at 05:27 PM
    Dream Fragment:

    I remember playing Call of Duty, or a game similar, and then everything changed into a high school or college setting. A white girl with BCGs (giant ugly glasses), reddish-brown hair that was pulled back into a single braid, dark brown eyes, and in a green sweater appeared at a table in the library with her friends. She kept a private diary, though she shared its entries with friends, and was apparently a nympho.

    Short, I know..but this week hasn't been too good for dreaming

    Semi-vivid Dreams #2 & #3

    by Jarame on 11-07-2012 at 04:30 AM

    I had the first dream a few nights ago, but I did record it in my physical DJ. The second dream I had before I woke up this morning.

    I was hanging out with my friend Dalton, and for some reason his side was hurting. Or rather his ribs. There was a girl with him who seemed to act the role of a girlfriend, even though in real life he's single. We were in a classroom setting just hanging out, but no one had the intention to help my friend about his side. Later we met up with another girl from work, and I ended up in her car. Then I woke up.

    I only recall being in a living room with my friend, Jamal, and we were playing a "Sonic the Hedgehog" video game. Apparently a NEW game came out for the SEGA Genesis which featured a large array of different hedgehogs to choose from. Later on my step-mother, from my early childhood, walked in the room and started playing games with my friend and myself.

    Both dreams were vivid in terms of what people looked like, but not much of the setting was too noticeable.

    Second Lucidity Attempt Led to Crazy Dreams

    by Jarame on 11-03-2012 at 06:08 AM
    So during my second attempt to become lucid I kept waking up and it would fail, so then I gave up since I have an early work day during the week, and went to sleep.
    I remember small segments of my dream, and I'm not sure if they were all separate dreams or just continuations of the same dream. I woke up in between each segment, but at one point I THOUGHT I was in a dream and tried blasting rainbows from my hands....then I found out I was actually awake >_____> Anyways here's what I recorded in my actual Dream Journal:

    First Segment: I was with a group of friends on a cable car ride to the top of a very steep and grassy hill. There were many Evergreen trees scattered throughout the hill, but I remember one of my friends saying "this snowboarding trip is gonna be great!" I remember thinking to myself 'snowboarding? here? Madness!!' Once we reached the top of the hill I was already geared up in winter attire, and on my board. The moment my board touched the green grass SNOW APPEARED, and it covered the entire hillside as I was making my way down. It's as if I was actually creating the snow to ride on, but then I woke up!

    Second Segment: I remember being outside of my ex-girlfriend's home (though it was totally different, and the location was WAAAAYYYY off) talking to her mother and father. Her mother was acting kind of goofy, and laughing a lot, and her father was going on about buying everyone expensive bicycles...including me! I went over to a bike and started examining it when I woke up!

    Third Segment (this I think was either two dreams connected to each other, or just continuing the same one: I was still outside at my ex's house while her parents were goofing off and riding tricycles when I felt a weird sensation in my left hand. I looked at my hand only to find the palm completely covered in pins (the kind you would stick in a pin-cushion) and the bulbs at the very tips were powder blue. I remember saying to myself "this is so weird. why is this happening?" and trying to pull them out. I think I got two or three pulled out, but each one I touched afterwards would sting the crap out of my right hand! What?? So I decided I'd go inside their house and play with their cat (they actually don't own a cat in real life). The cat I found was dark gray, and your standard fat house cat. It would hiss and growl high pitch noises and claw me if I tried to pet it. But for some reason I decided to keep trying to pet him. The cat ran away underneath an end table, and the routine repeated itself...until the cat yelled "**** YOU!!!!" and bit my hand. The bite hurt so much that I got mad, grabbed the hind legs, and punched him in the stomach, and then woke up! At the end of this segment I opened my actual eyes, still feeling like I was in a dream, held out my left hand and said in my head "I WILL blast rainbows from my hand!!!" I think I did this twice before I realized...."crap....I failed the WILD again!"
    dream fragment