• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between jarrhead and reaLitycheck1

    23 Visitor Messages

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    1. i have been employing the rc method when walking through a door when i remember it. any tips for tonights efforts?
    2. definitely employ it.

      And keep a consistent sleep cycle. That helps a bunch.
    3. the dream guide method seems alot simpler, and know you havent said about the rc check when i go through everydoor, shall i employ it?, i was going to go to bed but now your online im staying up abit longer!
    4. imgoing to sleep now. ill speak tomorrow.
    5. I usually sleep for six hours, then stay awake for two and go back to sleep. Accompanied with an MP3 usually. Do a search for my VOSCA technique.
    6. thanks, but one last thing before i watch the film and hopefully lucid dream.. how would you go around the wbtb technique tonight?
    7. like i said before, i wanna be in a situation involving dinosaurs.
    8. Dream incubatoin is my favorite. What is your goal? Not "have a lucid." But what do you want to do in it?
    9. okay will do, btw what techniques would you recommend for me to try and induce Lucids, at the moment i uses wbtb and an alarm that stops after 3 seconds so i dont get up and turn it off, however when i try and get back to sleep it takes around an hour to get to sleep, any tips?
    10. It helps to incubate it while awake so your mind is already cleared and isn't running wild. For example, watch a Jurassic Park movie.
    Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 23
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