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    Lucid Dreams are like little brightly wrapped Christmas presents!

    by jcflies on 05-30-2013 at 03:17 AM
    The other night I was dreaming and got in that delicious state where I was aware of the dream. A man in a gnarly, high HP truck was chasing a woman down the freeway. SHe did this brilliant fake-out maneuver using an off ramp, and, at the last second, veered back onto the freeway. I was in the RH lane and drove past him as he was negotiating the off ramp. Our eyes met and I knew it was going to be bad. I'm trying to get away in my little 4 cylinder and he's bearing down... I take an off ramp, and he's on me. I think, entirely lucid now, "Ok, then I'll just fly away." SO I opened the door and did so. This is usually so exciting that I awaken. I managed to breathe myself back into the dream, but was no longer lucid... It took a bit of time to find a thermal, but I hooked one, climbed out, and was smugly looking at him from far above, thinking, "Ha-ha!" But that's when I realized that even as I had the ability to fly, he had the ability to stretch. SO did his dobermans...

    I decided to awaken.

    My lucid dreams are always about flying. It's just where my mind goes. I've been doing it for a long time, and it's never NOT been flying. (Not complaining, at all! Just wondering what it means. My favorites are when I leap and become airborne!)