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    About JMooney5115
    I am a Computer Engineering student at the University of Alabama. I enjoy life and enjoy having a good time. I like hanging out with friends and just doing whatever.
    Tuscaloosa, Alabama, United States
    Cars, Music, Video Games, Band, Computers, Guitar, Guitar Hero, Fun Things, Having fun, Call Of Duty
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    12-18-2011 05:44 PM
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    View JMooney5115's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Monster to Future

    by JMooney5115 on 12-18-2011 at 05:44 PM
    I was a monster of some sort. I was on a both with another one next to us with the same kind of monster I am. The plan may have been to break into the city because they threw two giant things of the walls of an entrance. The other monster and I snipped off the end grabbed on and rode it to the top of the entrance. It was a perfect landing. There was a wooden object I jumped onto in the water. I slipped and fell in the water. It felt like there was traps on the bottom.

    The people on the boats were yelling, hope you like the man eating fish in there. I freaked out and saw stairs up to land where there was a gate. I'm not sure what was going on with the other monster, but I swam over to the mossy wet stairs and heard a voice directing me up them. There was an old guy there who had a huge room full of old stuff. He told me to look at a bracelet and pulled it out then we were somewhere else.

    I think this is the start of a new dream. It was a room full of bright lights, a school of some sort. I looked at my phone and the screen was cracked. Thinking we were in the dark ages I said, these people will be so amazed with my new technology. Then some guy walked up with a futuristic HTC phone. I asked to see it and told him mine was made in 2010. He said he didn't remember that. We started walking and talking and I said I would love it here looking at one of my friends I was with. We got in the lunch line which had all kinds of food. Behind me there was a black guy I knew from my high school but he was there in this time. Still didin't knwo what year it was. We chatted as food was got. The line for this food was so long I didn't think it was going to end. Thats the end of that dream.


    by JMooney5115 on 09-22-2011 at 11:51 AM
    I was in Winn-Dixie, I'm not sure who with, but all I remember is that I wanted to get something. I convinced a lady to let her pay for it and me walk out to the car with her and pay for it. When she was leaving I saw 3 bags of groceries that she left. One was under the scanner, one behind the cashier, and one on the table. I said nothing. As we were walking to her car it was awkward, nothing was said. I helped her load her groceries in and did not see my item and realized it was inside with the other 3 bags. I brought them out and got my item, still not sure what it was.

    Next, still at Winn-Dixie, my friend pulls up and I hop in. I think it is Dan, not sure what car or who he was with. We drove around trying to find a parking space and ended up on the other side of the lot. I was frustrated because we were behind an idiotic driver. We passed him, and the next thing I know we were walking past a cop car parked in the middle of the lot. We passed a cop on the way in.
    non-lucid , dream fragment

    Party & Class

    by JMooney5115 on 01-19-2011 at 07:46 PM
    House Party - The dream opened up in the living room of a large house. I remember seeing two people I knew in high school. There were only a few people there and I was sitting at a table off to the side of the room. I didn't feel like making conversation with anyone so I waited for someone to come talk to me. Eventually a girl my age came up and started talking to me. I didn't know her but we were flirting. We kept talking and more people showed up at the house. She left to talk to other people. There room was now full of people partying and it was night. There we people around me and the girl came back to talk. This is all I remember.

    Class - It started out in a huge class auditorium in college. It was the first day of class. I'm not sure what class it was but there were two professors teaching the same course at the same time. Kind of like a team. This girl was sitting next to me, I do not know her in real life. We were chatting and making jokes as the teachers talked. Some guy came and sat on my left, he acted like he was high laughing all the time. There were also a few girls with him but I don't remember much of them. As they were teaching the girls arm was resting on mine. Next the teachers asked us to form lines for something. There was crowds in the lines so I decided to wait until they were short because I was in no hurry. I eventually got up and tried to do whatever it was I was getting in line for. I had trouble and then I woke up.
    non-lucid , memorable

    TV Show

    by JMooney5115 on 01-17-2011 at 11:23 PM
    All I remember is me, N, and CH were watching a tv show that aired many years ago. This was a cartoon and it was kind of graphic. I remember turning my head and missing all the funny parts. When the show ended it must have been funny because I didn't see it and everyone went wild. They rewoundit and it gave an option to play a happy or sad ending. They chose the sad ending and I think it was good. We were in a weird round room that was open in the center. This is all I remember.

    Band Trip

    by JMooney5115 on 01-14-2011 at 05:22 PM
    It started out I was in my house getting ready for the bowl game trip for the band. I was in the basement watching tv and walked upstairs to the kitchen. There was some man there handing out different packs of crackers and sodas. He said he had all different kinds of crackers but didn't have what he said he did. When everyone else left the kitchen I grabbed a pack and realized my friend, CH, walked out to the charter bus that was sitting in my driveway earlier that night. I walked out there to hang out and this girl from next door, I don't even think they have a daughter came running at me saying something about her dad wasn't there. I told her to go home. I went to the bus and opened the door. I got on and started closing the door. The girl was still there and I was worried her head would be stuck in the door because it was automatic open/close. I got on and the bus was packed and my friend from high school was on there who was not in the band. I found my friend who was my seat buddy. I sat in front of her because I couldn't get to her. I asked for my bag which had bbq sauce in it for my hotdog which I aquired some how. I then climbed over my friend from high school and sat next to CH.

    The next thing I remember was we were driving through some city 15 miles away. I asked the bus driver how far we have driven, he said 20 miles. I told him that we left 5 hours too soon and I hadn't packed. The driver exited the bus as we were going around and turn and then another driver took his place. Next, we were pulled over in some garage and me and the two other drivers were outside the bus. I walked up to them and shouted, "you retard." The second driver took offense to this and tried to start fighting. I blocked everything he threw at me. The first driver appologized and said, "the state of Tennessee would pay for my gas." I apologized for calling them retards, shook hands, and returned to my seat on the bus.

    When I got back I heard a small child ask M where's J (I'm J). I heard M shush her and I stood up to look for who was interested in me. I asked CH who was interested in me and she looked around. I found that it was M's small child friend. Next, I pulled out my phone to try and call my dad to pick me up. I spent minutes trying to dial his number on my touch screen phone but just could not do it. This is where I woke up.
    non-lucid , memorable