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    'Some men see things as they are and say why. I dream things that never were and say why not.'


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    Simulated Dream World

    by Jonnyj on 06-09-2010 at 02:39 PM
    Simulated Dream World. (WBTB)


    I wake up at 3oClock, not sure why. However, I had planned to force myself to stay awake for a while and instead of going back to sleep, I flicked the T.V on and endured 15 minutes of Takeshi Castle, before sleeping again.

    The earliest memories of my dream are of me arriving to this large building, the rest of my school year are also hear, apparently it's a school trip. The building is huge, one of those buisnessy buildings that try and look friendly, this one has a large fountain outside and looks very new and clean. As I walk through the double doors into a lobby, it occurs to me that we are all here to take part in an online poker tournement. (Probably because I was watching poker a lot the day prior.) So I go to a desk with a woman behind it and she ushers everyone into another room. The room is full of computers, everyone takes a seat and logs in.

    At this stage something changes, I forget about poker and enter a simulated world
    (I also watched the Matrix trilogy recently, T.V should have less impact on me.) There is a gap in my memory in the dream, I vaguely remember walking down a street, there were skyscrapers and lots of people, I recall being impressed that so many people could be simulated. -The gap occurs here, what is significant is that durin this gap I realise on some level, that this is a dream-

    In spite of this knowledge I am not thinking rationally, my mind somehow reasoned that despite me being in a dream, because I am in a simulated world, I have no control over it. So I continue as before, but now there is that realization in the back of my mind. I meet with a girl, she is strikingly beautiful. We walk for a while around the city, I forget most of the dialogue, but I remember two things, the first she told me her name, which I now have forgotten, but think I may recall soon, I did remember when I woke up. Secondly a patch of dialogue I remember immaculately. With the belief I was about to deliver some truely ground breaking information, I tell her "This whole world isn't real, the people, everything is simulated", to this she simply replies "I know." This confused me, I think I concluded that she two must be a real person logged into this simulation, the dialogue between us continues for a while. Finally our walk ends and we kiss, she leaves but we plan to meet again.

    In this gap my mind briefly skips back to the idea that this is a dream, however I find this information confusing. I perform a reality check, my hands appear strange but I conclude that they are not distorted but rather simulated. Unable to reach a conclusion my mind thinks of my friend Steve, because we often talk about lucid dreams, I believed that he would be able to explain the situation to me. Then I also remembered that I wanted to attempt to cross into his dreams, to see if there is any evidence for shared dreams, of which I am very skeptical. Despite the fact this was a dream, my mind was still caught up on the simulation theory, so I concluded that I would not be able to open a link between the two dreams. Conversely, I decided it would be possible to leave the simulation and get Steve from the room we were all in at the start of the dream.

    Surprisingly I find the room how I remembered it, which is unusual in my dreams, leading me even more to believe that this may actually not be a dream. Finding Steve at a computer, we talk briefly and then I am back within the simulated world, also how I remember it, but now we are both here.

    Steve is undecided, but we soon forget about that and I become pre-occupied in showing him around, he seems quite excited and I sumarise that it must be him. I introduce him to the girl (It's really agrivating her name was long, it had an extra syllable at the end like isa, or isy or a, or something.) Anyway we are all talking, and my memory for dialogue is atrocious, anyway me and Steve leave a Cafe, which is where the three of us had been conversing and we hear a, "Hey you!" or something to this effect.

    We begin running from these two men, dressed in face scarves they appeared more bandit like, than gansta though. We quickly get away by vaulting a wall and scrambling down next to a river, we hide on some rocks under the center of a large bridge. Then further down river, off the road above, we watch as motorcyclists drive straight off the side clearing the majority of the river, landing in the shallows and driving up a bank on the otherside. Three do this, the last does a backflip much like Trinity on the matrix, when she jumps of the motorbike, the difference being he lands back on it. Me and Steve start laughing impressed, but a little perplexed by the behaviour. Then suddenly two more bikes come from under the bridge in the water, I look closer and these are actually water bikes, or jet skis w/e the name is. On them are those two bandit men, and we begin to fight. Quite quickly I find myself withstrained, the other has followed Steve, who has made it to the bank, he grabs a white bag and throws it to me, before getting grabbed by the leg and pulled back into the water. I catch it and hit the bandit holding me with it, on closer inspection, the bag was full of rocks and thorns and proves to be an excellent weapon.

    I run over and hit the bandit off Steve, the bandit travels a reasonable distance and it is at this stage I finally realise properly that this is a dream.

    We make it back up to the road, I turn to Steve and tell him "I am the one", which is really a bit sad. Anyway, he looks at me sceptically, but I am now convinced. I say, "This is all a simulation, but that's within my dream, I'll prove it". We walk past a dream character on the street, I raise my arm and I say (A little bit sadistically really :S) "Die". For a moment nothing happens, but then she grabs at her throat and falls to the floor, dead. At this stage Steve stops talking, and I question his position in all this, I remember rationalising all this out loud. "Is this a shared dream? We met outside the simulation, but no both parts are a dream, and you were in the building from the start." I stare at Steve for a moment, amazed at how I can create people who resemble there real conterparts so well.

    I continue walking now alone, and find myself outside a bar. I look at my hands and say "Clarity" precautionally, because the dream is still going strong. I enter the bar and examine all the faces, I hadn't seen any of them before yet they were all just part of my imagination. Then my eyes come across Clarissa
    (I remember now, pretty sure that was her name). The pub was split into two rooms, both public, she indicates the other half with a movement of her head and cheeky grin, before walking seductively into the other half. Needless to say, I'm fairly chuffed, and begin to follow. A balding man is entering the room with a plate of food, and I realise how public this room is going to be, I grab him by the shoulder and pull him lightly, I say "Not you." Next thing I realise all the dream characters have dissapeared, I enter the room and Clarissa is their alone, I quitely praise myself for having such a brilliant subconcious. I walk over to her and we begin to kiss and... I typically wake up.
    Longest and best lucid I've probably had though. Writing it up doesn't do it justice.

    Updated 06-09-2010 at 11:50 PM by Jonnyj

    dream fragment , lucid , memorable