• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between Joshc and Lost_prophet

    6 Visitor Messages

    1. Still, strangely enough, I am completely motivated. Still working on mantras
      And mild.

      I am reading 'journey to ixtlan', and recomend it if you haven't already read it.
    2. It usually takes more than a few days to work the mantras into your subconscious. Just to let you know so you expect it. So you have to keep doing it and stay motivated.
    3. Been practicing for a couple days with no luck. The mantra takes some practice to get good at. I did have a dream of a dream clinic last night, no lucid yet though. Thought I'd keep you posted anyways.
    4. Will do
    5. No problem at all. Keep me updated on how it works..
    6. Thanks, I looked into mild again and it's perfect for myself. Good call!
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6