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    Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
    DBYRD, Anti the Advocate, C.T.K, Reaper The Storyteller, Ian Filiaga, Nightmare


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    1. KristaNicole07
      KristaNicole07 liked blog post by KageKitsune On : I Saw Lin A Second Time
      [My second entry of the series of dreams of "Lin"] I was in the phantasmic portal and I somehow spun myself into a scene of a house. I searched for Lin and found her sitting on a chair in a room...
      Liked On: 08-15-2014, 03:31 PM
    2. KristaNicole07
      KristaNicole07 liked blog comment by KageKitsune On : My Art Came To Life And I Danced With Her
      Thanks! My research is paying off XD
      Liked On: 07-21-2014, 12:19 AM
    3. KristaNicole07
      KristaNicole07 liked blog post by KageKitsune On : My Art Came To Life And I Danced With Her
      [Journal Entry on second paragraph] This dream was pre-planned and was completely lucid. I had control of just about every aspect of the dream from beginning to end. I first thought of a person (a...
      Liked On: 07-19-2014, 03:52 PM
    View KageKitsune's Dream Journal

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    My Fifth Visit

    by KageKitsune on 09-04-2014 at 05:50 AM
    My Fifth Visit
    I can't remember where the dream began. I remember searching everywhere in the dream world looking for Lin in a hurry before I woke up. I asked some people, and looked at some girls closely to see if they were her. I kept saying, "Lin!," but they were very confused and one asked how I got there. One girl had her eyes and I asked who she was. She said a name and I asked several questions to know more about her but she kept leading me in circles. I decided not to waste time with her and left. I was outside of the school then and was by a field where some people were playing soccer. I just remembered another dream I had where people were playing soccer. I was so lucid, I was able to actually think about dream in my head and think, "Oh yeah, I remember that one." I looked around to see if she was watching with the crowd and couldn't find her. I then thought I should go ask one of them to see if they knew. (How the heck should they know? Or know who? I'm in control of this story along with my dream so of course they could know!) I asked one man sitting at the game and he said she was at another school in West Valley. The school I was at was a high school, very identical to an elementary school I went to that had a playground of two other schools I know mixed together. (I didn't fully pay any mind to that oddity until now.) West Valley was miles away and I had to figure out how to see her. My teleporting ability wasn't very good and I knew that from experience from other dreams. If I tried it, I would have possibly lost lucidity, ended somewhere completely off radar, and the last time I tried it, (the very same morning of this dream), I ended up being blind since that was an apparent side affect of attempting teleportation. My next idea was, "Maybe I should try to summon her with magic." I think it was a hilarious moment because out of desperation, I imagined holding out my hand and making blue star-like dust rise from the ground to make her appear. I was very doubtful about it working but I gave it a shot. I held out my hand towards the ground and to my surprise, it happened EXACTLY how I imagined it! There she was, but walking in a different direction, because apparently while she was walking in school, I was summoning her and she then stopped a bit confused. (I thought that was also hilarious) Right then, as if it was it were completely normal that I had done that, she asked, looking at our reflection in the school doors we were standing by, "Are you taller than me?" She completely ignored the fact that I brought her there with magic but it was the logic of the dream world. Her voice was completely different this time. Instead of the oriental accent she had the first time we met, she had an english accent. We stood next to each other and I told her, "No, we're exactly the same." For a moment she shrunk a little and went back to normal, a little glitch in the dream world. We then just walked to class. It seemed my timing to enter the dream world was a little inconvenient since apparently, it was her class time. As we sat in class, I watched her for a bit and just sat there thinking it was amazing to just sit in this world and consciously think about just being able to sit there in that class. I looked at her again and she was playing a joke in class with a fake mustache and beard and the teacher told her (or him, because I think at this point it was some random guy sitting next to me in her place) to move seats. I woke up around that time.

    Random moments:
    I was in paralysis trying to figure out what dream I wanted while sort of weirding myself out with the odd sounds I heard around me that sounded like laughing again. (My paralysis is usually accompanied with weird laughing in the background for some reason.) I was able to control the levels of etheric energy high and low. I wanted a dream of Lin like I planned so I released myself from the paralysis, got my phone, looked at her picture, and then actually went back into paralysis!

    I was blind after trying to teleport for some reason. I heard voices and all sorts of things around me. I then started seeing a guy come into view and he had crazy white eyes and smiling at me. I said "Okay, I think now i'm starting to see again." He laughed and faded from view as I lost focus.
    lucid , memorable , side notes

    I Saw Lin A Second Time

    by KageKitsune on 08-15-2014 at 01:07 AM
    [My second entry of the series of dreams of "Lin"]

    I was in the phantasmic portal and I somehow spun myself into a scene of a house. I searched for Lin and found her sitting on a chair in a room in blankets. She seemed irritated and tired for some reason. I asked her on a date and she said yes. She sort of just fell asleep after that. I was amazed by the clarity of the dream again, looking around, noticing the color of her eyes and immersing myself in the dream. I was surprised to have time left over to actually sit and think about the experience while sitting next to her. I forgot to ask where we should go unfortunately.
    Note: I thought the meditation wasn't working at all until the next thing I knew, I was just there. Like just waking up in the phantasmic portal.
    lucid , memorable , dream fragment


    by KageKitsune on 07-29-2014 at 09:50 PM
    At some point, I can remember entering the phantasmatic portal (Known as hypnagogia. I call it a portal to the dream world). My etheric energy was very high (high vibrations during vibrating sensation before sleeping) and I was in sleep paralysis. I was able to control the energy levels, making them go up and down. The more I relaxed, the deeper I could go. Even when I was just about fully awake, I was able to control the energy. Eventually, I started to drift into the portal by "letting go," just a bit more. I found that during paralysis, I had to raise as much energy as I can, while giving in the right amount of letting go.

    I was back in the phatasmatic portal. I saw the shapes I read about in the article about hypnagogia. I ran around at night on a street finding out I was in the dream world. I was fading out and felt my real body coming into place. I then, used the hand rubbing technique and focused on my running dream self. I almost made Japan into view like I planned before going to sleep, but it was hard to focus and was starting to wake up. Somewhere else, around the end of the experience, I was playing parkour with a girl. It was fun and we were inside some sort of building with obstacles. Before I left, I asked her on a date (mistaking her for Lin, the person I wanted to meet) and she said she was saving herself for when wasn't busy. I knew she wasn't Lin because 1: That wasn't her voice nor accent, and 2: She was going to some parkour competitions. I believe she was just a girl in a movie I saw. The dream ended about there anyway.

    (Random memory: I ate chocolate and it tasted great!)
    lucid , memorable

    My Art Came To Life And I Danced With Her

    by KageKitsune on 07-19-2014 at 10:31 AM
    [Journal Entry on second paragraph]

    This dream was pre-planned and was completely lucid. I had control of just about every aspect of the dream from beginning to end. I first thought of a person (a drawing I created) and then thought of a place (Japanese image). I meditated and had gotten this amazing result that I believe was out of sheer luck. Everything was just about to COMPLETE perfection. Minor details were askew, but it was life changing nonetheless. My initial plan was to arrive in the planned destination and then call out the person's name for her to appear. (she didn't have a name at the time) I gave her the name "Lin," (because she looked like a Lin I guess haha) and I needed us to have something to do for the dream to be more solid. So I planned to ask her to dance with me there since the atmosphere seemed fitting.
    My entry below:

    I had the most amazing dream of my life! I was in a strange black place that was difficult to figure out. Then appeared a lot of huge Chinese doors that I ran though one after the other. While I knew I was in the dream world, I tried harder and harder to imagine the place I wanted to go. With each door, the place started to form a bit more into view. I looked around and the place was a bit "lagged," as if I were in a game. I realized that I had to meet Lin and immediately called out "Lin! Liiiin!" My voice was so clear, I thought I was just awake and only "thinking," I was in a dream while yelling in my room which made me a bit nervous at first. I thought that I must at least be yelling in my sleep from the clarity of my voice. And then I saw her standing in the distance. I hurried toward her and was so surprised, it was so difficult to find the right words. I just then remembered what I planned to say . I said, "You must be Lin." She nodded. She tried to say something when I accidentally interrupted, asking her to dance. She agreed and we started a waltz on the deck. I looked a bit more closely at her and noticed her eyes were black and more like a humans. With just my mind, I fixed my dreams error and she looked more like herself. I also realized now after waking up, she was wearing a beautiful Chinese dress rather than what I had drawn to my surprise. She looked and me, smiling, and her voice was exactly as I had pre-imagined. A nice sounding voice with a Japanese accent since she was a Japanese based person. It was actually so strong, I asked her "Sorry, what was that?" Several times. She started talking about this guy there she wanted to avoid since he was driving 2mph or something (only in a dream that would make sense). I couldn't really hear her at random times for some reason. We danced around and she pulled me some ways to avoid someone. I started to realize it was time for me to leave and things were starting to fade away. Lin disappeared and there was a chair, or an erhu, or a bundle of giant spoons in front of me. I wanted to stay just another moment so that I could tell her I had a great time and we should meet again. I used my personal trick to stay in the dream and re-intensify it which was rubbing my hands together. A green bowl suddenly appeared in my hands and I fumbled around a bit to catch it and I figured it was a chance to focus on the bowl to get back the feel of this reality. Everything came back to a clearer view for another few seconds. I knew I was just about out of time and felt myself waking up. As everything started fading I shouted, "I had a great time Lin! We should meet again!" (or something like that.)

    lucid , memorable