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    About Kaizer
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    A college somewhere


    Computer Programmer Cognitive Scientist Extraordinaire!
    Kaizer's lucid goals:
    Fold a city on top of itself []
    Successful WILD []
    Make a DC vanish []


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    05-12-2011 08:39 PM
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    1. Raspberry
      Raspberry liked post by Kaizer On thread : Tell me about your music instrument playing skills!
      So get a guitar! :O You can find some really cheap beginners acoustic guitars for under $50. Just read a few lessons online about the basics and look up some tabs/chords for your favorite songs....
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    View Kaizer's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Lucid entry

    by Kaizer on 11-17-2010 at 07:20 PM
    A man is threatening me by holding a knife at my throat. I remember that being attacked or threatened is a common dream sign for me so I do an RC. I become lucid so I immediately ignore the current situation and start flying. I am on the field of Troy high, and I fly over the trees in great swoops down to where the freshman dorms are. I land. I think about how tactile sensations are imagined in the dream despite the fact that reality checks (like blowing on your hands) are imagined. I try pinching myself to see if I can feel pain. I think about teleporting somewhere (can't remember where) so I close my eyes and try to visualize it. I start to feel my physical body lying in bed so I quickly open my eyes back to the dream again. I try flying to downtown Troy but I lose lucidity at some point after that.
    lucid , nightmare

    Locker Room II

    by Kaizer on 10-12-2010 at 07:03 PM
    This was the first time I tried out "The Inception Technique" found here: http://www.dreamviews.com/f12/incept...d-true-104652/

    I am in the pool of my high school. I am wearing my speedo with a duster over it. I am balancing on some kind of floating mat. I see the rest of the team in the water already and I remember I'm late for practice so I head back into the locker room to get my goggles. The locker room is very crowded. I walk around opening the lockers because I forgot which one I stored my stuff in. When I find it, there is a cap gun inside which I fire off a few times, but after the first few shots it stops working. One of the other swimmers in the locker room asks me about it and I tell him it's broken. He takes it and tries to fire it.

    At this point I realize that I would not be in the locker room of my high-school pool unless I was dreaming. Right as I realize this, I wake up because of the construction outside my window. I keep my eyes closed and try to visualize myself back in the locker room, I slip back into the dream and I am lucid.

    I walk out of the locker room and then outside. I am on a grassy field with a dirt road running along the outside. In the middle of the field there is some kind of chain restaurant place. (It's a restaurant chain that only exists in the dream, apparently) Behind the restaurant is an apartment building. I try to fly up to the roof of the apartment building so I can see over the city. My plan is to fold it over itself like the scene from Inception. I get myself to float above the ground and then fly up to the roof of the restaurant. I wake up again, and this time the construction is too noisy and I can't fall back to sleep.

    Research Application

    by Kaizer on 10-05-2010 at 04:26 AM
    I am walking down the halls of my high school with C******. She reaches out and holds my hand and we continue walking down the halls. Unfortunately, they are crowded with freshman so we have to split up momentarily. I mention to C****** that once this becomes a lucid dream I will just be able to will the freshmen to spread apart. We get to a table where all the freshmen are registering. We're not registering though, we're applying for jobs doing research. Without talking to the lady at the table, she guesses what we're there for.
    "You're in luck," she says. She tells us to meet Jim inside the office.
    "Just enter and exit with a high-five." She says Jim was just about to go on lunch break. We go inside and meet Jim, he gives us the proper paperwork and we start filling it out. I start to write my name with an E, but cross it out. Then I realize that I crossed out the entire first name line. I write my last name, but the handwriting is messy and looks like a kinder-gardener's handwriting. I write my first name over the line that I crossed out. The next line is for the date I was accepted into the school. I ask Jim what day that was and C****** answers "7/**/2003". The next part of the form says to describe what I am going to do for research. It lists examples of research projects. The two that I can recall are fungus growth in sugar water and the psychological effect of pornography. I am about to start writing about my research project, but Jim comes back and asks for the form. I hand it to him, and realize that the last page is missing. I search for it among the papers on the table but I can't find it. I ask the woman who was registering the freshmen if she had seen it and she looks briefly before picking up a small envelope. It is from an orphan boy that she was taking care of. Inside is a note that simply says: "Thank you Mrs. V." I see a space shuttle about to launch. In the cockpit window, the orphan boy is visible, along with several other teens. Right before the shuttle takes off, I wake up.