• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between Katsuno and CarlosTheLucid

    2 Visitor Messages

    1. Challenge accepted
      Yeah about a month ago I watched ALL the original episodes again to refresh my knowledge and now I'm at about the half of the shippuuden episodes. Yeah I know many jutsus but in my dreams I limited myself to taijutsu because I'm more of a neji type
      Lately I'm trying to invent a new super-owning-special-finisher-move but it's really hard ^^
      I would love to fight you in my dreams but before that happens I need to master wild or my dild technique (making good progress so far)
      See you in the naruto world...
    2. naruto is the best anime in the world. if i have a lucid i would like to challange you.. if you know all as many Jutsus as me you might be a challange.im a addicted shippuden watcher XD ive seen 3/4 of the original naruto episodes to. how about you?
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2