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    2/27/11 Jungle Gym Party

    by Keenya on 03-05-2011 at 03:29 AM
    A ton of kids from my high school were at some sort of playground at night. I was behind the main structure with my sister. I say "I think I'm going to kiss (the girl i like) tonight." She says "Ok i'll arrange a meeting" And runs off around the jungle gym. I run after her through the groups of people calling "wait!" She doesn't acknowledge me. My sister tells her "(He/me) wants to meet you on the bridge at 3:02 (A.M. i'm assuming since it was very dark out) This time happened to be "right now" in the dream. She and I walk from the front of the jungle gym and begin to climb ladders and stuff. It's unusally tall. We got to the top where theres a wooden bridge with lots of people. We walk across the bridge past some people. I think: "I can't kiss her with all these people around." At that point the semi-quiet darkness changes to loud music and strobe lights. We go back down the jungle gym and stand under it. Then the sun begins to rise and a slow song plays. No more strobe lights. I think: "Perfect." We don't take one step to slow dance before a girl i don't know buts in. And then we're all 3 holding hands. I get mad and stare at the floor. When i look up, neither of them is the girl I like. So I run around the jungle gym trying to find her. I pass countless girls. But I never find her. The dream ends.

    What I found strange is that she never said a word. I also think its odd that I had to pass some girls only to not find her...
    non-lucid , memorable

    8/14/10 The Gameshow

    by Keenya on 03-05-2011 at 03:21 AM
    I'm on a game show. The category is "fruits." A little girl at my left ran up to the buzzer after saying "ooh I've got it!" She buzzed in and said "sprinkler." I proceeded to tell her that it had to be a fruit. The dream ends.

    8/12/10 The Beach Meeting

    by Keenya on 03-05-2011 at 03:20 AM
    I was near the beach behind a wooden waist high fence. I climbed over it and saw many businessmen looking at me. I discovered that i was naked at that moment. We were all on some sort of deck with tables. I saw my brother's friend with someone else to my right. I walked over and spoke briefly with him. On this side, I had a good view of the beach where I saw my brother. I then thought "Oh gosh he's going to see me naked." Surprisingly, I didn't make any move to end the dream, hide, or cover myself. The dream ends.
    non-lucid , memorable

    7/11/10 The Audition and The Matinee

    by Keenya on 03-05-2011 at 03:16 AM
    I had a dream that I made "So you think you can dance." That's all I wrote in my DJ. This dream was overshadowed by the 2nd i had that night.

    I had a preconceived notion that I was watching the Crucible on stage at my high school, but the stage was different and so was the play. One girl flubbed a line. My brother sang a comedic song about being in a seat of authority down stage center. I then found myself on a lazy river around a small carnival island. The girl who had flubbed the line earlier asked me if i was going to come see the show. I said "Oh I saw it in the morning. " I got in the water which gently shifted counter clockwise. The water suddenly changed direction. I got back out at the island. A boy my age asked if I had come from the baby pool in a mocking tone. I entered the door for "current ticket holders." It was guarded by a middle aged man. The dream ends.

    6/17/10 My birthday!

    by Keenya on 03-05-2011 at 03:07 AM
    Ok so I was walking away from these apartments with one of my friends. He mentioned how much his mom liked the apartments and stayed there whenever they go on trips. I laughed and was confused, because they do not live in an apartment. "Well just me and my dad go. She doesn't like to be alone in the house." I said: "Oh ok. I thought she would go stay there as a vacation." We laughed about this. During this period of time, I was not paying attention to where we were going. We arrived in a very dark neighborhood. There must have been a game going on. Many people from my old school were hiding. I waved at some of them, and announced that it was my birthday. (On this particular night, my birthday was in fact the next day) I think someone behind me asked "your brother's birthday?" I replied, "no, it's my birthday." The group of my old elementary school friends had informally gathered around. My friend aforementioned was mysteriously gone. Everyone was kind of milling around. I was wearing a black hoody and tan shorts. I tried not to look alone in the crowd. Somehow, we were now in a gym I assumed was our rival school. Coach asked us to run 3 easy laps. I think it was the coach from my school. I thought I was running very fast and very well, but when i rounded the last corner, everyone was waiting in line, and i was in last. The stretch seemed to be much longer than the others. The female gym teacher from my school started giving instructions, until many students proclaimed that I wasn't done yet. So they waited. All watching. For some reason I had to free run the corner of the bleachers. A blonde mom walked past me and dropped the F bomb in conversation. I went over to join the group. We were to spread out on the sideline and run fast across on command. We lined up and got ready to run. Some jocks jumped the gun and got laughed at. We ran across in some sort of ice skating manner. The door to my right was open to daylight. The dream ends.
    non-lucid , memorable