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    Back to school (and weirdly excited).

    by KharismaticKay on 08-14-2012 at 04:29 AM
    Back in high school.

    All was the same as it is now -- I'm twenty, I'm a high school graduate, and I'm unemployed, so going back to school seemed like a good idea somehow. My first class, I'm not sure what the class even was, but I opened up my textbook and it was full of Kpop artists. I remember scanning the pages and found pictures of all but one member of 2NE1 (Dara). Whatever assignment we were supposed to be doing, I didn't hear the instructions over, so I just flipped through the textbook and read for my own pleasure. Not super important, but there was a mention of Clint Eastwood in that textbook that featured mostly Kpop stars, so yeah, that's interesting.

    After that class, I carried my purse, my bookbag, and one textbook out with me. As I was walking through the halls, I saw a girl with whom I'm no longer friends in reality, but was close friends with since I was in sixth grade and during high school. I tried my best to ignore her, pretend to be looking off in another direction and not notice her crossing my path. I happened to drop my textbook by accident, which happened to be a good distraction. To my next class, I found some people I knew, people I went to school with who were graduates like me, and I asked them, "Why are we here when we've already graduated? How is being here going to benefit us any?" I don't remember their answers, but I believe it was supposed to make finding work easier somehow.

    In my next class, which took place in the school library, there were several people, most of which were not yet graduates. I noticed the tables at which we were sitting (or at least mine) was either too tall or the chair was too short, so the surface came up to my chest and it was too high for me to write comfortably. The teacher was kind of a dick and wouldn't shut the hell up about how texting isn't allowed in class and a bunch of other stuff to which I wasn't listening. He then asked that if anyone had any questions, they write them down on a sheet of paper to be turned in to him. As I was writing my question, again, "How is attending high school for another year going to benefit those of us who have already graduated?" he read it over my shoulder, and seemed so thrilled. "You've already graduated?!" to which a fellow real-life graduate of mine raised her hand and said, "Yeah, me, too!" He said, "Well, okay, we've got some special jobs for you girls then," but didn't really get to telling us what they were.

    Here's where it gets... more weird. I'm not sure, but I think I might have been walking home. I was walking through a familiar field of trees that, in reality, exists right out front of my elementary school, just across the street from my apartment. As I was walking, there was a large dinosaur in my path, and some younger students were in danger of him, so I had to fight him off (I think I had a whip or some other type of melee weapon). I had some help fighting him, but I can't remember from whom. Either small wild dogs, or small tame dinosaurs. After fighting him to the death and receiving thanks for saving those kids, I continued on my way. I sat at the edge of the road outside that field, I think waiting for someone to pick me up, and the girl I mentioned in the first portion of the dream, the one who, in reality, was my best friend and no longer is, she came down to sit next to me. We were talking and became friends again, but we were still discussing, "Why are we here? You and I are twenty and have already graduated, so why are we here? Isn't it weird?" Of course, again, I didn't really find an answer.

    The rest of the dream is either really fuzzy or it made so little sense that trying to type out the events will seem counterproductive, but I'll sum it up by saying:
    - I got in a cab, there was a fellow student in the front seat and I sat in the back.
    - He had a huge crush on me, I guess because I was already a graduate, I was older than most kids there, and I seemed smart because of it.
    - He tried convincing me he was also a graduate there and he was twenty-five, but I didn't believe him.
    - Through some transition I can't remember or explain, I was no longer in the cab, but I was home, trying to make strawberry smoothies.
    - I heard some kind of alarm coming from another apartment that I had never heard before, and it sounded serious. My sister went to check it out, and when she didn't come back, I went to check it out.
    - I think the alarm was because a storm was coming or something, but my Mom's cat had followed me outside and found his way in a neighbor's apartment, so I spent the last bit of the dream trying to get him out without alerting my neighbor to the fact that I was intruding.

    And then my boyfriend woke me up, so that's where my dream ends. I feel like I should note that, unlike most dreams where someone goes back to high school or to an old job, this one wasn't stressful at all. I was confused as to why I was there, but I was actually really, really excited that I might be able to so easily further my education, and that everything I would be tested over would be stuff I already knew. It was just going to be so easy, and I was really looking forward to it. I'm wondering whether it relates to my recent consideration of going to beauty school. Anyway, the constant questioning of "But why am I here?" might have been a split second of lucidity, and then something followed every time and distracted me from my questions (though obviously not permanently).
    non-lucid , memorable