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    State Wrestling Tournament (Most Vivid Dream)

    by Kiet on 08-28-2012 at 06:23 PM
    Woke up on 8/23/12

    1A) I was at the state wrestling tournament and my coach picked me up and span around like coaches do when their wrestlers win, even though I had not even wrestled yet. I wasn’t really excited or anything.

    I wake up. I remember to try and think about what I was dreaming of to fall back asleep, but I didn’t remember. I kept trying anyway and when I fell back asleep…

    1B) I was back at the tournament with my friend Max in front of me sitting in a chair. I didn’t realize that I had been dreaming of this before. I thought we were at the state tournament, but I still asked Max where we were and he confirmed it. I got excited and began telling him with excitement that we were at state! I thought that it might be a dream and commented on it aloud. Coach Robinson told me to do a reality check and I tried poking a hole in both hands and, oddly, nothing happened. I began yelling in excitement along with the others for the fact that we were at the state wrestling tournament and that it was real. I suddenly realized that I had a dream about this, but I still thought that I was awake and that my first dream was simply playing out in real life. I told my coach in excitement that I had a dream about this and that the details were the same, including the red and white clothes he was wearing, though I don’t know if those were the same clothes in the previous dream.

    Updated 08-28-2012 at 06:27 PM by Kiet

    non-lucid , memorable

    Dream Object + Zip Lining (DEILD)

    by Kiet on 08-26-2012 at 04:41 AM
    Woke up on 8/18/2012
    *Only remember fragments of first dream

    Successful DEILD

    1) I’ m at a zip lining place with my sisters and there are three difficulties. There is a small body of water and the zip lines zigzag across it. They are only about one-and-a-half body lengths above the water and they are made up of one very long zip line which is hooked on to pieces of the rocky wall surrounding the water to make the zigzag pattern. We are at the side of the easiest one and I complete it with ease. As I approach the end of the first line I quickly pull the pulley up somehow and land it on the next line. As I reach the end of the medium difficulty zip line I prepare to jump the device to the hard difficulty zip line, but I start swinging wildly as I approach it. I decide not to let go and the pulley slides back to the beginning of the medium difficulty zip line. I try to regain my balance in order to try again. When I reach the wall I try to kick off and keep my momentum straight forward. I swing wildly again as I approach the hard zip line and slide back to the beginning once more. After failing twice, I decide that I need to jump diagonally towards a ledge that is next to the hard difficulty zip line. I reach the start once more, kick off as hard as I can, and slide quickly toward the ledge. I let go of the pulley and leap off the zip line hoping that I will have enough momentum to carry me to the ledge. I reach out, but I am not able to grab the ledge. Instead, I end up on a huge blue bucket with no lid which stands in the water next to another bucket. I have a firm grip since my elbows are hooked over the edge, but the tall bucket begins to lose balance and I’m sure I will fall. I hear my sister say something along the lines of “Aw! Well, falling in the water doesn’t mean you lose”. Then, I try to shift my weight upwards and bring my arms further into the bucket and, miraculously, it regains balance and I’m able to climb up on the rocky ledge with some difficulty (I kind of wanted to try the hard zip line though).

    I am slightly awake in real life, but I am very sleepy since I had woken up in the middle of the night. I was probably half asleep because I don’t remember any real life images since I probably never opened my eyes. Somehow I was still able to think clearly and I seized the opportunity to attempt to imagine a dream scene, though I didn’t think about the fact that I was DEILDing. I didn’t have any specific dream scene in mind but I just told myself over and over to imagine a lucid dream scene. Almost immediately, the dream starts to fade in and I am fully lucid.

    2) I see Bobby Lee as a realtor next to a doorway leading to a room in a house. He is in a light yellow buttoned shirt which has blurry white lines mixed into it tucked into what I believe are whitish-yellow pants secured with a brown belt. Somehow, I get the feeling that he knows I’m lucid. Though I was fully lucid, I could still feel the slightest bit of consciousness. I believed Bobby was telling me to go along with the dream story so that I could be fully enveloped in the dream and still remain lucid. He tells me to try to sell the house to two people and beckons me inside the room. I walk inside and describe the room to the old Asian couple as they looked around. To maintain lucidity, I said or did something while looking out a window to my right. Bobby peeked through the doorway and told me to describe it some more and I obliged. After doing this I was confident I was fully asleep and would not wake up so I looked out the window and prepared to find my dream object. Through the window, countless things were going on. Though there was a small field of vision, I could somehow see a zoo, a hangar (There are two hangars outside of my neighborhood in real life), tanks, school buses and trucks driving next to the tanks, futuristic planes in the sky, and roads with bustling cars everywhere. There was so much going on, yet I didn’t feel any sense of chaos. I yelled out, “I want to be guided or led to my dream object” (This is explained in the dream notes in section 2). Suddenly, I see a small object fall from the sky. It travels through the window next to the one I was looking through and landed in my room (The room in the house became my real room at this point). I pick up the object excited to see what it would be. I look at it and I become immensely disappointed. It is some kind of orange/black band made of rubber with a small screen. It almost looks like a watch or a pedometer, but the band looks like it’s meant to go around a finger (To put it into perspective, imagine a tiger printed watch meant to go around your finger instead of your wrist. Don’t imagine too many lines, though. The face of the device was mostly orange and there were a few waves of black on the edges). I knew the device wasn’t a watch or pedometer and I was hoping that my dream object would be something I could easily find in real life. I called out again saying something like, “C’mon! Give me another one!” hoping for a better result. Something else flew down and I picked it up. It was the same object and I became annoyed. I walked back to the window and, for some reason, said that I wanted something more sophisticated (What an odd word choice. I think I meant to say “meaningful”). I saw something fly past my vision to the other window. I walked back and picked up the object. It was a square version of the original object. I looked on the back to see what it was. There were letters carved out of the rubber, and since they were the same color and material as the device itself, they were a little hard to read. I see the word “yoyo” and a few other letters after it which I could not make out. I concluded that the device was meant to be attached to a Yoyo and could somehow count or judge the Yoyo tricks while you played with one. I looked out the window at all the commotion and asked what my big dream object was. I thought that you only had one dream object, but I decided it was worth a shot and that if I had a big object that I could take a picture of in real life, it would be better than nothing at all. Letters were shown in the road below. I don’t remember what they said, but after reading them I looked up towards the area where there were tanks and buses. I remember thinking it was one of those and I think I asked if it was a school bus (I may have said something else). The word “ZOO” appeared on the road and I looked at the zoo. My sister was next to me all of a sudden and told me I was looking at the wrong place and that I was supposed to look at a car near the zoo. Suddenly, I was in one of the bustling cars on the road and there was no roof or window (I was probably in a convertible). I looked at the road and I think I asked for a hint. A text appeared on the road and, though we were moving fast, the text remained in the same relative position to me. There was a transparent image of a car top sign with a moving LED text on it that said “NO TRESPASSING” and I assumed it meant that was my dream object was a car that had those words on it. For some strange reason, I thought of a Toyota. I asked my sister what type of Toyota had that and if a Corolla was the right answer. She said she didn’t know, so I decided to just guess all the Toyota cars I could until I found the right one. I looked down at the road and asked if it was a Toyota Corolla and a text appeared that said “WILD GUESSES” or something with the word “GUESS” or a form of it in the text. I got the sense that I was being told that I wasn’t supposed to randomly guess to find out and that my dream guide had nothing else to say to me for the time being. My dream faded out around this time.

    Dream Notes:

    2) I watched a video by ReeceJones87 on YouTube about dream bridging. In the video he said that to find a dream object someone is supposed to say "I want to be guided or led to my dream object" while lucid. He also said that your dream object could be big or small and that if it is too big or does not belong to you then you can take a picture of it instead of taking it with you. In my dream I was disappointed with the same object so I decided to ask for a bigger one in order to get a different result.

    Updated 08-28-2012 at 06:15 PM by Kiet

    non-lucid , memorable , side notes , lucid

    Attempted Flying & Exporing + Soda Machine Hack (Lucid, Reality Checks, WILD)

    by Kiet on 08-24-2012 at 07:39 PM
    Woke up on 8/17/12
    *Only remember fragments of some dreams
    *Before the following dreams I had other lucid dreams. However, since I can’t remember the old ones I will only count the ones I remember into my total.
    *My lucidity carried over from previous dreams, so I tried to remember to do reality checks in the following dreams.

    Successful WILD
    Successful reality checks

    In no particular order:

    1) The first thing I can remember is that I was in some plain area with fencing around it (The floor was probably just dirt). I remember being lucid in previous dreams so I attempted to hold on to my lucidity. I did a hand reality check and my hand seemed normal but because I was already lucid I tried to force something to happen. Soon my hands attached to each other and I had four fingers on the left side and three on the right. I don’t understand why I was so determined to perform a reality check when I was already lucid. I probably just wanted reassurance. I attempted flying first by jumping a few times, and I got higher and higher like I expected. Somehow, gravity was pulling me down and though I tried to fight it by jumping over and over I was unable to overcome it. It was as if there was a height limit and I wasn’t able to pass it. I was back to where I began my flying attempt and this time I tried to swing my arms up as hard as I possibly could. I did this a few times and went up higher than I expected, but after a brief moment of floating I could feel gravity pulling me down again. Once again I was back where I started and I began jumping again, but instead I turned a little to the left so that I was looking at the corner of the fence and I jumped forward bouncing myself over the fence and over a few small pieces of scenery that I cannot remember clearly. There was one obstacle that I believe was a wall. It looked green and I remember thinking that I wasn’t going to make it over, but I don’t remember what happened. The dream must have ended.

    2) Like the previous dream, I was lucid from dreams that happened early in my sleep and tried to hold on to that lucidity. I was in some building with gray was walls, though the mood wasn’t at all scary or depressing. I was standing in the middle of what I can best describe as a doorway without a door in it. It was simply an opening into another room. The opening was about 10 feet wide and the walls were about half a foot to a foot thick. I looked down at my hands once again, trying to assure myself that I was lucid. I tried to concentrate on something being wrong with them and I think that eventually they did become odd in some way (I think I just keep looking and eventually I could see another finger on my left hand). The dream faded before I knew it.

    3A) I was in my taekwondo class and people were practicing with nunchucks. I don’t remember many details besides the people who were there. When we were done my mom gave my friend a ride to our house. I went to the bathroom while he used our computer, but the view was of him at the computer.

    *The following dream is somehow connected to the previous dream. It may be an alternate series of events starting from getting in the car.

    3B) I am outside of a supermarket (I assume it is a Wal-Mart. This is explained in the dream notes in Section 3.1B). I get in my mom’s car and we are about to take someone home (Instead of being the friend from taekwondo he is a guy who used to go to my school). He gets out of the car and starts talking to his friends. While we are waiting he turns into a female dream character without me realizing it. I ask if she is coming and she waves us off. My mom begins driving and as the dream went on, I went from traveling in a car to pushing a shopping cart on foot. At one point, I push the shopping cart into a thin wooden board that was resting on a wire fence at a steep angle hoping to drive it over the wire fence by using the board (I don’t realize how odd my attempt is. The board was almost parallel to the fence). It doesn’t work, so I decided to back up to get more momentum. I run faster attempting to push the cart over the fence once again. It goes higher, but I am still unsuccessful. I leave the cart behind and easily climb over the fence. Behind it is a type of junkyard area with tan-colored dirt and a couple of tall huts made of some material of the same color (maybe even the same dirt) surrounding the area. The huts rest on a wall of dirt that surrounds the small area. I find it boring and proceed to different areas. As I explore I see elaborate playgrounds in different directions. One was in the distance in a wooded area. The playground was made of tall logs and had pointy roofs. I kept exploring and the biomes changed very quickly (in a way very similar to how biomes change in Minecraft. I’m in a grassy area one moment and ahead I would see a circular area of sand connecting to the beach; once I’m off the sand, there would suddenly be grass again. I eventually make it to some playground for a short period of time then start traveling again. For some reason, I’m looking for my school at one point. I reach it and the dream gets gray; it looks like it does on a cloudy afternoon. I go down one hallway and walk inside the office, though it looks nothing like the office in my school. I see two soda machines and two snack machines and I end up with wet paper towels in my hand which I try to stuff up the change compartment of the vending machines (This is explained in the dream notes in section 3.2B). A student next to me is doing the same and I make a comment about how I am surprised that he has also heard of the trick. I then say that I heard about it yesterday from a guy I knew. Behind us was a room with glass windows surrounding it. There were thin support beams in between the windows. My mom was sitting at a table in the room with two sodas.

    Dream Notes:

    General: The previous day, I performed more reality checks than I have ever done in one day. This contributed immensely to my lucidity and high level of awareness.

    3.0B) I watched an episode of Wildest Police Videos the day before this dream. In one clip a man and his son were pulled over, but shot the cop and drove away. The police surrounded their car outside of a Wal-Mart and shot them. The scene in my dream was exactly the same as the scene in the clip (aside from the violence, cop cars, and guns of course).

    3.1B) I volunteer at Habitat for Humanity. A guy I know there who is doing community service was getting a soda the day before this dream. He started talking to us about how he used to stuff paper towels up the change compartment to catch the change and take it out at the end of the day to see how much money would come out. This is what I was doing in the dream.

    Updated 08-26-2012 at 04:43 AM by Kiet

    lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment , side notes

    Olympics + Wrestling

    by Kiet on 08-24-2012 at 04:23 AM
    Woke up on 8/16/12

    1) I was running down a sidewalk saying how Caesar’s pizza wasn’t that bad and it was only $5 for a large. I ate a piece and by the time I was done I was at the entrance of an Olympic stadium but it looked dark around the edges and bright only on the stadium. I saw my friend Aaron Wang and someone handed me a clear box that had four California rolls in it which rested on what I think was lettuce. The box was a normal size and I wondered why a box this size was needed for only four pieces of a California roll. I remember thinking of eating them and a piece of pizza that Aaron was offering to me but then saying that I shouldn’t because I was about to wrestle and I had already eaten one. I remember feeling very thirsty.

    2) The next thing I remember I’m inside the actual stadium in the top right corner and I’m doing a synchronized movement thing with countless other people in a rectangle for the US though I don’t feel at all surprised by the fact that I’m in the Olympic stadium. The judge was Chinese and was unimpressed, but not annoyed. I remember them giving a command that meant “Be a kid” or something and I didn’t know which action that meant so I did something weird. When I saw everyone in the stadium sit down criss-cross I did as well (I assume this is because we are told to sit like this when we are kids). I saw my friend Huy from Tae Kwon Do sitting next to me smiling. Next, the group was told to do something that meant to sew. I began to pretend to sew with the others and they told us to do something specific while sewing but I didn’t understand. The dream changed perspective and I saw the judge. He was explaining how us Americans were bad at synchronization so they even needed a commercial break. The dream then turned into a commercial and the Chinese judge was shown in a picture. The picture was actually of a famous Asian man, but I can’t remember his name. The name of the judge was shown beneath the picture and he was again commenting on our performance. When the commercial was over I started to sew in a very specific way like we were told to. Lastly, I remembered thinking that the reason the Chinese were so good is because they learned to do so many things early in their lives that in the synchronization event we were doing they could easily do the commands called out.

    3) I was in the stands of the same Olympic stadium and the board said Japan and the US were about to wrestle but against other countries and the style was Greco-Roman. I didn’t want to miss it and after I saw the matches I went home to get something because for some reason my home was close-by.

    4) I was sitting in the stands of a school at a normal wrestling dual meet and there were three bleachers along three mats. I was in the very left. I took out a camcorder and started filming all the way to the right mat when my coach, Coach Robinson, interrupted and said something that was meant to stop. I went back to the far left bleachers and filmed someone in yellow who was running back and forth along the back of the mat and I concluded that he was sprinting and that someone I saw running earlier, who looked and dressed like someone I know named Elliot, had probably been doing the same.

    Updated 08-26-2012 at 04:43 AM by Kiet
