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    by Kr0gat on 10-19-2014 at 11:59 PM
    I had a dream about me and my family getting together at my grandmother's house. It's something that we do quite often so it seemed completely normal, well at some point there was a knock at the door. This is not normal because my grandparents live on a ranch and don't get many visitors. Well i went to open the door and there was an elderly looking lady who was wearing a red hood. She very politely asked to come in and stated that she was passing through and needed to find her way to the nearest town. I told her to wait and went to get my dad who had lived in this area the longest, I told him what was happening and he walked to the door. He then called back to me and said no one was there. I went to go look and all the doors in the house leading outside shut. we couldn't open any of them. They weren't locked just impossible to open. The lady then walked out of my grandparents bedroom and said that she let herself in, because we were taking to long. She pulled her hood off and revealed that she had solid red hair and black eyes. I don't know why but I instantly recognized her as a witch. she then said that none of us were ever going to leave. In the dream my family and I could rome the house freely and weren't constantly watched by the witch but we still couldn't leave. My sister after a while found a way outside, and told us we could all leave. We decided that if we all left together the witch (who called herself Scarlet) would surely know and that if we slowly left she would still notice that there were less and less people. So I came up with the idea that I would stay back and distract her while they all left, and while she was busy looking for them I would sneak out as well. It worked for the most part. My family got out and were all free. But as soon as they all got out Scarlet knew what happened and was furious. She then started torturing me for what seemed like forever. But the torture soon ended and she was going to kill me. I remember feeling releaved that I was going to die because that meant no more torture. But when she killed me I didn't wake up. I kept dreaming. I knew I was dead but was watching the rest of the dream from in the house. I knew where my family was and that she was going after them. But I still couldn't leave the house. I was stuck there watching her hunt down my family. I eventually woke up, but am still freaked out about this dream. Mainly because I've died in dreams before and always immediately woke up when I died. But this dream kept going even after death. It's also the only dream that I can remember having a witch in it. If anyone can give me insight to why I kept dreaming after my death in the dream I would greatly appreciate it.