• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between lateef523 and OpheliaBlue

    2 Visitor Messages

    1. Oh crap, how did I approve your visitor message, but forget to respond?! I'm so sorry lateef!!

      I have some recent experience with the vibrations, in combination with advice from some really great members/teachers here on DV. If you're interested, just PM me back, or rejoin the class. Or both I'd hate to lose you before your next step toward lucid progression.

    2. Hey! Ophelia!! I haven't been on here in a while! Due to my summer classes -_- (pain). I was actually in one of your classes early in the summer! But I got too caught up with "real school" lol. I just wanted to say that I read your journals from time to time and I really enjoy them! I also notice that you experience a lot of Dields! I also lucid dream that way! But I have a problem . Most of the times I experience the vibrations I wake up! And sometimes it can go on for so long I just give up ...but there have been time where I have been successful. I just wanted some advice on how to control this issue from someone who has experience with fielding

      Sweet lucids
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2