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    My names Leeh, I'm 32, male and live in Thetford, Norfolk in the U.K!

    I'v been a dreamer all my life and have been lucky enough to have a couple of lucid dreams, but i want MORE!!
    Recently i have only been dreaming of falling in love each night and although some nights the dreams do continue on from the night before this is something im keen to learn about..
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    LD Number 5

    by leeh on 12-10-2016 at 12:08 PM
    so another Lucid Dream, number 5 now! I seem to be thats 3 iv had since joining this site and focusing on dream recall.
    In last nights dream i remember the moment i became consciouse, i was in the pitch black, complete darkness when i noticed that i was running down a street with no lighting at all, even though i was still consciouse of my physical body laying in bed in RL i suddenly felt a strange feeling of terror, i realised i was running from "Something" so i decided to turn around and check if i was at all running away from anything....i was confronted by a large dog that was running towards me very fast and very aggressively, the fear became so intense as the dog started to approach me that i screamed at myself to "Wake up, Wake up NOW!!", and i did instantly..

    Now i have been trying to rewmember not to move to much upon having a false awakening, as i read somewhere that it helps in being able to re-enter the dream, so i tried not to move and within a few seconds it felt like something had grabbed hold of both of my feet and was spinning me around my room in complete darkness (I can even remember being able to just feel the wall with my fingers as i was spun around).
    Within what felt like maybe 10 seconds i was dreaming again, although at that momnent i didn't realise it. I was laying on my bed in the darkness and i thought briefly that i was still awake, so i decided to do a quick reality check and stood up and opened the door to my room!
    I instantly realised at that moment, that i was dreaming as the space behind the door was nothing like i expected it to be....A female appeared who seemed to have been waiting for me, we started speaking and i realised my dream was starting to fade so i instantly tried finding my dream sign that i successfully used in the lucid dream i had, had previously (Looking at my reflection), but this time it didn't appear to work and i awoke once again!!

    After re-entering for the second time i started off right where id left of a few minutes before, but this time i was in darkness and couldn't find a light switch, after a few attempts i managed to create light my verbally demanding it whilst clapping my hands, it seemed that last night that was the key to staying lucid for longer, although my Dream Recall after that point is non existant.

    I feel like im still experimenting with differant techniques and hopefully the more i have them, the easier things will get.

    Lucid Dream Number 4 (Random)

    by leeh on 12-03-2016 at 02:19 PM
    OK so this is a dream from last night!!!

    I have noticed that since i have joined this website and have been actively thinking more and more about my dreams, i have already had 2/3 more lucid dreams wherea's before that, the last one i had was well over 2 years ago.
    Now in my last Lucid dream i can recall that i was ok in the knowing of becoming lucid....but as soon as i tried to control my dreram lucidly, i would awaken!?!!

    So last night i found myself waking up Lucid in my dream, and after a little practice i started to be Able to controll not only what i was doing but also my surroundings as well. Now it worked in quite a strange way, you see as i remember i did manage to find a "DreamSign" which was looking at my own reflection. I found that every time i looked at my reflection (In literally any reflective surface) i was able to re-affirm the dream and in doing this it made the dream more stable. If the lucidity started to weaken and the dream started to fade i would have to keep strenghening it by looking at my own reflection again. The reflection i was seeing was me entirely, i looked very normal as in waking life but for some reason this was my way of knowing i was in a dream which at the moment i'm still not entirely sure as of why!! (This is something i will check the next time and see if my "DreamSign" changes at all.)

    I can't really remember to much of the details of the dream as my voice recorder has broken and it is now 13:11 the next day, but i do remember being able to physically change my surroundings around me, and the people around me...for instance if i willed someone into my dream, there they were!!
    I remember towards the beggining of the dream when i was still trying to teach myself how to stabilise it, the dream itself was very grainy but the more i kept on the clearer and clearer it became to the point where i might almost say that it was clearer and sharper than real life itself.

    (I woke up easily 6/7 times during the night and found that by not moving after awakening i was able to go straight back into the same dream, lucidly each and every time.) That was something i remember reading helps in one of the lucid dreaming forums!

    My First lucid dream since roughly 2 years ago!!

    by leeh on 11-24-2016 at 03:16 PM
    so Last night the morning of 24th november 2016 i had my first lucid dream in a couple of years.
    Now before that id had a completely differant dream (That wasn't lucid) about being in some kind of what seemed to be a 3rd world country walking through a long up hill market place when i noticed that the people walking past me were wearing shackles and actually being taken away as slaves, there were so many of them that i took it upon myself to start freeing them from the chains (Theses people included white, black, native people, all walks of life) i was having to be sneaky about freeing them, obviously, but eventually id freed enough people so that we could start to over power the powers at be, or atleast the gang leaders who were chaining everyone up!!
    Now at some point a grenade was thrown and it landed at my feet virtually, and exploded causing me to then wake up...But i went straight back to sleep and this is when my lucid dream happened:

    ok..SO I WAS DREAMING, AND IN THIS DREAM I COULD REMEMBER THAT I WAS SINGING THIS SONG, now i can remember at the time "Thinking" wow this is a really great song, i was completely making it up, it doesn't exist other than in my dream, yet i was fluently singing it like i knew it off by heart.
    all of a suddon i woke up..(Or atleast i thouight i had), and i could hear the women in the room next to me (I live in shared accomadation) playing her music very loud, and it was very early so i SCREAAMED out to her at the top of my voice to turn it down at which point i WOKE UP!!!
    It hads actually been a dream within a dream or 2 levels deep if you know your stuff. Now i kept waking back up and literally falling straight back to sleep, and each time it happened i started to figure out that if i could here the song then something wasn't making sense and i must have been dreaming..now i think the fact that i kept waking up and falling back asleep helped me become lucid becous my mind was conscious almost as much as i was in dream state which may have allowed me to recoignise the fact that i was dreaming, thats my theory anyway.
    So the sound of singing became my "Dream Sign". Now the only problem i had was that i was fading in and out of dream state, and once id realised i was dreaming i was ok to hold onto the fact i was conscious for a short time, but anytime i tried to controll the dream or make something happen, it instantly sent me into a spin and i would wake up!! :-(
    So i will see what happens tonight and hopefully it's just a matter of practise and that sooner or later i will be able to not only induce LD but also take complete controll without waking myself in the process.
    i will update soon!

    same girlfriend!!

    by leeh on 11-16-2016 at 07:38 PM
    Sso iv started setting up my voice recorder bon my phone up before i go to sleep and after iv had a dream and i wake up, i grab the phone and leave a voice recording of my dream iv just wopken uip from At 4:21 am!

    So last night was a continuation from the night previous...the same blond female called "Hannah" (Who is my dream life girlfriend) We were at some kind of party together in somekind of high storey/multi storey building, possibly a nightclub and i was trying to find "Hannah", for some reason my mum and my dad arrived in my dream and we were buying tickets out of a machine like chinease crackers and when we opened them we had a chance of winning free drinks and money inside of them. I had a winning ticket and it blew out of my hand and flew down this vent/tube. It turns out that these tubes are called "Travelling tubes" and you dive into them and are taken to differant levels in the building, a bit like a lift, except you fly bottom first or head first down the tube.
    So i was head first down the tube to try and grab my falling ticket, I'v seen these tubes before its not the first time iv seen them in my dreams, iv had several dreams a few weeks ago with these travelling tubes in.

    My friends were in the dream tonight, Kirsty,Jess,Ron,azza.
    This is about as much as i can remember, but i DO remember an intense feeling of love whilst trying to find "Hannah"...I did fall back asleep and the dream DID continue but unfortunetly i totally forgot to record the second part! x

    In Love.... AGAIN

    by leeh on 11-15-2016 at 08:55 PM
    So once again another night last night were i dreamt of being in love. It's late on in the day now so its become quite sketchy what i can remember.

    I Remember being in love with this girl (I think her name was hannah..??) she had short bobbed blonde hair, around 5,10 in hieght and beautifull. She was wearing a white dress. Id seen her the night before and was frantically trying to find her number on my phone but for some reason i either couldn't find it in my contacts, and her txt messages had vanished from my phone, i was starting to panic as another guy (who happens to be someone i knew years ago called "Mark") was trying to lure her away for sex. I ended up finding her at a gathering somewhere, (not sure on location), everyone was drinking, and i think "Mark" spiked my drink and i began to fade out, whilst watching him trying to seduce her away!
    I woke up in the back of my car, it was still dark, and had this intense sense of panic......I rushed to find her and somehow appeared in her house possibly in her bedroom......she was asleep...she looked like an angel, then i noticed down one side of the sheet that she was in bed naked, i instantly new in my heart what had happened and upon waking her up found out that he'd been very nice to her and they'd slept together.

    It was then the next day and we were together at the same gathering as the night previous night, this time my brother, ex girlfriend and couple of my mates were there as well, "Hannah" was sitting on my lap and i turned to her and said "I think i love you", she looked at me smiled and said in a friendly,playfull way "nobody THINKS at me", then kissed me, just then a couple of "marks" mates walked in creating an akward atmosphere. I remember a feeling of panic seeing them come in staring at her, and before i could move, in walks "Mark"....
    I remember the feeling of complete overwhelming sense of rage and as quickly as i could i lifted "Hannah" from my lap and flew at "Mark", as i threw the first punch i awoke punching and lashing out in my bed, tears running down my face!!

    These dreams of love i have most evenings...sometimes they can continue for days but each time i always remember such a strong sense of love like iv never experienced in real life before!! I don't think it's possible to really feel that strongly in real life...which i find very sad and sometimes i'm depressed for days afterwards!
    non-lucid , memorable