• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between Linkzelda and Mindraker

    10 Visitor Messages

    1. I just haven't been interested in dream recall lately. Mostly just concerned about life than the spontaneity of my dreams. I guess when there's a period where I can take a decent break, I might get back into recalling often. And thanks!
    2. Shame you're not recalling your dreams as much. I still jot my dreams down when I wake up to go to the bathroom, even when life is busy. Hope college is going well for you.
    3. Interesting...I might try that! I have some visualization problems as well. Thanks!
    4. I've had difficulty envisioning specific objects at will before I fall asleep. But I had some better success last night when I got all my senses involved. For example; I wasn't getting an image of a "hammer" in my head at all just by envisioning it.

      However, I started asking myself:
      1) What would the cold metal of the hammer feel like when I touch it against my face?
      2) What would the hammer sound like when I struck it against an object?
      3) What does the hammer look like?
      4) What does the handle feel like when I hold it in my hands?
      5) Does the hammer smell like anything when I rub it against my nose?
      5) What would the texture of the metal feel like when I rub it against my tongue -- and that was interesting.

      When I had specific sense-based questions to ask my brain, I had a much clearer image than just "I am thinking of a hammer."
    5. Lol'd irl.

      Hahahahahahaha, I sure hope not
    6. > $175 Phone Bill

      Sure you're not sexting all those girls from your dreams?
    7. Thank you so much!
    8. Happy Birthday!
    9. Sorry about that, I couldn't resist the cat's expression. xD
    10. Argh! You changed your avatar! Now I'm all confused! I even had a dream about your old avatar.
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10