• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between Loaf and zebrah

    3 Visitor Messages

    1. People come to dreamviews for lucid dreaming but they end up staying for the community. Dreamviews is a forum where you can post about problems in your life, why else would we have a help forum. Even if you have a problem with people posting about problems in their lives you don't need to go and be a dick in their thread.

      What's wrong with me putting "former dream guide leader" as my usertitle? If i'm posting on topic it helps noobs know that I know what I'm talking about. There's nothing wrong with having a usertitle like that. You're probably just jealous that you never made it far on staff.
    2. Go to hell loaf. You made a fucking horrible post in a thread made by a guy who is really upset. People on the internet are still real people. Next time they should ban your punk ass.
    3. "The existing staff are now oafs"

      That is a little outrageous... Sure you can have your opinions but I wouldn't call them all oafs.

      And did you have any thing damaged that earthquake?
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3