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    Alien Encounters, False Awakening and general LC experience

    by lochdrez on 09-11-2012 at 09:27 AM
    So this is my first post to my Dream Journal.

    I have many dreams each night, all of which I remember. Sometimes its LC, but haven’t quite gotten to the point of developing skills for exploring it. But each dream always leaves quite an impression on me.

    Last day I went to bed around 11, after taking some ZMA. This drug helps me restore muscle tissue better after intense workout which I did yesterday, also its known for causing vivid dreams. Also had a tool for android that register REM state through motion, and is making me aware during sleep.

    Found myself drifting in and out through different states of dream places during the first 1-2 hours during night. Like almost awake and yet deeply emerged into the dream plane. During this time I had all sorts of dream scenes that I experienced such as; Dystopia society – dark and batman like with akira (comic book) sense to it. Fighting monsters and saving my family. Another dream im an aviator having insane air battles in a small room, became aware here for a short time and tried to control the environment. During these different dream scenes I would awake between each, but not in my bed, but simply awake someplace in another dream - where I would also lay someplace and listening to some music.. Notices that the playlist had small soundtracks to it.. Noticed some named aviation thing, another an apple (inventor) thing... Saw different ones, but kept falling in.. Didn’t quite remember all of the smaller dreams.

    There was a dream theme throughout the dreams though, the characters that were present to me, was part of my family and known people in different senses.. But they all seemed different - strange and kind of creepy. Kept having doubts and sort of got aware of my dream state through that notion.. But dreams just kept on going.. I then had a huge gap of forgotten dream, until a point were I am in my apartment with 8-10 family members. They all seemed strange and at that time I started to become more and more aware that I was dreaming, kept shouting at em' that I wanted the truth of who they were and that I was aware of them as being a dream character.

    Then suddenly the dream took quite a dramatic turn. The people gathered in a small group and said to each other that they had to take action or something similar. And the next thing that happens, they disappear and I hear the ground shaking. I run out to my porch and look out over the water to the other side of the lake. And saw a HUGE spaceship, more intense and unimaginable that ive ever seen in a movie, take off. leaving the other side of the city filled with smoke and debris. The water started rising and soon found the yard and roads filled with 2 meters of water.. Rescue teams were sent for us, and first of I refused to leave my animals and started to pack.
    Called my family which were in another part of the country, asking what is going on. I remember at that time that I took a picture of the spaceship, and send the picture to them. From this point on, I packed more.. neighbors came and we finally left my apartment, while the sky and surrounding were filled with water and a scary visual impressions..

    Then the alarm clock woke me up.. Took me quite some time to realize what had just happened.. still kinda confused right now.