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    About Luciddude420
    I have wanted to join this site as soon as I came across it. I have been a natural lucid dreamer since the age of 15 or 16. I have always had numerous sleeping problems and experiences as I turned 13. I would have normal sleep paralysis, no demons on my chest or any of that crap, then it would lead to visual and auditory hallucinations. I had a lot of bad experiences when this would happen because it would freak the shit out of me. Then one day I had the most amazing experience. I have lucid dreams almost normally now. I have become very good at it. I can easily create my environment and experiment with whatever I want. I still am not able to have a long LD though. I have just recently started to try and stabilize my lucid dreams. I will try and recall as many of my amazing experiences as I can before I made this account.
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    LD stabilization problems

    by Luciddude420 on 01-23-2013 at 10:30 AM
    I had some more LDs last night. I have a huge problem with stabilization. Please any professional lucid dreamers with good stabilization techniques leave some comments on it if you are interested in helping me out. I tried rubbing my hands together in every single one of these and it is not working for me. It might help for a second but I eventually just wake up not long after.

    I start out lucid in this parking lot in front of a store which had a name with Blood something on it in glowing red letters, which I notice my brain is testing me in each lucid dream to make something bad happen. I don't think much of it at all and I walk out onto a sidewalk. I look down the street and see a few buildings and the street lights are on which it is night time. I walk over the road and walk into a yard and see houses along a street. I notice some of the ground in front of me starts to become darker and I rub my hands together. It doesn't really help so I just sit on the ground and try to focus more, I close my eyes and try to change where I am but I wake up.

    I go into another LD and I don't realize it at first. I am sitting at a table in a school or something like it. Then as I am sitting there it comes to me, oh ya i'm doing LDs right now and I get up and start walking. I walk past this kid who fucked with me a bit in high school, he didn't bother me much IRL but he would piss me off sometimes. I saw him and recognized him. I knew my brain was testing me and tried not to think about him but he did turn and look at me because I felt uneasy around his DC. I ignored him though and came up on one of my friends IRL. I asked his DC if he knew any stabilization techniques, which I surprisingly wasn't having much problem with at the moment. I don't talk to my DCs much. I couldn't believe what this fucker did. I asked him and he showed me a hand gesture of straightening the fingers together and tapping the tips of the middle fingers against each other. I tried it and he watched me with a grin on his face. He slapped me in my face and started laughing hysterically. I just stared at him and said you're fucking around with me aren't you. He shook his head continuing his laughter. I was laughing a bit as I couldn't believe my brain was fucking with me. I woke up at some point after that. What the hell was that about.

    I do another LD and I get up from my bed. I walk out of my room and see my brother on the computer as always. I start to walk for the door to adventure out side but I wanted to try and stabilize first because I knew I would wake up if I didn't. I sat down in front of the door and relaxed a bit. Miles then asked me what I was doing. Thinking about it now it was kinda stupid what I said. I asked him, "Can you see me" thinking that because it seemed pretty real as he is always sitting at his spot on his computer, which is what he is doing now as I am writing this. Everything was just like real life except I knew I was dreaming. He said yes and I was kind of amazed. I then woke up not long after, because his DC distracted me. I had a FA about me telling him about that exact LD and he thought it was pretty cool. I then woke up IRL.

    Updated 01-23-2013 at 09:33 PM by Luciddude420

    lucid , false awakening

    A few interesting dreams

    by Luciddude420 on 01-23-2013 at 09:50 AM
    I was laying in bed and I felt a big problem with my stomach. It was bulging out like something was stuffed in there. It looked horrible and felt it as well. I was freaking my shit, as it felt it was going to burst at any time. I was walking around and a Monster energy drink can popped out through my stomach. I told mom we needed to go to the hospital asap. I actually remember thinking about me drinking from the can but I wondered how it ended up getting into my stomach, didn't make sense at the time even in the dream. I don't remember much after that.

    I was at my grandmas house playing some game with my friend Levi and my cousin Madison. It would switch from me being in the game to us playing it in the living room. I remember being my character in the snow and we would wait for a monster to pop up from a hill. I seemed to know what was going on because I would warn them when something was going to happen. There would be a huge monster come out at the end and we would have to face it. It switches to the living room and we would restart the game and I picked a different character. We started out on a jet ski and I had a stick as a weapon, I jumped on the one with my cousin but I fell off and was stuck in the water, she came back around to save me. My dad walked in at this point and watched. I saw a big mess next to the door next to me. It had a thick yellow goo over everything which was apparently piss from some animals that were in the house. My dad was pissed when we sat there while our grandma cleaned it up saying we should have.

    I had this weird ass dream of being on netflix on the computer in my room. I was trying to get out of this movie scene selection in which all the scenes showed creepy images of women's faces as they were crying with a horrid look on their face. I accidentally clicked on one scene because there were no other options to exit and It started showing these images. They looked like weeping Native American women with very horrid looks on their face. I woke up in my dark room which was creepy after that.

    I am on a trolley thing at a zoo like place with some other tourist people. We start off into a jungle like exhibit going pretty damn fast. I see a small child fall off on the tracks and everyone starts trying to get the woman to stop who looks like she doesn't know what the fuck to do. We go around the jungle part and we eventually stop and I immediately jump off and run for the hurt child. There are a couple kids sitting next to him looking to see if he is alright. I see he is quite bloody on the face and around the mouth lying motionless. I turn around to yell at the other adults to call 911. I see a stupid adult walk over with a grin on his face thinking it is a little kid injury, not taking it seriously. He sees the kid and instantly changes saying he looks bad.

    I had plenty more dreams last night because I slept from morning until 1 in the morning. I was too tired to care about writing them down and went back to sleep every time I woke up. This is what I remember.

    SP problem

    by Luciddude420 on 01-23-2013 at 09:18 AM
    Ya I had a incident with SP last night and it wasn't anything bad really. I am a lot more calm now I understand that people only make their SP worse by thinking bad thoughts about it. I was in SP last night and I was looking at how my hand looks when you lift it out of your physical body which I've never actually observed. It then came to me I remember reading about rolling over and having an OBE. I tried this out, I couldn't move my body no matter how hard I tried. I now realize it is probably when you lay on your side. It is extremely difficult to do it on your back because I wasn't going anywhere. I can easily make my hands come out, but my body is a completely different story. I might try to work my head out first next time and move on from there.

    Finally become lucid

    by Luciddude420 on 01-19-2013 at 03:07 PM
    I think maybe this is the second time becoming lucid since I made this account, could actually be the first . I normally have a lot of lucid dreams but it just didn't happen until the morning of yesterday. I am walking in a desert and am half lucid until I spot this hidden path. I think I want to explore this way then I notice I can control myself and become fully aware of my lucidity. I start off down this path with rocks assorted out like a small pathway. There is miles of nothing just desert around me, with some huge rocks in the distance. I see this path lead to a way to climb up a mountain in front of me, and there is a waterfall coming down it as well along the way. I can't wait to start off my journey and I wake up shortly after. I am still sleepy so I close my eyes to go into another scenario. I do the HI thing and an image of a corner of a room and a ceiling shows up with the wallpaper peeling off the wall. I am fully focused and go into it and am on a couch now looking up at that exact spot I was picturing. I sit up and notice the room I am in is almost too small for a normal human being, having to duck my head a bit. I try rubbing my hands together to bring some clarity which sort of works at first. I think it is good enough and get up off the couch. I look down in front of me and see a small brown dog lying there. I lose focus and it goes black. I go back into another one and am in a battle zone. It starts off like an online war game would and we all disperse at the same time to go out into battle. I fly up onto a house with a woman lying on her side. A small inappropriate scene happens and I wake up. I try to go into another one which almost works. I see the image of where I want to go which is out in the woods with a huge electricity tower thing in the background. I am planning a nature walk but I don't have enough focus to go into it and lose it pretty quickly.

    I then go out of LD mode and go into some normal dreams.
    I wake up in living room and see mom with someone else's baby in her hands so I go back to my room. Mom meets me back there asking me what type of pizza I want showing me this piece of pizza with the texture of what looks like a carpet design. I wake up IRL wondering if I actually came back to my room realizing that I slept in my bed like normal. I try to go back to sleep and have some weird hallucinations. I see them almost as if I didn't even fall asleep, directly upon closing my eyes. I see a kid get up in my face in one next to my bed. Wake then see a hand feel my forehead. I see another one of a person next to me checking my health like a doctor all only for a very short amount of time as they disappear seconds upon seeing them. I think they are the visual hallucinations you get from sleep paralysis even though I didn't go into SP as I seemed aware and awake when they happened. Then I fell asleep for realz. I was in my room and Levi had his bong. I told him not to smoke it with my door being wide open and it being daytime. He persists saying we won't get caught, which was totally fucking stupid to me. He hits it anyway and I'm pissed. I hide in my bathroom hiding all my shit expecting to be in serious trouble anytime now. It switches to me being in bed and there is a bag of weed laying on the bed next to me. Mom walks in and I do a horrible job at trying to keep it from site with my dream journal which I also keep on bed.

    Dream skip

    I am with Levi at my house and we are by ourselves when suddenly we hear a Razor motor vehicle thing driving outside. There are three guys on it. There start running into the side of the house purposely trying ti fuck it up. We go out back and then they are in the house and they have guns. We go to grab Levi's guns and I grab a chainsaw. There are two booths with security officers in them out of nowhere and they are calling police. The police take away my chainsaw. I wake up at some point.

    I somehow achieve lucidity again and am in my house. I walk up to the refrigerator and look at one of the pictures on there. It shows a woman with a weird look on her face and I take it off the refrigerator door. I see both of my brothers as DCs. I show them the picture and they think it is weird to. Wake up.

    I keep on waking up at Levi's house, I literally believe I am staying there for the day as I spent the whole day there, until we went to bed in the dream. We are wanting to make something to eat. I had this box of shrimp that I brought over and I see there is only seven left. We are bummed out, I say we can mix it in with something else. Then all of the sudden we look in box and there are shrimp in all four corners, one on both sides directly from each other in the middle, and one sitting directly in the middle of all the shrimp making another seven pieces. We are then psyched and then split the shrimp. I remember dropping one on the floor and I tried to hurry and pick it up. Those are all the details from it. Other than that I am glad I finally experienced some lucidity once again.
    lucid , non-lucid

    Some weird/sad dream scenarios

    by Luciddude420 on 01-19-2013 at 02:16 PM
    We are out in front yard of our house. It is night time and we have a fire lit. My friends and I are planning to take our lives (which is weird because I don't think suicide is right). We kill my dog Bullseye and I see his body lying next to the fire. I am greatly saddened and at some point realize we don't need to do this. I look over and see my dog get back up barely alive and I am calling out to him still crying but happy. Wake up not liking that dream.

    I am playing some sort of Dragonball Z like game with guns in it at my grandma's house. I am raping at it.

    I am at school again and am with my friend, Levi. We teach this kid a lesson, who fucked with a family member of ours. We end up becoming friends with the kid so he doesn't decide to go on a killing spree or something. We are sneaking out the back of the school a little bit before the end of the day. We walk outside and it is night time. There are fireworks going off in the sky and we are celebrating the end of school I think.

    I am sleeping over at my friends house (not the same IRL). I am on the couch and he is on the floor. We get up and at some point given a lot of money for some reason. We go to my grandma's house. That's all I remember from yesterday's dreams.
    non-lucid , nightmare