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    Do lucid dreams make you want to go to sleep?

    by lucidlily on 04-18-2011 at 03:55 AM
    It's weird, if you read my other dream journals you'd know that all my lucid dreams are like part of a series. I choose what I want to dream about since i have lucid dreams every night. The only way I can really fall asleep is if i have an interesting topic. Since my brain never shuts down and i am conscious throughout the night I have to be interested in what I am dreaming about to fall asleep or else it is like reading a really boring book. That's is where my love for sleep comes. It's like, since all my dreams are so interesting and I can manipulate them to what I like and what my interests are, i become sort of obsessed with finding time to sleep. I can sleep for up to 20 out of 24 hours because i have full control over my own conscious mind. I go home, i sleep. time for dinner, i eat do my hw and sleep. All that sleeping so what? I can escape from the real world? That's what I am trying to figure out. Since my "world" is almost like a utopia with everything my mind and myself want in it I like it more then being awake. Often times I can manifest dialogue in my head when I'm awake, though no images. It's almost like daydreaming. It can affect my life and my motivation to do anything. Is it like that with anyone else who has lucid dreams on a regular basis??

    It's weird, my LD's dont seem to be like everyone elses.....

    by lucidlily on 03-29-2011 at 09:42 PM
    So, I've been looking around for other people who have consistent LD's every night and i found a couple But, it's weird because I was reading their dream journal and a lot of other peoples dream journals and a lot of their dreams are from movie scenes. Now for me, that never happened unless I memorized a movie scene and wanted to think about it while i was sleeping and then watch it in my mind..which is pretty weird. In fact, i usually make up my own dreams into a series. I dunno, I was just wondering if it was me or if people were lying.....

    How i came to find out that i had lucid dreams

    by lucidlily on 03-28-2011 at 03:05 AM
    I didnt always know that I had wild lucid dreams. In fact, when I found out i had all four symptoms and that it was a rarity to have all the symptoms and that people have been trying to have wild dreams for years, it was a complete shocker. For me, that was always normal. I went to bed and entered my own little world...literally. I'm not sure if this is ever discussed, but i have created an entire elaborate world where every night is like an episode in a tv show. I can control the entire world. I have been having this same "genre" of a dream for the last oh like 3 years. I got bored with the other world I had created before that.....
    I can not go into the entire world of my dreams, because that would be like opening and entire personal side of me. But here's what i can say. When I go to bed, I'm still me. My brain is still wide awake. There is no difference. I have often referred to myself as a light sleeper because I am still aware of what is happening around me even when I'm asleep. As I get border with my dreams, I have to make them more interesting. The more interesting I create my dream, the quicker I fall asleep. If I'm bored, I have to sit there and think (while dreaming) of a plot for the next 8 hours of sleep I'm going to get.
    I found out i had lucid dreams when I asked my friend what she dreamed about every night It took us an hour to sort out the difference between her dreams and mine. I gotta admit, I felt special. The only thing is, my dreams are a utopia. I get distracted because I want so badly to escape to my dreams sometimes and get out of the real world. I can skip homework to go to sleep. Its pretty distracting.
    So I guess in the end, I wouldn't know how to help you have wild things. I think it has to be natural. But if you want to ask me about my dreams or "worlds" or specific questions you have about wild dreams, email me at [email protected]. Ill answer to the best of my ability.

    How i came to find out that i had lucid dreams

    by lucidlily on 03-28-2011 at 02:51 AM
    I didnt always know that I had wild lucid dreams. In fact, when I found out i had all four symptoms and that it was a rarity to have all the symptoms and that people have been trying to have wild dreams for years, it was a complete shocker. For me, that was always normal. I went to bed and entered my own little world...literally. I'm not sure if this is ever discussed, but i have created an entire elaborate world where every night is like an episode in a tv show. I can control the entire world.