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      It's been slow, i sort of stopped but just watched inception and was like god i need to start up again. So Im gonna try more on my trip to mexico. I leave sunday for 2 weeks
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      Hey man! Hows the recall going? Figured that thread was just us so take it to PM or something.
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    About LucidSleeperCel

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    Texas, United States
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    While researching lucidity


    "If we wonder often, the gift of knowledge will come." - Arapaho

    "When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced.
    Live your life so that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice."
    - Cherokee

    "Everyone who is successful must have dreamed of something." - Maricopa


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    07-30-2010 06:35 PM
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      LucidSleeperCel liked post by WanderingMind On thread : Help Falling Asleep
      I've had some success with isochronic tones, especially if you don't want to use supplements. iso-tones.com has a tone titled "Sleep" and "Deep Meditation." Those two have really helped to knock...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    View LucidSleeperCel's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Shared Lucid and First Creature Summon

    by LucidSleeperCel on 08-31-2010 at 12:23 AM
    I'm in a car with my girlfriend, she's driving and we're going to her mom's house. We get there and tell her about the new bunny we just bought named Cuni (pronounced "koo-nee" short for Cuniculus, which is Latin for rabbit) We leave and she's driving again, then I look over and ask: "Is this Roanoak?" she replies yes. I look out the window and notice we're not on the ground anymore and the ground that is visible is waving around like ocean tides, I become lucid. I look over at my girlfriend and tell her: "Babe! This is a dream! We're dreaming right now! This is a shared lucid dream, come on! Become lucid!" She accepts this and I excitedly jump out of the car (holding my girlfriend by the hand, taking her with me). Falling down I notice we have too much speed and I sprout giant white angelic wings, seeing this my girlfriend also grows wings; we then softly come closer to the ground.

    We land on top of a building, in the middle of a dense city filled with giant sky scrapers (like New York City on steroids haha). Since i had the angle wings already I felt that I should have some armor to match, so I look up conceive what it looks like and affirm that I'm wearing it and then look down; wallah! I'm wearing armor similar to that of the Spartans in 300, but instead of the bronze armor it's a deep brown with golden trim; and instead of the red cloth underneath it's tattered, battle-worn black clothe. Since I have all that going on I felt as though I should have a minion of some sort, so I place my hands in front of me with my fingers spread outwards as much as possible. Staring intensely at the ground in front of me, a ring of fire appears in the sand (as there was a large patch of sand in the corner of the rooftop); it started as a single flame from what you might see from a lighter, then it grew on an invisible line forming a perfect circle. I raised my hands towards the sky and the flames followed in suit, what was once a ring of fire was now a column of fire. I put my hands back down and the flames again, followed in suit. Then in the same place where the giant flame column stood, there was a demon with black armor, red skin with great red wings, giant curling horns, cracked hooves, rows upon rows of snarling and drooling teeth, and terribly angry green eyes. It looked at my girlfriend who then proceeded to scream, then it looked back at me and roared; in one fluid movement I leaped in the air towards the demon and with both feet drop kicked him in the face, breaking some of his teeth as well as his nose. Knocked to the ground and beneath my feet the demon was in a daze, I put one foot on either side of his neck and violently twisted, this snapped his neck and killed him.

    I reached out and grabbed a sword and shield (after summoning that insanely awesome demon, conjuring up some weapons came very easy haha) and raised the sword into the air; then from around the corner of one of the buildings flew a majestic Pegasus, it landed in front of me. I hopped on and pulled my girlfriend up, who had summoned a spear and was also wearing similar armor (apparently if she sees me do something, she knows it's possible and is then able to do it as well). Zooming around through this never ending city, this eternal forest of skyscrapers there were fearsome monsters everywhere. I slashed the smaller ones with my sword and held the reins in my shield hand; but then we came across a gigantic cyclops with an enormous wooden club. This beast was just as tall as the buildings (and mind you, these buildings were so tall that I couldn't see their base) and he began swinging his club at us, trying to swat us out of the sky. I doge his attacks one after another, but after several attempts he finally grazes the back end of my winged horse; a mere glance but powerful enough to send us plumeting... i wake up a split second after we're hit.

    Unfortunately, my girlfriend only remembers the first paragraph (actually she doesn't even remember becoming lucid, so only the first half of the first paragraph). I keep telling her to work on her recall, and still she doesn't; oh well, her loss. But like the other shared lucid dream I had, this one was unintentional and just sort of happened. Does anybody else think it's strange that out of my three last lucid dreams, two were shared lucid dreams? Is it normal to have shared lucid dreams that often?
    lucid , memorable

    Shared Lucid Retyped

    by LucidSleeperCel on 08-30-2010 at 11:38 PM
    Ok so I actually already wrote this sometime ago, but this site deleted it (or maybe my comp, idk but something screwed up and I lost my entry before I could post it ) But I'm going to summarize, seeing as how I already wrote it in my paper journal I keep by my bed and I hate writing things twice haha (well... this will be the third time).

    Blue = Non-Lucid
    Red = Lucid

    I was in a dumpy looking trailer, with shag carpeting and it looked so dirty I swear I could see the smell of filth looming in the air. Then suddenly the door burst open, it was my friend Aaron who I haven't spoke to let alone seen in close to a year. Given my environment and this strange reunion, I became lucid. I walked over to him and placed my hand on his back, he seemed so distressed I couldn't just leave him there (DC or not). I tried to talk to him, but it didn't really work out; it was like there was some sort of sealant in my vocal cords. Watching my friend i noticed that he would look at something and concentrate on it as though he were trying to make it explode using only his mind; then he would switch his focus onto another object with the same intensity, changing his focus onto something else about every 3-5 seconds. Breathing heavily he said in a hoarse, angry voice: "Come on man! Lets go outside and start some shit!" Then he sprints through the open doorway into the night. I walk outside the trailer and see terrifyingly dark clouds, a sky that was so violent that the plumes of clouds would make it from one horizon to the opposite in less then a second or two. It made me want to run back inside so I could hide from these almost villainous clouds, but I walked out further into the night; the sky became angrier and angrier with every step I took, then I woke up.

    I fell back asleep and reaffirmed my REM cycle before I woke up too much
    In this second dream of the night i was in some sort of public pool/gym. I had much of my focus on the water slides and pools and enjoyed myself a great deal as I splashed down their slopes and ramps. Then I landed under one of those mushroom shaped water pumps you see at many public pools (normally in the kid section) this is where I saw my friend Aaron yet again. (Semi-lucid) He gave me this strange apparatus which he had just sucked on, I proceeded to do the same. I don't know if you've ever done drugs but this felt EXACTLY like waking-life drugs, it amazed me how I knew that I was breathing oxygen sitting in my bed yet I was still able to feel these effects as though I were breathing some sort of inhalant. We continued to suck on this smokeless drug until I woke up.

    So as I stated in the dream, I hadn't seen or even spoke with this friend in close to a year. After I had this dream though he contacted me, and asked me the first question he had asked me in over a year: "Did you have a lucid dream last night?" We then proceeded to exchange stories and were amazed how similar they were. The only difference was that he identified the public pool simply as a public gym, as in his dream experience most of his focus was on the weight machines; and mine was on the water slides. He asked if he had been acting "strange" in any part of the dream, because he told me that he has trouble controlling his emotions while lucid. Describing his typical behavior in lucid dreams matched perfectly with how he was acting in the trailer; being over-focused, yet still distracted.
    lucid , memorable

    First Fireball

    by LucidSleeperCel on 08-09-2010 at 09:38 PM
    After a long and strange dream (at one point a dog was insulting me calling me weak, so I grabbed it by the back of the neck and threw it out the window... those damn shit talking dogs), I began to lose my sense of sight and drift out of the dream world. That's when i said to myself: "Looks like I'm about to wake up, I'll just do a DEILD when I'm back in my bed." Then I paused for a bit, and thought: "Wait a second..." I became lucid at that point I started dream spinning, rubbing things around me, feeling the ground and any other method I could think of to help me cement my mind to my dream body; as I could actually feel my physical body lying in bed, so I was very close to waking up and reversing that process wasn't exactly easy. But it still worked and I gained my dream vision back, and began to observe my hands to further stabilize lucidity. Though my hands looked like holograms that were glitching out or something, words fail to describe how they looked... just strange (for those of you who've looked at your hands in a dream, you might now what I mean). I came to the conclusion that looking at my hands wasn't helping because they were just too unstable. I proceeded to practice some simple dream control, then I thought I'd try some simple magic to practice dream control a little bit more. So I looked at my right hand and concentrated on conjuring a fireball, a burst of flames consumed my hand and from the blaze a fireball shot out about six inches from my hand and sank back down to where it levitated about two inches from my hand. I tried to throw it, but when I tried to swing my arm everything slowed down like slow motion or something; the fireball left my hand and was going less then a mile per hour (similar to what you see projectiles do in The Matrix movies).

    Looking back I see that when times slows down, it could be a sign of waking up because after everything slowed down my alarm went off.

    Shared Lucid Dream

    by LucidSleeperCel on 08-07-2010 at 01:35 AM
    Ok so I typed up the dream report... but then this site f#$%ed up and deleted all i wrote... so if your interested then ask me because I'm not typing up that two dream length report again.

    ... dammit that pisses me off, and yes it was a shared lucid dream that I had with one of my friends who's currently not amember on this site.
    memorable , lucid

    Dark was the night - LUCID

    by LucidSleeperCel on 07-24-2010 at 04:46 AM
    I was at my house with my sister, we were photographers in this dream taking pictures of some client. After taking those pictures I told them: "I have something to do, I'll be back later." I left my house and began walking down the street, when I left I could tell that it was about two in the afternoon by the position of the sun. But when I turned the next corner the dream suddenly turned to night. This is when I realized I was in a dream.
    I looked at my hands to stabilize my lucidity, but it was very difficult to see any details on my hands because of the lighting in the dream. I'd say it was about midnight by how dark it was outside. I was able to make out my knuckles and a few of the veins that are on the back of my hands but that's about it. I decided to start off by taking it slow and just go for a walk. So I'm walking down the sidewalk and see there's an overgrown tree with branches bending onto the sidewalk. I decide to use some dream magic and blast the branches out of my way with a lightning bolt But when I try to shoot the lightning bolt my dream environment flickers, I perceived this as a destabilization of my dream so I decided I wouldn't be doing that again Walking under the branches I took a right at the next intersection, and looked at the street light on the end of the block. I told myself I was going to jump to that street light in a single bound (but what I really wanted to do was fly, though I wanted to take things slow), so with all my strength I leaped into the air. I started heading straight up, hundreds of feet into the air. This is when my dream faded out, I kept my cool and looked at my hands to stabilize it, but I couldn't see my hands all I saw was the black void. In a last ditch effort I began to dream spin while repeating to myself: "I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming..." This worked perfectly and I found myself back on the street where I had first taken flight. Walking along i decided to stroll through some backyards, I peered into the window of one of the houses I was walking past; inside I saw some cool paintings, so I went inside for a closer look. Looking at the paintings I heard somebody walk in through the front door, I quickly found a hiding spot. Then I thought to myself: "What am I doing? This is my dream, so this is my house." I come out of my hiding place, and the man is startled by me. He says that I'm a good hider and after that we talk about his paintings until I wake up.

    The reason I think flying and shooting that lightning bolt destabilized my dream was that I wasn't able to sufficiently stabilize my dream with hand observation (due to the poor lighting in my dream), so next time I'm going to focus more on stabilization by finding a light source so I can effectively cement the dream in place.