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    About Matutinalbliss

    Basic Information

    Date of Birth
    March 13
    About Matutinalbliss
    LD Count:
    I was born in Texas and moved to New York. I just graduated high school.
    Country Flag:
    New York
    Music, Games, Random Things
    Part-time DJ, Dishwasher, Student
    How you found us:
    I did a google search on the Ganzfeld experiment and it turns out that somebody had posted a small article pertaining to its hallucinogenic effects.


    Lucid Goals:
    Telekinesis [ ] Fly from here to Washington DC or NYC [ ] Epic Battle with something [ ]
    Race in the desert with vehicles nobody's ever seen [ ] Create beautiful music [ ] Visit Paradise [ ]


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    View Matutinalbliss's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Senior Ball Spoof/CPR/Flying on a Wolf's Back!

    by Matutinalbliss on 06-04-2011 at 08:04 PM
    The first dream was in like Tim Burton's rendition of Gotham City, but my mind told me it was New York.

    Our class decided to have our Senior Ball there. I recall standing on various street corners and watching my classmates walk by. They saw me and acknowledged me. I was comparatively under-dressed. I followed them into the building where the event was taking place. The inside looked like a bookstore.

    And the other people from my class were no longer in immediate view. For some reason, I was holding two dirty incense burners. I also had to explain them to Mrs. H who was apparently screening students at the door who were high or carrying drugs or anything like that. Together, we cleaned the burners off into a garbage can.

    My next dream took place in a Tops grocery store and I guess I was supposed to Test out for CPR in a lifelike situation or something.

    Inside, I met that new girl, Courtney. She was the one testing me, and she actually played the part of the dummy for scene-checking phase. For the rescue breaths, she brought out a very strange contraption that you put your mouth around and it's designed to make the process more difficult. I finished up with that and walked outside. I drove my truck across the street and felt like I was being followed so I circled this building in it's parking lot once to lose any creepers. I went back to the Tops parking lot and parked but then Mike pulled up before I could finish parking so I bumped into his truck ever so lightly.

    In my next dream, I was somewhere outside a neighboring town and I don't remember how it started, but I do remember flying up out of the woods near the west branch of the lake.

    It was nice because the shores were just forest and it seemed untainted by populace. But wait a second...I'M FLYING ON THE BACK OF A HUGE WHITE WOLF!

    It was so vivid. First time I've ever flown in a dream. I seemed to have some difficulty keeping the wolf aloft, however. As I looked at the water, I could see the rocks on the bottom. I think it was unusually shallow because my mind wanted it to be. I don't like deep water. I came down gently on the east shore and walked into the woods. My wolf then shrank to pocket size! I carried him. Then in the woods, I encountered another white wolf, this one with a pink spot on his back. He was vicious, so I desperately tried to make my wolf fly so that I could flee. We flew up and over this suburban neighborhood. There were red-brown houses with nice courtyards and enclosed patios. One family saw me and started to freak out. I landed next to my own family in this strange suburbia. I wanted to protect my wolf. The family that had freaked out showed up. They claimed that my wolf was their dog. Yah, bullcrap. I believe I woke up before anything bad could happen. But the whole flying experience was just amazing.

    New Journal

    by Matutinalbliss on 06-04-2011 at 07:03 PM
    Bought myself a nice new leather-bound journal a while back to write my dreams in. Here are the first few entries:

    1. (5/9/11) I remember taking a test and thinking that it didn't apply to me.

    2. (5/10/11) Had a New York City dream. On the bus somewhere, I was hearing this announcement over a PA system about tennis rackets. We stopped at a Walmart for food. I feel like it was morning so the stop was for breakfast. I remember Julie telling this story to the people who decided to stay on the bus when we stopped. She said that she and her family were all coming back from a trip when they were in Dundee. They all got sick outside of this gas station and as an apology, her dad bought the biggest mushroom the store had. It was slightly larger than a basketball. They took it home, cut it into people shapes and put the little mushroom people on their Christmas tree. Julie's story was the end of the dream.

    3. (5/11/11) I remember Eric getting on the microphone at DJ trivia and announcing something.

    4. (5/12/11) Two fragments:
    • Took place at a house in the country and I feel like it had something to do with senior ball, or what went afterwards.
    • Me in the car with my dream-mother talking about something hilarious. I know that this dream was video-game-based and it took place immediately before I woke up.

    5. (5/14/11) Dreamed I was in TWO three-day comas. both from car accidents. Wrecked the truck, then the Honda.
    non-lucid , dream fragment

    4/25-4/26 Rock Concert

    by Matutinalbliss on 05-17-2011 at 05:48 PM
    I believe the 25th was during spring break.

    First thing I remember is going to dinner with my mom. Not a lot of recall there, other than the fact that the place we ate was close to the place where the dream took me next. After dinner, I went to a huge rock concert with my two friends who were kind of like Bill and Ted looking for their big break. There was the ticket booth guy who was cool. I think he was the orange-haired fella who works at Cam's. His overseer was a bitch who seemed to be based on Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter. She's like the perfect antagonist for my Bill-and-Ted buddies. The concert was being given by some famous rock star with long blond hair. The concert hall was HUGE vertically, like the seat rows went up really fast like a Broadway theater, but even steeper and higher. I also brought my girlfriend to the concert and I remember us buying tickets. During the concert the curtain closest to the ceiling caught fire and an evacuation was called for. The band fled so Bill and Ted ran up on stage to take over, seeing as how there was now an empty stage and still a number of fans that could watch them make their debut. I joined them, helping some little Asian dude play drums with bass drum mallets. The fire concern is apparently gone, and people stay to watch. Bill and Ted become famous and the overseer bitch is defeated. Hooray!

    More Fragments

    by Matutinalbliss on 05-17-2011 at 05:29 PM
    I've had a fair number of dreams that I've written down but haven't posted. There will be a lot more posted in the near future.
    1. A vacation house in a cemetery with a canal flowing alongside it. Only one part of it is haunted, and that's the hot tub.

    2. Post-apocalyptic. Images of a barren landscape, partially destroyed, but more just battered. The land and the damage still pretty fresh. If I recall correctly, it was like waking up in 28 days later having missed the whole thing and trying to figure out what's going on and why the place was uninhabited. No imminent threats, just loneliness. I find one survivor and hang with her. Later, we find a whole bunch more and I remember packing my bags to go with them somewhere.

    3. I'm in a video game and I get to a boss level, I have to move a small fantasy-style army across a mapped out green landscape to these mountains. We get there and I beat the shit out of this midget-height boss (a goblin, I think) in SLOW MOTION. I remember grabbing him by the feet and swinging him head first into a ledge.
    side notes , dream fragment

    Random Notes

    by Matutinalbliss on 04-22-2011 at 05:40 AM
    These are notes that I wrote down on my dreams in the early morning and couldn't piece together again when I woke up.

    -At the beach house
    -horse instead of ella (my dog)
    -brewing tea on my leg
    -texting dad info he can't decipher
    -mike trying to impress 4 girls
    -seeing 3 girls cutting a huge hanging canvas for like a TV show

    I actually recall an image of the final one, where there was a white canvas hanging between some very large trees and there were grungy girls at the bottom slicing it into chunks with knives. There was a group of people to my left watching it go down and I think there was a camera rolling.
    dream fragment