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    Date of Birth
    November 4
    About MaybeItsADream
    My name is Ashley, I grew up in a small town in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. I love music, networking, surfing the web, computers, and being with friends. I like soccer and skateboarding. I'm also interested in Lucid Dreaming and I hope soon I will be able to do it, but I'm only just starting. I also love Manga and Anime.

    P.S. I prefer to be called by the name of Erin.
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    Skateboarding, Networking, Singing, drawing
    How you found us:
    I asked a question on Yahoo!Answers about Lucid Dreaming and someone suggested I visit your website.


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    Ugh, my dreams are weird.

    by MaybeItsADream on 06-23-2011 at 07:39 PM
    So, for a while now, I have been dreaming of falling in love.
    Beginning of dream: I am in MY house, but it's some one elses party. Guess who is hosting the party? The chubby kid from Super 8. So, I walk over to my room, and there is kids in it and they are dancing and doing this weird game. It's like a wimon says thing. Then this one guy I had been looking at says something funny and I laugh and suddenly everyone starts staring me. Then, this part is where I was like "wtf", he turns around and starts whispering to his friend and says "Who realize me and her have to make out now? It's destined." Yep. So I make a what the fuck face. Then the person hosting the party says they are going to move the party down to the basement. And I'm liek "okay." So I turn around and my really embarassing cousin is standing there. Go figure. She is giving me a basket and shoving chips and snacks in it to bring into the basement. Then she says something, but I don't remember what it was, and I say "yeah... okay..." and then I start to walk to the basement and through the basket to the side. When I get down there, the one guy I like isn't down there. And lets just say the whole rest of my dream consisted of me just sitting there on a couch in the basement with 3 guys down there barely speaking at all. Can't even get a guy in my dreams.

    Cliff + Ashley = NEVER.

    by MaybeItsADream on 06-23-2011 at 02:00 AM

    So... I don't remember my whole dream, all the correct details. Just... I remember standing in my house. Except it was much bigger. And... Cliff was there, and someone else. I don't know who the other person was. As usual they would taunt me and say mean things. Now, in reality, I hate Cliff with all of my heart. But in my dream... I was trying to get him to like me. I was trying to look attractive and walk sexy like. Maybe I do kind of like him. At the end of my dream, Cliff and the other person are about to walk out my back door of my house, when I start to walk slowly and suductivly away from them, into the other part of the house. They look back and give them a faint look over my shoulder where I can see them out of the corner of my eye and they are staring in awe. Then I wake up and I'm almost shaking.

    I admit... I like Cliff a little. Maybe I want to impress him. He pretty much doesn't like me at all. Last night... I talked to him on Facebook for the first time in months. Maybe that's why I dreamnt about him. He was saying he was sorry for everything and anything. I brushed him off and didn't believe a word he said because he always says "I'm sorry" and then goes back to being an asshole.