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    1. DawnEye11
      DawnEye11 liked blog post by Mewtwo On : Getting Close
      So, I am new here and I have decided to just post last nights dream here. (It has been a good 5ish days since I had a solid clear dream) I had drempt that my Grandpa Joe had asked to me get him...
      Liked On: 04-22-2014, 06:03 PM
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    View Mewtwo's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Vampires, Skeletons, and Pirates

    by Mewtwo on 09-01-2014 at 09:13 PM
    So last night I drempt that I was in a sunken submarine with my friend. I don't know how long we were down there but our oxygen tank was running low. We were loosing all hope and we were accepting death as we released our last bit of oxygen in the sub. Up above us from the glass domed roof we saw a light shine and a loud horn, it was another ship at the top of the ocean. I looked at her and said we could not survive the swim up but it was our only chance. We opened the hatch and started swimming. Against all odds we made it to the top and alerted the crew of our presence, they threw down a ladder and we boarded their ship to explain the details. After a couple hours of watching the water crashing against the boat I realized something. Those sailors weren't who they said they were. Those sailors were vampire pirates and were going to bite our necks at any given time. I rushed to get my friend and tell her what was going on.

    This is when I woke up, I wanted to try and go back because it was a nice detailed dream. I don't remember those too often.

    I went back to sleep and I was on an island with my friend, we had somehow escaped the vampire pirates and made it to an island already with a house and her parents for whatever reason. We needed food quick it has been a long time since we or her parents had eaten anything and I knew I had to do something. I took my friend and her dog and we ventured off to climb a mountain to get the food on top. The dog and I had no problem getting up about halfway but my friend was lagging behind quite a bit. She was unable to climb it and I could not lend her a hand. She said she was going to go back down and get her climbing gear to help her ascend the mountain and meet us at the top. The dog and I continued to climb and we were nearing the top before we decided to take a break and wait for my friend so we could get to the top together. After much longer than it should have been, we realized something must have went wrong. She was taking so much longer than she should have. We rushed down the mountain through the forest to get to the house as quick as we could. We opened the door to a crying friend and room of blood and dismembered body parts. The house had been attacked my bounty skeleton sent by the vampire pirates while we were away. We spent the rest of the week keeping watch for any sort of new help while she fished and I defended the house from rouge skeletons. For the rest of my dream we survived on fish and I piled up skeleton skulls for her to pulverize.
    non-lucid , memorable

    5th Lucid

    by Mewtwo on 07-21-2014 at 02:15 PM
    During a WBTB I found myself thinking "What can I find to prove that I am dreaming" and before I knew it I was. I found myself in a large palace type room with gold walls and waterfalls. I floated over to a waterfall and realized that the water was still and not flowing. Thinking about it for a while I remembered that I had a plan for my first lucid that lasted more than a couple seconds and I had attempted to go for it. I thought up a large portal in the middle of the room to take me back to my home and it looked like a rippling blue electric field that I had walked in. After going into it and arriving at what was supposed to be my home I had lost a lot of clarity. My vision was about as clear as my wake imagination where details just didn't exist. I soon lost control of the dream and remember nothing more.

    After months of trying it feels pretty good to have something last longer than a couple seconds. I'll be there soon.
    lucid , memorable

    Finnaly Lucid Again First DILD

    by Mewtwo on 05-20-2014 at 02:46 PM
    Sleep by 11:30pm
    Woke after dream at 3:50am

    So I went to bet quoting my mantra and I fell asleep. I had an alarm set for 4:00am to try FILD but I guess it was not needed tonight. In my dream I found myself at my dads house and me, my brother and my dad were watching a movie on the couch. I got up in the middle and went to the kitchen to get something to eat and when I opened the fridge I noticed something strange. There was no food in the fridge or cupboard. I knew this was off so my mind went to reality check mode and after the first test my finger went through my hand! My body was instantly filled with a rush of joy but I didn't want to wake myself up so I immediately lied on the floor and did all the stabilization methods I could think of. Sadly I don't remember much more of the dream after this. I know it continued because I have vague memorys of being in my bedroom watching Youtube videos on a bunk bed that should not have been there but I think I lost control.
    Will keep trying and good luck on yours.
    lucid , memorable

    Finally My First Lucid

    by Mewtwo on 04-29-2014 at 03:13 PM
    FILD Method
    Sleeping at about 11pm
    Woken up at 4am

    After drinking a large glass of tea and diet coke I went to sleep. I woke up at 4am to attempt the FILD method for the first time and to great results. If you still have not managed to go lucid I recommend this as it worked on my first time.
    I went to sleep tapping my fingers on my bed and the next thing I knew when my finger touched down it was transformed into a blue brush tool in Photoshop. I had placed a random blue dot off of the screen where it shouldn't be. The second this was placed I knew I was finally lucid. I went to grab for the pen tool in Photoshop and that's when I woke up.
    Great I actually got this, now I need to try this tapping method again.
    I went back to sleep attempting the same thing and I was transported to this dark grey room. There were large colored rectangles flying and bouncing off the walls. I decided I didn't want to move at all instead I just rubbed my hands together and watched the rectangles. I thought If I moved too soon I might move my real body and wake up so I continued to stand there. Blocks were flying through my body and I observed the hollow insides of them while they passed thinking about where I was. All of a sudden I had this urge to save my best friend who was being attacked by a zombie and I woke up.
    lucid , memorable

    Dreaming Of Sleep Paralysis

    by Mewtwo on 04-23-2014 at 03:08 PM
    So last night I went to sleep at around 11pm and set my alarm for 4:30am. I woke up, got a snack and reset my alarm to 6am and went back to bed. I had attempted to keep my mind active and let my body sleep with hopes of going into paralysis but something strange happened. My mind went to sleep and I drempt that I never did. In my dream I was lying on my bed with my computer on my chest turned onto Omegle.com. ( It's a peer to peer website that matches your webcam up with another randomly and you chat) Just as I drempt of entering paralysis my best friend came up on the screen with her friend and didn't notice it was me she was looking at. Her appearance was slightly different with a blue streak in her hair and I thought it was a little strange but I went with it. I tried breaking out and saying "Hi" but I couldn't talk and she skipped me.
    memorable , side notes